From a bird’s eye view and historical perspective, the point of transgenderism is to destroy gender, destroy human culture, destroy the dance of creation between the Masculine and Feminine poles, and make us into one ...
Whether via the demonization of carbon, or now nitrogren, the worldwide attack on farming continues. Farmers are being forced to stop farming and kicked off their land. Shownotes: ...
The hijacked environmental movement is a symptom of the current general, collective state of humanity: good hearted but ignorant. Kind hearted but hoodwinked. Many people in the environmental movement are in it for the right reasons: ...
Power is moving east. China is the blueprint for the totalitarian One World Government. The NWO controllers are setting up another false dichotomy, this time East vs. West, and multipolarity vs. unipolarity, to manipulate the ...
The latest draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty was just released on March 7th, 2024. Find out the background, the agenda and what you need to know. Shownotes: ***** Makia Freeman ...
The latest draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty was just released on March 7th, 2024. Find out the background, the agenda and what you need to know. Shownotes: ...
The WHO is promoting a new international pandemic treaty to be drawn up and signed by the world’s nations. In their announcement on March 30th 2021 entitled COVID-19 shows why united action is needed for ...
There never was a spike protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because it was never isolated and thus never existed. Likewise, the evidence shows that the COVID vax doesn’t make (or instruct the body to make) ...
Good Cop vs. Bad Cop, Soft Sell vs Hard Sell … Musk and Rogan are at it again. At a police encounter, you know both cops are on the same team and have the same ...
Russia, sad to say, is NOT anti-NWO. On one level, they are fighting the US-led West. On a deeper level, they are cooperating. Russia is demonstrably supportive of the same UN Agenda 2030 and NWO ...
Don’t expect either the MSM or the MAM to discuss this, however La Quinta Columna has found that the nanotech inside the Big Pharma COVID fake-vaccines are identical to certain alien implants (such as the ...
NWO scheme busted: to overwhelm US cities with a massive influx of illegal immigrants, give them free accommodation and welfare, then propose a biometric border surveillance or border control system, using AI and a Smart ...
This is the topic of Sabbatean-Frankist-Zionist manipulation throughout history, especially in creating two world wars. We need to know our true history. We need to know the past to make sense of the present. Shownotes: ...
This is the topic of Sabbatean-Frankist-Zionist manipulation throughout history, especially in creating two world wars. We need to know our true history. We need to know the past to make sense of the present. Shownotes: ...
Transhumanist Elon Musk calls in under an alias during the Alex Jones-David Icke Debate to defend himself and his pushing of AI saying that an internet-capable device is no different than nanobots in your body ...
The truth is that there is a dark, anti-human force which knows EXACTLY what it is doing. The NWO conspiracy is a coldly calculated agenda, not a random coincidence. It is diabolical – and intentional. ...
The next generation of fake vaccines are here. Japan has just made an entirely new saRNA vax. These new mRNA vaccines contain saRNA, which tells the body how to make more mRNA. Essentially, it ...
Satanism is the cutting edge and the sordid core of the NWO conspiracy. Yes, Satanic ritual and child sacrifice happens under the Vatican Catholic Church. Find out more. Shownotes: ...
The Anti-Human Agenda that underpins the NWO (New World Order) is moving sharply into view with the advent of the COVID scamdemic (Operation Coronavirus) and its experimental nano-infused mRNA tools of destruction they are calling ...
There is a deliberate concoction of 4 separate elements which work synergistically together to shut down your pineal gland, it appears, unless you subscribe to wild coincidences. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is a renowned natural doctor ...
Obesity is a genuine problem. There are people that struggle with weight control. However, the obesity problem has been hijacked, in the same way that other problems like environmental destruction have been hijacked, to push ...
It’s common sense to know that freedom is the opposite of tyranny or slavery, that they cannot co-exist, and that one increases the other decreases. So, the more you censor due to hate speech, the ...
The core of surveillance and remote control of the public is the human biofield or aura. The Deep State and its agencies/corporations actually use people as nodes on their networks, called WBAN (Wide Body Area ...
More evidence that the Epstein blackmail ring is intimately connected to Maxwell, Mossad, Israel and the Rothschilds. Learn more about the sinister character of Alan Dershowitz. Shownotes: ***** Makia Freeman ...
Via so-called “toxic masculinity” and declining sperm counts, they’ve been coming for the men. Now they’re coming for the women, too. An anti-human force is attacking the hormonal basis of both genders. Shownotes: ...
The ultimate act of defiance to the NWO (to phrase it in oppositional terms), or the ultimate act of self-empowerment and sovereignty (to phrase it in positive terms) is to OWN YOUR OWN MIND, ...
Here are 7 key deeper points to consider re: the Jeffrey Epstein saga. It goes way beyond just pedophilia, child trafficking, blackmail, espionage, Israel and the Mossad. Learn about the connections to eugenics, transhumanism, satanism ...