Trump worship is pretty rife throughout the Independent and Alternative Media, with many big sites putting their full weight behind supporting Donald Trump as the next US president. One can only assume that the researchers running those ...
The systemic Catholic Church pedophilia and child sex abuse saga, which evidence shows has occurred all over the world, is finally coming to light enough so that it may be stopped. With molestation occurring worldwide ...
Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) is a stark reality for some children who are born into Illuminati bloodline families, or military families, or families with connections to mind control, or families with connections to the New World ...
Zika may not be the bad guy after all. Instead of a sensational and scary virus, there may be a more mundane yet far more dangerous cause of the recent cases of microcephaly in South ...
Spiritual maturity is what is needed most right now by humanity en masse to deal with the predicament we are in. We are in the midst of an unspeakable and horrific evil, but rather than ...
Black magic is the force that rules the world, so it is the Satanic black magicians which constitute the true controllers of the world – at least in the human Earthly realm. The Satanic black magicians pull ...
Zika virus is the latest health scare to dominate the headlines of the MSM (Mainstream Media). The WHO (World Health Organization) declared a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” 3 days ago on February 1st, 2016. They ...
Censorship is still a big issue around the world. Censorship remains at high levels in many countries, despite the fact that we tend to think we live in a world without that much of it (at least ...
The Republic of Australia? The phrase has a great ring to it – and it’s long overdue. The movement to create a Republic of Australia just got a boost recently. Almost all the premiers (7 out ...
The San Diego Medical Center shooting is reported to be a false alarm, in breaking news. This article will be updated as the story develops. Around 8am local time today, January 26th, 2016, police were called with ...
Restrictive, false and dangerous religious beliefs abound throughout the world, and dominate the mainstream teachings of organized religion. Religion has caused a lot of unnecessary pain to mankind, despite whatever truth and good intentions it has. ...
Welcome to GMO Australia! While you’re there, welcome to Vaccine Australia too! Australia, a Western democratic nation with a very high standard of living, prides itself on being “the lucky country”, on giving people a “fair ...
The glorification of Hitler is reasonably widespread among the alternative media. May 8th, 2015 recently passed, marking the 70th anniversary of the end of the European part of World War 2, a horrible event which ...
Why are the elite poisoning the planet? It may be #1 question alternative researchers are trying to answer. Many people have grappled with this question, because ultimately what we are seeing in the world today ...
Are you a terrorist? According to the US Government, you may well be. For decades now, and especially since the false flag attack on 9/11, the Government has been using its intelligence agencies (the CIA, ...
False flags are hilarious. Just ask the laughing crisis actors. From all appearances, false flag shootings and bombings are really extra funny, because so many alleged “family members”, “friends” and “witnesses” of the recent false flag shootings ...
The Flexner Report was a very useful tool commissioned by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller had made a massive fortune with Standard Oil and was setting his sights on gaining a monopoly in the ...
Who is Jeb Bush? The elite establishment who control the MSM (Mainstream Media) are ensuring through their biased media coverage that US 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush becomes the frontrunning candidate for the Republican Party. As ...
Who is Jeb Bush? The elite establishment who control the MSM (Mainstream Media) are ensuring through their biased media coverage that US 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush becomes the frontrunning candidate for the Republican Party. As ...
The NWO (New World Order) is actually a very ancient scheme to rule the world by means of a centralized, hierarchical, fascist dictatorship. Whenever any of the NWO insiders speak, you need to carefully read ...
Is Walmart connecting to the US underground tunnel network? Speculation is mounting after Walmart’s shocking and abrupt decision to shut down 5 of its stores, each for 6 months, in 4 different states (Pico Rivera, CA; Midland, TX; Livingston, ...
The end of September 2015, or more precisely the period from around September 15th to September 28th 2015, has become the subject of much attention, apprehension and prediction. As usual, there is a certain amount ...
The true meaning of jihad is not what you think. For over a decade now, and especially since the false flag terror event of 9/11, we have been bombarded with the deceptive propaganda that the ...
Mandatory vaccinations are afoot as California has just achieved the horrific distinction of becoming the first state in the US to introduce compulsory vaccinations for both children and adults (bills SB277 and SB792 respectively). This goes ...
The US and Germany-Led EU are not about to allow a “Grexit” or a Greek exit of the European Union, and probably not even a Grexit of the Euro either. The fact the Greek people voted ...