HAARP – the ultimate weapon. Before he was assassinated, JFK affirmed in a famous speech that “we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.” Years earlier former FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover had ...
With the dust settling, the fact remains that there is evidence of Paris attack foreknowledge. It’s always important to question everything. It appears that certain people and groups knew in advance that the Paris attack was going to ...
Love not fear is at the heart of any solution to overcoming the conspiracy of control or the NWO (New World Order) which has grown in the darkness around us. It may sound trite, it may ...
Be yourself – unreservedly. Be yourself – without fear, without worrying about the future, without being anxious about failure, without caring what other people think. This is part 2 of the series on The Way ...
Why are the elite poisoning the planet? It may be #1 question alternative researchers are trying to answer. Many people have grappled with this question, because ultimately what we are seeing in the world today ...
The 16th amendment was never actually ratified, as the research of Bill Benson shows, who went from State to State gathering evidence and ended up with irrefutable proof. As the DVD “16th Amendment Fraudulently Ratified” ...
Fictitious diseases are the invention of psychiatry, a so-called field of “science” which is now merged at the hip with Big Pharma, the cartel of giant chemical and drug companies who have a virtual monopoly ...
Vaccines reduce population growth, according to Bill Gates. He comes right out and says it. In the above video clip at the 0:28 mark, you can hear Gates say that “the benefits (of vaccines) are ...
The war on drugs is an absurdity that has gone on far too long. It’s time we learnt the truth and faced the facts about this so-called war. The term “war on drugs” become popular ...
The Monsanto Protection Act has just been passed by the traitors in the US Congress and is on its way to the Senate. This wording of Continuing Resolution HR 933 (dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act”) allows ...
Catholic Church pedophilia may well be the reason why the Pope resigned – and wants to sequester himself for the rest of his life in Vatican City (a sovereign state or country) where he has legal ...
Convert fear into awareness. In order to master dealing with the New World Order (NWO) conspiracy, you need to be able to convert fear into awareness, and become aware, not afraid. This is (the final) part ...
Federal income tax in the US (and in many other countries with a Rothschild-controlled Central Bank) only goes towards paying off the national debt. Outrageous as it may be, there is not a single cent ...
The cause of cancer, a disease becoming so widespread today in America and in many other parts of the world, could fairly be attributed to EMF pollution, or radiation, or GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), or pesticides ...
The Michael Jackson mind control phenomenon was perhaps exposed most clearly when, in the above video, Jackson claimed he was a “slave to the rhythm” during an interview on the Oprah show. Mysteriously enough, right after ...
Choose your vibration. Be proactive and decide to choose the attitude and emotion with which you greet every single person or situation in your Life. This is part 4 of The Way to Overcome the ...
Sandy Hook foreknowledge exists! Sandy Hook has all the hallmarks of a classic false flag operation – a staged terror event made to look as though it were it carried out by someone else (in this ...
Scientology abuse has become increasingly brought to light, as ex-scientology members and staff are coming forward and speaking out about the horrendous occurrences taking place inside. The Church of Scientology – or the Cult of ...
Psychiatric drugs and mass shootings are inextricably connected. The mainstream media, sponsored by Big Pharma, has tried hard to hide the connection, because once the truth becomes widely known, not only will the pharmaceutical industry ...
An autism cure – especially a natural autism cure – is increasingly sought after as the autism rate in the US and across the world continues to climb. While the exact causes of autism are still ...
Solutions are what are most needed right now, as another solar cycle comes to an end on Winter Solstice 2014. There are many people doing great work exposing the global conspiracy, shining the light on the “Matrix” and digging up ...
Do Reptilians exist? There are many in the alternative research community and truth movement who, even though they are open minded in many areas, still cannot accept the idea that an extraterrestrial reptilian species really ...
The recent Sony hack is one of the greatest publicity stunts ever. Not only did Sony manage to get the MSM (Mainstream Media) talking about it, but also they got the US President and leaders from ...
Who is Jeb Bush? The elite establishment who control the MSM (Mainstream Media) are ensuring through their biased media coverage that US 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush becomes the frontrunning candidate for the Republican Party. As ...
The Wolfowitz Doctrine, a document authored by Zionist neo-con Paul Wolfowitz, is the key to understanding the United States’ geopolitical policy and behavior. The Wolfowitz Doctrine is the unofficial name given to the early version of the Defense Strategy ...