Unless you’re vaccinated … NWO (New World Order) frontman Bill Gates has suggested 1 of the 5 intrinsic, natural, human rights enumerated in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution – the right to peacefully assemble ...
Because Coronavirus. That’s what we being told. Everything has to change, cherished rights must be eliminated and new emergency powers have to be given to authorities … because of a virus that still has not ...
Digital vaccine certificates are the next step in the scripted coronavirus operation, which some people have been referring to as a scamdemic, plandemic or plannedemic. In a recent Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and recent ...
Emergency powers are the name of the game right now as governments around the world are collectively engaging in power grabs – all justified by the convenient coronavirus crisis (the same coronavirus crisis that various ...
We are in the midst of a live exercise according to US Secretary of State and former CIA head Mike Pompeo, who only a year ago openly boasted that “we lied, cheat and stole.” Pompeo ...
“China will catch a cold,” said an insider who was invited to a high-level Illuminati or NWO (New World Order) meeting in the City of London in June 2005. This insider later become a whistleblower ...
As the drama unfolds, the coronavirus crisis is showing that we need to be extremely vigilant about what governments are doing right now. In these kind of situations, the far bigger threat is how the ...
New statistics released last month by the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) reveal a disturbing trend. The world now has the most refugees ever. At the end of 2018, there were a total ...
Controlling your mind is key as we head deeper into the 21st century. The mind is the new frontier – and from a military standpoint the new battleground – as governmental-military-corporate organizations become enmeshed with ...
Our society is built on war. To change that, we have to actively promote peace, not just prefer peace. American activist Angela Davis once said, “In a racist society it is not enough to be ...
Israel (Zion) is the planned home and headquarters of the coming NWO (New World Order), an agenda which becomes clearer and clearer as the years go by. When Rome was the center of the world, ...
“It’s all a Jewish Conspiracy!” I have seen and heard many people write and utter these words in reference to the worldwide conspiracy and the New World Order. Indeed, this idea has been around a ...
Elite pedophilia is a common theme in the underbelly of the New World Order. Elite pedophilia is shockingly widespread. It goes all the way to highest levels, as the latest scandal involving Prince Andrew shows. This ...
The Clinton-Podesta email scandal is truly an astonishing and revealing exposé. Although, to be fair to those researchers studying the dark underbelly of the New World Order conspiracy, it is more revealing than astonishing, since we have ...
Western medicine is Rockefeller medicine – all the way. Western medicine has some good points, for sure, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine ...
The JFK assassination, almost to the day 52 years later, is still subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. Rightly so – the event was of extreme significance and is a telling reminder ...
The JFK assassination, still to this day – 52 years later – is a subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. This is part 2 of 3 of the JFK assassination series which examines how (click here ...
The Kennedy assassination, still to this day – 52 years later – is a subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. This is part 3 of 3 of the JFK assassination series which examines ...
Is there a connection between Trump and pedophilia? If not, then how else can we explain the fact that Donald Trump’s name turned up in the little black book of Jeffrey Epstein when the story broke ...
The hockey stick graph has become a well-known term and concept in climate change circles. AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) or manmade global warming advocates have often tried to justify climate change alarmism by citing data ...
Scalia was a pedophile according to SRA (Satanic ritual abuse) victim David Shurter. Justice Antonin Scalia, one of 9 judges on the US Supreme Court, died suddenly on February 12th/13th, 2016. His death has sparked intense ...
The Epstein Death Evidence continues to mount, but unsurprisingly, there are still many more questions than answers at this point. With each day that passes, more and more irregularities come to light, which bolster the ...
Radical Islamic Terrorists are everywhere, it seems. They’re all over Syria and Iraq. They’re in Libya and Nigeria too. They attacked the former Soviet Union from Afghanistan and modern day Russia from Chechnya. We’ve seen them ...