Direct democracy is an empowering social and political solution that we need to seriously consider, in the face of a corrupt and broken system that churns out tyrants and maintains the status quo. It’s clear ...
ISIS recruits were exposed earlier this year, in a batch of leaked ISIS documents in March 2016, as people who have so little knowledge about Islam that some of them ordered “Koran for Dummies” and “Islam for Dummies”. ...
Who is the real Hillary Clinton? When you listen to the people who have researched Hillary in depth (such as Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash), the people who have worked with her (such as ...
The Independent Media in general has done a great job of counterbalancing the corrupt and mendacious MSM (Mainstream Media). However, it’s disappointing to see how certain leading alternative media researchers, journalists and websites have gotten caught in ...
US-China tension in the last few months has sharply increased, with both nations exchanging some heated dialogue over the contested issue of the South China Sea. Although the prospect of the US and China actually ...
The recent Putin WW3 warning dished out by the Russian President to journalists at the end of the International Economic Forum at St. Petersburg was very telling – and urgent. For years, Vladimir Putin has been ...
ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be ...
Zika may not be the bad guy after all. Instead of a sensational and scary virus, there may be a more mundane yet far more dangerous cause of the recent cases of microcephaly in South ...
Foreign meddling in Syria has been going on for a very long time now. For over a century, Syria has had to fend off aggressive and colonialist world superpowers in order to retain its independence and ...
Billary Clinton – the rapist and coverup team of Bill and Hillary Clinton – is the monster that never seems to die. It is truly mind-boggling to consider that the pair of them are not ...
A Syrian ground war is being prepared for by at least 2 nations in the last few days. Yesterday, on Thursday Feb. 4th 2016, the Iranian news medium PressTV reported Russia as saying they had detected Turkey preparing ...
Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) is a stark reality for some children who are born into Illuminati bloodline families, or military families, or families with connections to mind control, or families with connections to the New World ...
To elect Hillary Clinton would be a foolish and dangerous mistake for America – not to mention the entire world. Hillary is currently in first place for the position of Democratic frontrunner. Those who know her ...
Zika virus is the latest health scare to dominate the headlines of the MSM (Mainstream Media). The WHO (World Health Organization) declared a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” 3 days ago on February 1st, 2016. They ...
The Republic of Australia? The phrase has a great ring to it – and it’s long overdue. The movement to create a Republic of Australia just got a boost recently. Almost all the premiers (7 out ...
The San Diego Medical Center shooting is reported to be a false alarm, in breaking news. This article will be updated as the story develops. Around 8am local time today, January 26th, 2016, police were called with ...
Was JFK murdered mostly because he was trying to gain access to classified information on UFOs, ETs and aliens? As we approach the 53rd anniversary of the JFK assassination (which occurred on November 22, 1963) ...
Permanent war in Syria continues, and with recent news, looks like becoming even more entrenched. Recently Russian Prime Minister Medvedev warned that “All sides must be compelled to sit at the negotiating table, instead of ...
Animal communicators are people who can fully communicate with an animal just as they would with a normal human person. The communication is telepathic and 2-way; the animal communicators can both “speak” (by sending thought ...
A false flag formula is becoming readily apparent in the face of so many mass shootings and bombings in the US. The phenomenon has become so commonplace in the last 3 years that it’s becoming more American than apple ...
Donald Trump has been at the top of the ratings in the race to become the Republican candidate for US President. It has been fascinating to watch Trump’s incredibly unconventional campaign and how, despite putting his foot in ...
The Fukushima coverup still continues to be a problem of massive proportions for the Japanese. It was exactly 5 years ago on March 11th, 2011, that Fukushima, Japan, suffered a massive nuclear catastrophe. Today on The Freedom ...
The propaganda of Islamophobia and the agenda of painting all Muslims as crazy and evil is in full swing. In the face of the latest mass shooting in San Bernardino, California (another blatant false flag attack) ...
Vladimir Putin in particular, and Russia in general, have been the focus of an intensive high-drama propaganda campaign of late. Are you buying it? For the time being, Russophobia has replaced Islamophobia as the driving force behind ...
Censorship is still a big issue around the world. Censorship remains at high levels in many countries, despite the fact that we tend to think we live in a world without that much of it (at least ...
Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control. Period. The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social engineers such as the New ...