The Kurdish Proxies the US once backed face an uncertain future at the hands of approaching Turkish troops as US troops flee northeast Syria. Reports of Turkish forces entering Syria dominated news headlines – followed ...
According to the New York Post, two of the supposedly late sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein’s co-conspirators in the rape of minor girls—Ghislaine Maxwell and Jean-Luc Brunel—are hiding out in the Brazilian Rivera of Santa Catarina. ...
In Response to the Turkish Incursion, the US is withdrawing its troops. Turkey is at a pivotal moment where it can chose to help end the war or take on the torch of Washington’s failure. ...
When Twitter Safety announced that it was taking actions against “information operations” directed at Hong Kong – informed observers could have immediately assumed that Twitter was not actually serious about stopping anything of the sort ...
Israel (Zion) is the planned home and headquarters of the coming NWO (New World Order), an agenda which becomes clearer and clearer as the years go by. When Rome was the center of the world, ...
“It’s all a Jewish Conspiracy!” I have seen and heard many people write and utter these words in reference to the worldwide conspiracy and the New World Order. Indeed, this idea has been around a ...
The arrest of Jeffrey Epstein on July 6, 2019 triggered a renewed interest in the dark networks of sex trafficking, blackmail, espionage, satanism, and pedophilia that infest the halls of Big Corporations, banks, and government. ...
The neocons are not about to give up and admit defeat. Due primarily to Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah, the presence of the Islamic State is now considerably reduced in Syria. This is, of course, unacceptable ...
The results of the Aramco Attack are in … sort of. First up, we have the neocon windup clown, Senator Marco Rubio. Situation with #Iran is a very serious matter. This is one of those ...
As usual, we’re expected to believe officialdom on responsibility for the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil production. Mike Pompeo, Trump’s former CIA boss and tank commander, reflexively blamed Iran minus any evidence whatsoever. Tehran is ...
Hong Kong Protest Leader Joshua Wong has recently been doing some flyin’ around and hobnobbing with the rich, famous and powerful. He went to Berlin and met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other ‘pro-democracy’ ...
The Zionist delusion is the story that Zionist Jews have have telling themselves and the world for millenia: we are special, and everyone else isn’t. Zionist Jews are the “chosen ones” (whatever that means) and ...
The Kennedy assassination, still to this day – 52 years later – is a subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. This is part 3 of 3 of the JFK assassination series which examines ...
Over the past few months, both mainstream and alternative news outlets have been covering massive protests in Hong Kong where tens of thousands of people have taken part in demonstrations that have since devolved into ...
The Hong Kong protests are escalating, just as the US-China trade war is also escalating. None of this is out of the blue. For quite some time now, the US has been shifting the focus ...
Radical Islamic Terrorists are everywhere, it seems. They’re all over Syria and Iraq. They’re in Libya and Nigeria too. They attacked the former Soviet Union from Afghanistan and modern day Russia from Chechnya. We’ve seen them ...
North Korea deception is being used by the mainstream media to trick you. The mainstream media is trying to give the impression that North Korea is itching for war and is constantly parading its tanks, ...
The North Korea provocation is dominating the attention of the media and many people around the world, who are fearful the tensions between North Korea and the US may erupt into a war. If China gets ...
Dragonfly or Project Dragonfly is the name for Google’s recent attempt to break into the Chinese market. Just like Apple, Facebook and other tech giants, Google has shown itself to be willing to bend over ...
The likelihood of a Syria WW3 scenario just increased with the latest news that China is about to send military troops to team up with the Russians (who are getting help from Iran, Iraq and Syria ...
US-China tension in the last few months has sharply increased, with both nations exchanging some heated dialogue over the contested issue of the South China Sea. Although the prospect of the US and China actually ...
Iraq Iran same lie. The parallels between the two are strikingly obvious. In each case, the Zionist dominated mainstream media in the West (esp. the US and Britain) are demonizing a sovereign nation, painting their ...
You may have heard that Venezuelan economic crisis is being caused by the evils of socialism. Many articles in both the Alternative and Mainstream Media are quick to judge the Venezuelan economic crisis without a ...
Venezuela lies abound. Both the USG (United States Government) and its lapdog MSM (Mainstream Media) have been going into overdrive, exaggerating or just plain lying about the state of affairs in Venezuela. Truth is always ...
Provoking Iran has become a favorite US pastime, it seems. The CIA, along with the Mossad and MI6, just can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to bullying, meddling with and provoking the Persian ...
A Syrian ground war is being prepared for by at least 2 nations in the last few days. Yesterday, on Thursday Feb. 4th 2016, the Iranian news medium PressTV reported Russia as saying they had detected Turkey preparing ...
Permanent war in Syria continues, and with recent news, looks like becoming even more entrenched. Recently Russian Prime Minister Medvedev warned that “All sides must be compelled to sit at the negotiating table, instead of ...