Apparently, a new disease has emerged, which allows the NWO manipulators to perfectly cross-pollinate their narratives. Ticks, red meat allergies, climate change, fear, guilt … there’s something in this for everyone. Shownotes: ...
Recent video clips show something inexplicable. Is this evidence of mind control? And more? Shownotes: ***** Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author ...
The WHO’s One Health approach is a giant scam. Find out at least 4 reasons why it’s designed to trick you and give them more power. Find out too about the coming predictive programming ...
The recent MSM attempt to resurrect Tiffany Dover with a fake double points to the deeper, darker problem of gaslighting at the core of the conspiracy. Shownotes: ***** Makia Freeman ...
Peace (a ceasefire) would violate the UN Charter!? Really, Mr. Blinken? As Metallica said, to secure peace is to prepare for war. But who has been doing just this for 8 years? Shownotes: * * ...
Find out about the sneaky and cunning basis of the WHO and its Zero Draft Pandemic Treaty. Shownotes: ***** Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, ...
Would you like to have your freedom and rights stripped in a sustainable, diverse, equitable and inclusive way? Join Makia Freeman for a quick look at how the New World Order is now being pushed ...
With terms like “biodefense” and “biothreat” being used by the USG, this is more evidence we have entered the War on Bioterror as the new paradigm of war, 20 years after George Bush Jr. launched ...
Yes, COVID was a scamdemic. Yes, COVID was a plandemic. Yes, it was a COVID Cult. Now, discover why COVID was a military op too. ***** Shownotes: ...
We are being presented with a choice between the Unipolar and Multipolar Word Orders. But what if they both lead to the same conclusion – Global Governance, UN Agenda 2030 and a NWO (New World ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends summarized in August, September, October, November and December last year in 2021, and January this year in 2022. As usual, the news is ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends summarized in August, September, October, November and December last year in 2021. The news is a mix of good and bad, with COVID ...
The Contagion Myth is a book written jointly by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell, who have known each other a long time and who have worked together in many ways, such as in ...
Green New Deal = Agenda 2030 Ocasio-Cortez is just a naive poster woman for a sinister agenda about which she is ultimately clueless. She has been given an undue and exorbitant amount of media attention ...
There is more evidence of a COVID vaccine MAC address connection as the various videos linked in the sources below demonstrate. I reported in May 2021 that some people who took the COVID non-vaccine discovered ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends summarized in August, September, October and November this year. There is a mix of good news and bad news, with new fear injected ...
People are walking round in a COVID trance or a COVID hypnosis as I covered in a previous article How the Masses Were Hypnotized Into the COVID Cult. The orchestrators of the COVID scamdemic understand ...
It’s time to spread solutions for COVID shot detox. The COVID shot, COVID jab or COVID fake-vaccine is not a real vaccine, however its grave and sometimes lethal effects are definitely real. Databases worldwide are ...
The Imaginary and Theoretical Virus known as SARS-CoV-2, a concept which has been used by the NWO (New World Order) controllers to shut down the world, is becoming more and more exposed as the months ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends I summarized in August, September and October this year. Mass protests around the world are a good sign that some have awoken to ...
Operation Coronavirus has shown how mass hypnosis can be inculcated into entire populations, around the world. We are now 20 months into “2 weeks to flatten the curve” and there are still many people hopelessly ...
Being fully vaccinated is painted by the MSM (Mainstream Media) as a civic duty, a moral responsibility and ‘the right thing to do.’ Putting aside the outrageous propaganda involved in that claim for a minute, ...
Would you like to get vaxxed and receive some fake COVID immunity? I have detailed in many previous articles the evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist (by virtue of the fact it has ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from 10 COVID trends in August 2021 and 10 COVID trends September 2021. The situation is escalating as the NWO (New World Order) agenda plays itself out ...
Another strange COVID vaccine life form has been discovered under the microscope, this time made of aluminum and carbon. The discovery was made by a Polish doctor by the name of Dr. Franc Zalewski. Throughout ...
COVID vax contents are beginning to be exposed by various independent doctors around the world. In previous articles, I covered the evidence and/or analysis presented by Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Carrie Madej, which included ...