False flag mass shootings continue to be a favored strategy used by the New World Order (NWO) controllers to further their agenda of fear and domination. It seems that every time a gap of time ...
The Trump-Putin Summit was a momentous event. It is said that the only constant thing in the universe is change. This principle definitely applies to the world of geopolitics right now. In the last few ...
The Selfish Ledger is the title of a leaked Google video released earlier this year in May 2018. Now, a few months later, it’s worth taking a closer look at this apparently leaked vid. The ...
You would think manmade CO2 output levels must be sky-high, given all the relentless guilt-tripping propaganda we are fed about how humanity is the cause of global warming. The agenda to push AGW (Anthropogenic Global ...
The Venezuela coup currently being orchestrated by the US is so utterly blatant, even by American standards, that large numbers of people are seeing right through it. This is not a black-and-white issue. Yes, extreme ...
4th Generation Warfare (fourth-generation warfare or 4GW) is a term used to define the kind of war often waged in the 21st century by the USG (United States Government), the military wing of the NWO ...
The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel, according to Simon Schama. They built the Israeli Supreme Court. They own Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest media agencies in the world. They have a ...
The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC) of the United States has become a behemoth. It is a monstrous creature which is forming the foundation of the technological control grid that is being erected and rolled out ...
The Israeli-Islamic Terrorism connection has become as clear as day. There are so many clues it’s impossible for the Anglo-American-Zionist axis to hide it any more. This article offers further proof of the Israeli-Islamic terrorism ...
Propaganda in modern times has become both easier and harder to detect. It’s easier to detect in the sense that there are more places to get information and it’s easier to fact check the claims ...
NWO Anniversaries abound in this year of 2017. This article is a continuation from part 1 and lists 5 major New World Order or NWO anniversaries that are up this year. Now that either exactly ...
Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control. Period. The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social engineers such as the New ...
Zero evidence is required for the global bully, the US military, to do what it wants, when it wants, to whomever it wants. US political and military leaders (or as I prefer to call them, ...
New World Order Anniversaries abound in this year of 2017. If you go back in time exactly 50 or exactly 100 years, there are key events that occurred that still shape our world today – events ...
Zionism vs Islam. Which is more dangerous? Zionism is a massively important piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding the forces that shape the world today. It is a fundamental part of the drive ...
Vault 7 has been the subject of a curious and cryptic set of tweets from Wikileaks over the course of the past month or so. Now we know why. In bombshell news, in the greatest leak ...
Trump’s first 10 days as President of the United States have now passed, and it’s certainly been a flurry of activity. Trump has hit the ground running, losing no time in issuing numerous EOs (Executive ...
State Secrets Privilege is the cunning way the Military Intelligence Complex (MIC) shields its secrets from the judicial branch and achieves undeserved legal immunity. Eisenhower famously referred to the Military Industrial Complex in his outgoing speech, but these ...
The cashless agenda has taken a giant leap forward worldwide in the last 2 months, mainly due to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Modi took the bold, detested and despised step of banning the 2 highest denomination notes in ...
A Tracking Bill disturbingly passed Congress on Dec. 8th, 2016, and is now on its way to the US Senate. Bill HR 4919, titled “Kevin and Avonte’s Law of 2016”, contains clauses which establish the creation of ...
Draining or sustaining the swamp? The Trump cabinet choices have now mostly been selected, as only 6 weeks remain until the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017. Trump has met all sorts of ...
Was JFK murdered mostly because he was trying to gain access to classified information on UFOs, ETs and aliens? As we approach the 53rd anniversary of the JFK assassination (which occurred on November 22, 1963) ...
President Elect Trump is the new title for New York businessman, millionaire and Republican candidate Donald J. Trump, who yesterday on November 8th, 2016 successfully won the US presidential election. Trump managed to defeat favorite ...
The reopening of the Hillary email case is another jaw-dropping and unprecedented scene in the 2016 US presidential reality TV drama series. However, in all likelihood, there are 2 deeper themes behind it. On the surface, the ...
Vladimir Putin in particular, and Russia in general, have been the focus of an intensive high-drama propaganda campaign of late. Are you buying it? For the time being, Russophobia has replaced Islamophobia as the driving force behind ...
TISA, TTIP and TPP continue to be negotiated in secret, as WikiLeaks recently released a new leak from the updated TISA (Trade in Services Agreement) core text and annexes. If you want to know what TISA ...