The USG (US Government) is trying to redefine and reinterpret the reach of the First Amendment in its case against Assange. Wikileaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson gave a brief statement to the press after the latest ...
The Empire’s war on oppositional journalism continues. It seemingly can’t tolerate diverse opinion and the dissidents who think, speak and write them. The predictable result is ever more censorship. Journalist Glenn Greenwald has been charged ...
Dissident Journalist Max Blumenthal has been arrested and locked in a cage on completely bogus charges. Alternative media circles have been buzzing for the last two days ever since news broke about the arrest of ...
Targeted Individuals (TIs) are those who the Government (via the Military Intelligence Complex of agencies) has picked out to harass, assault and attack – with advanced forms of invisible electronic weapons. This is the new ...
The Persecution of Assange continues at full speed, with the courageous whistleblower being tortured to the point where he is losing his mental faculties. They have been throwing Assange to the dogs for years now. ...
Admiral Wilson is a military officer with a long and distinguished career. He was a Real Admiral (upper class). He served as the Deputy Director, and later the Director, of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). ...
20 and Back is the standard phrase use to describe the tour of duty undergone by recruits into the SSP (Secret Space Program). The term 20 and back refers to the 20 year commitment that ...
Google documents leaked by whistleblower, activist and Google employee Zachary Vorhies reveal black-and-white proof that the Big Tech giant is violating its mission statement, engaging in widespread censorship and tampering in US politics/elections. Vorhies, to ...
The seemingly cold case of Jeffrey Epstein has become hot again. This is surprising – not because pedophile rings, child sex trafficking and blackmail operations don’t exist (the world is full of them), but because ...
The truth about vaccines cannot be found by simply declaring: “I am only going to consider peer-reviewed studies as my source of evidence, and ignore everything else, because anything else doesn’t live up to my ...
The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda, as the late whistleblower Phil Schneider once said. Many are too afraid to touch the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating ...
Your description of reality is the way you see the world. Many people tend to think of reality as something solid, immutable and outside of them, but the truth is, you are constructing or decoding ...
In a disgraceful and disturbing blow to freedom of the press, Australian WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange has been ejected from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. British police arrested him yesterday (Thursday April 11th, ...
The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC) of the United States has become a behemoth. It is a monstrous creature which is forming the foundation of the technological control grid that is being erected and rolled out ...
Fraudulent scientific research is rife throughout the world due to the power of monetary influence wielded by Big Pharma, the giant cartel of multinational pharmaceutical corporations started over 100 years ago by the Rockefellers. This fraudulent ...
The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC), in many ways, is the biggest threat to a free society. Since the Military Intelligence Complex has access to anyone’s personal and private information at will, the potential for bribing, ...
William Tompkins is one of the most incredible whistleblowers to step forward. The depth and implications of his testimony are nothing short of astounding. Of course, there will always be those who refuse to believe ...
The Independent Media in general has done a great job of counterbalancing the corrupt and mendacious MSM (Mainstream Media). However, it’s disappointing to see how certain leading alternative media researchers, journalists and websites have gotten caught in ...
What if there were a 2016 presidential candidate who proposed banning fluoride, aspartame and fracking, protecting the right NOT to be vaccinated, working with the Alternative Media instead of the Mainstream Media, legalizing marijuana/hemp/cannabis, stopping police ...
Grey ETs (Extraterrestrials) are the most common ET or alien reported in contactee and abductee encounters. So who or what are they? In eyewitness accounts, grey ETs (aka gray ETs, grey, grays) are typically described as around 40 inches ...