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List of Banned and Censored YouTube Channels – Various Themes Emerge

Censorship Conspiracy

List of Banned and Censored YouTube Channels – Various Themes Emerge

Published 7 years ago on
censored YouTube channels

This list of banned and censored YouTube channels shows exactly what the Establishment doesn’t want you to be investigating, exploring, discussing and thinking about.

The list of banned and censored YouTube channels

is rapidly increasing, as Google-owned YouTube has been carrying out a censorship blitz to strike many long-standing, hugely popular channels from its platform. Alphabet-Google-YouTube is a giant corporation, and corporations are run for one purpose (profit), so from one perspective, this censorship spree seems self-defeating, since they are deleting many popular channels. Some of these had huge followings of between 100,000 and 500,000 (or more), which may cost YouTube money in the short term. However, to understand this censorship purge you need to understand that the Hidden Hand or the dark force which controls the New World Order also controls Alphabet-Google-Youtube, and is clearly using its reach and power to suppress alternative thought.

YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter: Publicly-Funded “Private” Corporations

At first glance, it may seem fair that social media giants like YouTube get to censor people, because they are private companies not public/government companies, right? It’s their platform, right? Not exactly. These social media companies are more like private-public partnerships. They would never have gotten off the ground were it not for the government’s seed money, especially through MIC agencies like DARPA and the CIA. Additionally, these companies are given massive tax breaks every year. Alphabet-Google in particular has a very close relationship with the US Government. In fact, Google just got caught collaborating with the Department of Defense to use AI in analyzing drone footage, according to this Activist Post article by Jake Anderson.

Is it fair for these companies to take so much public help and support, then turn around and disregard the right to free speech as enshrined in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution and elsewhere?

Censorship on the Fakest of Pretexts

Make no mistake about their actions; this is censorship, pure and simple. The censored YouTube channels were all given fake pretexts and false reasons, but the pattern of censorship is undeniable. Alphabet-Google-YouTube found ways to delete entire channels on the basis that they were breaking YouTube’s nebulous “community guidelines”, or that they were in breach of copyright (relying on allegations of accusers). For some or many of these, YouTube even went back 3+ years to find some piece of supposedly incriminating evidence in a video that had previously been perfectly fine. Any excuse will do.

In a similar vein, the Facebook account of David Icke (with 700,000+ followers) mysteriously disappeared and was taken down for over a week before being magically reinstated. Facebook later said it was a “mistake.” Sure it was. Everyone in the Alternative Media / Independent Media is now fully aware that if they haven’t already been censored, they are about to be. It’s only a matter of time as the Establishment, via its Establishment platforms, purges any anti-Establishment view.

censored youtube channels library censor jfk quote

Censored YouTube channels: JFK spoke out against censors.

Using the Censorship Purge Against the Censors

Every crisis has an opportunity, and although this censorship purge will affect the Independent Media in the short term, there are good things to come from it. Firstly, it will force alternative content creators to migrate away from the giant corporate platforms to other places where their views, writing, speech, art and content will never be censored. Many great platforms already exist which are trying to find ways to reward content creators, such as Minds and Steemit. Secondly, as we shall see below, the NWO censors are overplaying their hand by purging so much; the list of censored YouTube channels reveals a pattern of content. So now we can see what they don’t want us to know …

List of Censored YouTube Channels

Thanks to Reddit, we have this list of censored YouTube channels that was posted on March 1st, 2018. However, it is an incomplete list and does not include some big YouTube channels that were censored recently, such as those of Waking Times and Activist Post (where I also write as a contributor). Since march 1st, other YouTube channels have been deleted (such as Natural News / Mike Adams). Some of the channels have been reinstated, but the writing is on the wall; it’s only a matter of time before they get permanently scrapped. Here is the list:

  1. According to Joe
  2. Adamic Amethyst
  3. AmericanEveryman
  4. animal farm
  5. Anti-School
  6. aplaintruth
  7. Arthur Koestler
  8. ashtonbirdie
  9. Back to the Constitution
  10. Barry Soetoro
  11. Blackstone
  12. Bombard’s Body Language *
  13. Brave New World
  14. Charles Walton
  15. Charlton
  16. Colin Flaherty
  17. Crow777 *
  18. Darkness at Noon
  19. David Seaman
  20. Defango *
  21. Destroying the Illusion
  22. Dr. Jerome Corsi
  23. Dr. of Common Sense
  24. Dustin Nemos
  25. Edgy Sphinx
  26. Elliott Marxx
  27. Eric Dubay
  28. Factions of Freedom
  30. Free Radio Revolution Revived
  31. FromDeath2Life
  32. Gematrianator
  33. HowISeeTheWorld
  34. InTruthbyGrace
  35. Jake Morphonios
  36. Jay Myers
  37. Jim Marrs
  38. Joanne Steen
  39. Johnny Supertramp
  40. JYW420
  41. Kalika from “For the People”
  42. Kearn Kearsy
  43. Kevin K Johnston
  44. Kinningan
  45. Lawarewolf
  46. Liberty Columnist
  47. Mag Bitter Truth
  48. Matrix Breakout
  49. Max Malone
  50. McFly
  51. McSimonius
  52. mgtow is freedom
  53. Mlordandgod
  54. Murdoch Murdoch
  55. Operation Hal
  56. Peekay
  57. Peekay Boston
  58. Psyched Substance
  59. Redd Dog Truth
  60. Richie Allen Show
  61. RichieFromBoston*
  62. Ron Johnson
  63. Russian Vids
  64. Sargon of Akkad *
  65. The Black Child
  66. The Kepler Telescope Channel
  67. The Ochelli Effect
  68. The Paulstaul Service
  69. Titus Frost
  70. TruthmediaRevolution
  71. Urban Moving
  72. Victurus Libertas VL
  73. WAP tech
  74. Willy Myco

As soon as I saw this list, I immediately recognized many of these channels as superb content providers. The owners of these channels are undoubtedly free thinkers willing to push the boundary of what is known and question everything.

Some very interesting themes emerge. Apparently, these are the topics that the NWO manipulators would rather you didn’t think about (topics in bold, censored YouTube channels in parentheses):

False Flag shootings, including False Flag Hoaxes (Free Radio Revolution Revived, Peekay, Peekay Boston, The Paulstaul Service)

Flat Earth (Eric Dubai, aplaintruth)

Nanotechnology/Bioweapons, Directed Energy Weapons (aplaintruth)

Gematria (Gematrianator) (Gematria is the art of assigning or decoding a system of numerical values to words in the belief that words with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other)

Space fakery / Moon as a Hologram (Crow777 [whom I interviewed here], Russian vids)

– Various Aspects of the Global Conspiracy, e.g. Zionism, Geopolitics, Extraterrestrials and the Hidden History of Humanity (Jim Marrs, Richie Allen show, MLordandGod, Destroying the Illusion)


Satanism, Hollywood, Pedophilia (Jay Myers, who process quality conspiracy analysis)

[Many of these topics are covered on The Freedom Articles: here are some links for those that want to research them further:







Yes, Alphabet-Google-YouTube has a distinct leftwing bias, due to its own ideology (as exposed in the incident where Google fired James Damore), and has been employing the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center, Rothschild connected) to purge rightwing channels. However, this censorship blitz is far beyond left vs. right. It’s all about limiting the possible range of human thought to keep the Control System in place.

censored YouTube channels legal implications

Censored YouTube channels: a tweet by Paul Watson. What are the legal implications?

Final Thoughts

Let’s use this purge of censored YouTube channels to find better platforms that decentralize power, reward content creators and pledge to support free speech no matter what. One solution is the launch of Real.Video as announced by Mike Adams. There are many others out there.

There is no reason we have to let the unlimited diversity of the internet – and the unlimited diversity of humanity – be stymied and controlled, or funneled into giant megalithic platforms that only seek to serve the Establishment.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.





Makia Freeman

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles, a long-time truth researcher and a promoter of freedom. He provides insightful, non-partisan, unique and cutting-edge analysis on who's running the world, how they're doing it and what the deeper agenda is – as well as solutions for restoring peace and freedom to the world. He writes articles exposing propaganda and the numerous aspects of the worldwide conspiracy, in addition to geopolitics, sovereignty, health and higher consciousness. His articles are regularly syndicated and featured on sites such as David Icke, Wake Up World, Activist Post, Waking Times, Global Research, The Sleuth Journal and many more.

Sunday, September 8, 2024