9/11 was an inside job says former German Defense Minister and Member of Parliament Andreas von Bülow, who points out that the event was planned in part by PNAC (Project for a New American Century), ...
Obama’s handler Zbigniew Brzezinski, a big-time NWO (New World Order) globalist insider, put the matter rather bluntly by asserting that it was now harder to control, but easier to kill, a million people. Specifically, he ...
The Obama Kill List is an assassination program of targets (including US citizens) who are chosen to be killed by UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drones without charge, trial or due process. After receiving a ...
The systemic Catholic Church pedophilia and child sex abuse saga, which evidence shows has occurred all over the world, is finally coming to light enough so that it may be stopped. With molestation occurring worldwide ...
HAARP – the ultimate weapon. Before he was assassinated, JFK affirmed in a famous speech that “we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.” Years earlier former FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover had ...
The Catholic Church pornography scandal has hit, with evidence coming to light that the Vatican is making some considerable profits investing in companies which sell porn. The Austrian publishing company Beltwild (wholly owned by the ...
Israel has nuclear weapons located at their nuclear reactor base in Dimona. Although both Israel and the US have adopted official policies of neither confirming nor denying its existence, there have been enough revelations and ...
Athletes do not drink coca-cola … if they want to actually be fit, healthy and have any chance of winning consistently. And they don’t eat McDonald’s, either. Contrary to the propaganda and colorful TV ads ...
War is not entertainment. There’s nothing glorious or honorable about violence, slaughter, war, murder and genocide, even if lawmakers legalize it in code. The very fact of going to war shows that peaceful diplomacy, communication ...
We the People have the power. We are many, they are few. Any self-proclaimed “ruler” or so-called “authority” only has as much power as we invest in him or her. Politicians are representatives. They are ...
The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is a Anglo-American group of wealthy elites that grew out of Cecil Rhodes’ ambition for the British Empire to rule the entire world. Funded heavily by the Rockefellers, the ...
More geoengineering over Maui is occurring, with fake chemtrails clouds spotted right above natural cumulus cloud formations. Mike Murphy did a great job exposing the geoengineering scheme to poison us with barium, strontium and aluminum ...
The Catholic Church has been caught child trafficking over the years in several countries – Spain, Ireland, Cuba, Canada and Australia to name just a few. And we’re not talking small numbers either: in Spain ...
We all know the FDA has been bought off by Big Pharma, who are legally allowed to peddle their dangerous and side-effect laden prescription pills, whilst makers of natural plant-based health supplements are censored and ...
Look at the USA history of aggression! It’s staggering: bombing, sabotage, assassination, drugs, weapons, overthrow of legitimate government, installation of puppet dictators, condoning of ethnic cleansing and genocide … the list goes on and on. ...
Government is a parasite. The bigger we let Government become, the more power it has to oppress us. Government creates nothing of real worth. It just “manages” or administrates” the creations, services, good and wealth ...
Iran’s central bank is the real target of the NWO (New World Order) led by NATO, the military arm of the Anglo-American elite. Iran is one of a few countries (including Cuba and North Korea) ...
The public in many countries has been forced to pay for the gambling debts of gangster bankers (banksters) through the so-called “bailout” programs passed into law. This term was rebranded “stimulus” by Obama to make ...
Mainstream media in the US is consolidated to such a point there are now 6 gigantic corporations that control 90% of the American TV and radio media stations. The consumer is fed the illusion of ...
The ultimate scheme of the elite Controllers is to use the US – the military arm of the NWO (New World Order) – to pick off poor, defenseless countries, one by one, and bring them ...
Monsanto, Empire of Evil, has perpetrated massive damage upon the planet at large: Agent Orange, DDT pesticide, rBGH (Recombinant Growth Bovine Hormone), the artificial sweetener aspartame, GMOs, Terminator seeds. It’s easy to see why they ...
Something is brewing … and the US Government is sure preparing for the worst. Earlier this year, the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) bought 450,000 rounds of hollow-point bullets, the kind designed to use in ...
Dangerous EMF Pollution originates from the Kihei Akahi Resort on Maui Transmitters mounted on top of the Kihei Akahi Resort Building located at 2531 S. Kihei Road, Kihei, Hawaii are emitting dangerous EMF Pollution affecting ...
The Fukushima radiation is getting worse. Reactor #4 building is on the verge of collapsing. Seismicity standards rate the building at a zero, meaning even a small earthquake could send it into a heap of ...
DCA (Sodium Dichloroacetate) is a colorless, odorless, inexpensive, relatively non-toxic, small molecule, and now, a new cancer cure discovered. And researchers at the University of Alberta believe it may soon be used as an effective treatment ...
Alex Jones explains why Lindsay Lohan, and by extension millions of Americans are being poisoned with methamphetamine style drugs like Ritalin that cause brain shrinkage, heart problems and a myriad of other disorders. Alex also ...
GM Food. Animals don’t eat it. Why do you? Squirrels reject genetically modified maize or corn when offered it. Do animals instinctively know something that many humans don’t? Monsanto and other large bio-tech corporations are ...