There are many vaccine passports either proposed or in effect, but they all have the same goal: to restrict the movement of the unvaccinated, as well as to provide a registry of the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Vaccine passports
are a major goal of those orchestrating Operation Coronavirus, though not the ultimate end goal of the COVID agenda. The purpose of vaccine passports is clear, despite whatever flimsy and mealy-mouthed excuses given to justify them: to restrict the movement of the unvaccinated, or in plainer terms, to restrict the movement of those who have seen through the agenda. There are no clever legal arguments that can distract from this basic truth: vaccine passports are inherently discriminatory. In a sane society, no nation that even pays lip service to caring about human rights could claim that vaccine passports are in alignment with their existing laws on individual rights, freedom of choice, freedom of movement, informed consent and medical sovereignty. However, it hardly bares stating that we do not live in a sane world. Below is a brief list of the vaccine passport schemes that are either proposed, about to be rolled out or already in existence. This is a worldwide agenda being rapidly promoted and implemented.
EU Planned for Vaccine Passports in 2018
Long before the word ‘coronavirus’ become a household world, or the term ‘COVID’ even existed, the European Union (EU) was planning for a vaccine passport scenario. The European Commission (the executive arm of the EU) published a proposal for vaccine passports on April 26th 2018 in a document entitled “Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases”. It lays out the plan for a “vaccine passport” or “vaccine card” and “vaccine portals”:
17. Examine issues of insufficient vaccine coverage caused by cross-border movement of people within the EU and look into options to address them, including developing a common EU citizens’ vaccination card/passport, compatible with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised for use across borders.
10. Aim at establishing a European Vaccination Information Sharing (EVIS) system, coordinated by the European Centre for Diseases Prevention and Control (ECDC), in order to:
a. Together with the national public health authorities,
i. examine the options of establishing, by 2020, guidelines for a core EU vaccination schedule, aiming to facilitate the compatibility of national schedules and promote equity in Union citizens’ health protection, and subsequently ensuring broad uptake of the core schedule as well as a common vaccination card;
ii. strengthen the consistency, transparency, and methodologies in the assessment of national and regional vaccination plans, by sharing scientific evidence and tools with the support of National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs);
iii. design EU methodologies and guidance on data requirements for better monitoring of vaccination coverage rates across all age groups, including healthcare workers, in cooperation with the World health Organisation (WHO). Collect such data and share them at EU level;
b. By 2019, establish a European vaccination information portal, with the support of the European Medicines Agency, to provide online objective, transparent and updated evidence on vaccines, their benefit and safety, and the pharmacovigilance process.
c. Monitor online vaccine misinformation and develop evidence-based information tools and guidance to support Member States in countering vaccine hesitancy, in line with the Commission Communication on tackling online disinformation.”
Interestingly, on pg.13, this document also mentions the term vaccine hesitancy as it recommends a “Joint Action on Vaccination, co–funded by the third Programme for the Union’s action in the field of health … to address vaccine hesitancy.” Vaccine hesitancy has also become a theme in the COVID op because so many people have become aware of just how toxic vaccines can be and how experimental these ones are in particular; in my article from August 2020 I revealed how a Yale study was analyzing how to combat vaccine hesitancy and increase vaccine uptake through a variety of psychological techniques and manipulation.
European Vaccine Passports
Given the above documents, it’s no great surprise that Europe is at the forefront of implementing vaccine passports. The UK and many European countries are getting close to rolling out their passport scheme; on March 17th 2021, the European Commission proposed the following draft legislation to create a “Digital Green Certificate” as you can see from this document. In a classic example of doublepseak, Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, said:
“With the Digital Green Certificate, we are taking a European approach to ensure EU citizens and their family members can travel safely and with minimum restrictions this summer. The Digital Green Certificate will not be a pre-condition to free movement and it will not discriminate in any way. A common EU-approach will not only help us to gradually restore free movement within the EU and avoid fragmentation.“
No pre-condition for movement? Not discriminate in any way? The very essence of the vaccine passport is regulate and restrict movement, as well as to discriminate. Otherwise, what is the point of it? This is a constant theme of the COVID op. Politicians make rules to control your life, and right when they announce these rules, they claim they are not controlling you. Black is white, up is down and tyranny is freedom.
American Vaccine Passports
They’re coming to America too. The US state of New York was the first state to introduce a pilot program. Authorities have said it’s optional, but that’s how all these schemes of control initially work; first they’re optional to break down resistance and get people accustomed, and then they’re mandatory. New York is calling its vaccine passport the “Excelsior Pass” and the official announcement states:
“Developed in partnership with IBM, the Excelsior Pass will use proven, secure technology to confirm an individual’s vaccination or a recent negative COVID-19 test through a confidential data transfer to help fast-track the reopening of theaters, stadiums and other businesses in accordance with New York State guidelines…The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure and streamlined way, allowing us to fast-track the reopening of these businesses and getting us one step closer to reaching a new normal.”
On the upside, there are certain states which have preemptively banned vaccine passports in some form or another, including Florida, Texas, Arizona, Montana and Idaho. As for much of the duration of the COVID op, support or resistance to vaccine passports is mostly following party lines, with the left-wing Democratic states supporting it and the right-wing Republican states resisting it.
Vaccine Passports in Israel, China and India
Israel has earned itself another dubious distinction by leading the world in COVID vaccination rates, and by already implementing its vaccine passport program. Unvaccinated Israelis are being banned from going to so-called non-essential places. Tyrannical Israeli Health Minister Yuli Edelstein warned:
“Whoever doesn’t vaccinate will only go out to supermarkets or pharmacies, while the vaccinated will go to stadiums and gyms.”
The tyranny doesn’t stop there. Israel has also issued “Freedom Bracelets” to be worn by those entering the country from abroad. Israel’s parliament joined action taken previously by the Spanish government in approving a law to create a registry of people refusing the COVID vax. Interestingly, UK Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove was recently seen arriving in Israel for what they say was “vaccine passport talks” but in reality, from those who know the backstory of the Zionist New World Order (NWO), was likely his marching orders.
China and India have both joined the vaccine passport game. China called their version the “International Travel Health Certificate” (downloadable from its WeChat mobile app) while India has a QR code certificate version.
One Passport to Rule Them All
No matter what fancy and different names these passports, apps and QR codes have, there are plans afoot to link them all via a common software or framework. The leading developers of this technology include AOK Pass, Common Pass, the Vaccination Credential Initiative, Good Health Pass Collaborative and the IATA Travel Pass. This is a clear manifestation of the NWO Agenda of a One World Government with detailed information on every single person (except for the ruling elite) on Earth, who are planned to be its subjects or slaves.
This has been a long time coming. It seems like a long time ago now – over a year ago – when Bill Gates started mouthing off about the need for immunity certificates and digital vaccine passports. The plan is not hidden, but rather wide out in the open. Of course, there is a distinct lack of logic about the whole issue. First of all, as I have exhaustively documented, there is no evidence that the virus SARS-CoV-2 exists. But putting that inconvenient truth aside for a moment, why couldn’t natural immunity to the virus qualify you for the vaccine passport? Mainstream brainwashed medical authorities may say it’s because you can still get re-infected. However the same goes for the vaccine … hence all the talks of a 2nd and 3rd shot (actually the plan is to give people countless shots as they upgrade and rewire their DNA operating system). This is the very same group of vaccines which by the way don’t give you proper immunity and are even admitted to only protect against mild symptoms and not to stop transmission.
It’s not about actual real immunity to disease. It’s about finding out who is vaccinated and who is unvaccinated, and subsequently punishing the non-compliant, disobedient, recalcitrant unvaccinated ones.
For those who want their shiny new vaccine passport – think about this. What happens when the authorities say that you have to keep getting vaxxed … and vaxxed … and vaxxed … every year … just to keep your passport and privileges? Are we going to stand in our inherent soveriegn rights or grovel beneath the slavemasters for government-bestowed privileges?
Final Thoughts
The truth is that vaccine passports are a scheme to force people into getting vaxxed so that they become genetically modified humans. The vaccine is the real bioweapon, not an imaginary virus. The vaccine passports will function to make life uncomfortable for the unvaccinated, and also as a registration system to distinguish between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, so the NWO controllers know exactly which citizens have certain nanotechnology embedded inside of them – which you can be sure will be used to further whatever nefarious goals the NWO manipulators have in mind.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.
We have the majority now in those who do not want to be injected ( medically experimented on). Its refusal not hesitancy, its a little sanity rising .
Its a turn around from a year ago.
Many still do not know that covID19 doesn’t exist but still will not get it which is a good thing.
YouTube has to close comments down on many ” covID19″ posts that when you know more people are stirring in their fear induced slumber.
You’re right, it doesn’t exist, it’s a virus of the Mind, and that ‘VIRUS” only works on those without “knowledge”
A Future Vaccine to Prevent Knowledge of Soul and Spirit From The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (Bristol: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993; GA 177), p. 85.
October 7, 1917 85 – “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and – you can be quite sure of it – a medicine will be found for this. . . . The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view,’ people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and spirit. “. . . the heirs of modern materialism will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy,’ that is, make its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”
Hacking the Software of Life
“Funvax” courtesy of the Pentagon
Revelation 18:23
King James Version
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakia) were all nations deceived.
Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 14:9-11 King James Version (KJV)
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 16:2 King James Version (KJV)
2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
We have the majority now in those who do not want to be injected ( medically experimented on). Its refusal not hesitancy, its a little sanity rising .
Its a turn around from a year ago.
Many still do not know that covID19 doesn’t exist but still will not get it which is a good thing.
YouTube has to close comments down on many ” covID19″ posts that when you know more people are stirring in their fear induced slumber.
Brilliant as always, if the prospect of vaccination passports can be traced back to 2018 is anyone able to link this to any secretly negotiated trade agreements of the time such the nefarious TPP? [just to name one there were numerous trade agreements on the table at the time]
The global elite are putting their ducks in order, they have been planning to use bioweaponry/pandemics (as has been well documented on The Freedom Articles) for over twenty years. These psychopaths are using SARS-COV-2 (that it appears Fauci and the Chinese helped create) as the justification to implement a global surveillance/tracking system similar to the one China uses.(their social credit score compliance system). The masses have been put into an induced stupor/psychosis using fear to trigger mind control techniques they have been developing for use here since WWII. The COVID injections will be used to further divide the US into vaxx-non-vaxx, compliant-dissident camps and the dissenters will be punished (with inconvenience, ostracism or re-education camps) while the compliant sheeple will be “rewarded” with more injections and increased opportunities to be poisoned and altered as time goes on. The Brave New World is upon us, the question is how strong and well organized (in an asymmetrical way) is the resistance?
Nailed it! And as to your question: I say, yes, decentralization is key. Perhaps we can look at being few in numbers and far apart as a positive instead of a negative?! Since the globalists invert everything (being big and collective is “good”), we invert it again and use it for our freedom. Either way, we must remain connected to our Divinity and therefore creative in our being, thinking, and doing!
Well said, we will attract like minded souls who will resist the push for transhumanism and injection poison with the courage to stand for what is right just and moral.
Indeed, and it is astounding to me how such a great portion of humanity has tossed out its moral compass in exchange for false security, comfort, convenience, and constant “entertainment,” which they do not see as “entrainment” into enslavement!
We must have empathy for those who have been duped and zombified. The key to successful mind control is for the manipulators to make their targets (us) unaware we are being brain washed; its like a frog in a pot of water and the heat is gradually increased so that over time the frog gets cooked without ever realizing/knowing it was in danger. The media programs us, organized religion and “education” indoctrinate us to believe the world/realty is as the programmers/usurpers say it is.. When you critically examine the content of most media you see it promotes selfishness, ego, lack, fear, greed, hedonism, decadence, anti-life “lifestyles” and values. We are fast approaching the time when the brainwashing and divide and rule tactics will lead to even more discord and open civil unrest, all according to plan!
Part of all this too is many people find it very uncomfortable (some even unacceptable) to have their worldview turned upside down. Usually they’ll semi-consciously or unconsciously resist. Some resort to a steady stream of mainstream references. (The very lies that got’em there in the first place!) Others make senseless arguments like, “You’re not a scientist”. Still others resort to personal attacks. All of which make the person feel better. Order must be maintained!
I have empathy, but when it comes down to protecting myself and my family, I will do so at all costs. This is part of Natural Law: Feminine Principle, “do no harm; Masculine Principle, “defend oneself and ones family/property etc.” I say this, Junious, because I’ve been reading and viewing stories from un-vaxxed women who are having serious reproductive and other physical problems after being around vaxxed people. Miscarriages, severe hemorrhaging, menopausal women starting their periods again, migraines, rashes, bruising, and other bizarre symptoms occurring “seemingly” out of the blue, with one likely reason being the pheromones coming off vaxxed people with their newly hacked DNA (I think this is known as “shedding” but I think that the vaxxed become like mini-5G towers, emitting frequencies that are detrimental to organic life). Un-vaxxed men are experiencing weird stuff, too, after being around the vaxxed. It is very sad that people are so fearful as to choose an experimental cocktail injected into their bloodstream without understanding the consequences of their actions, not just on themselves but on their loved ones, co-workers, community, and the world at large. Anyway, I wish you the best and I always appreciate reading your comments because of your grace, eloquence, and inner-standings!
I agree; what I’m experiencing is people don’t want to be around me because I haven’t had the injection or they try to persuade me to get it. When I share my reasons they get real quiet. Folks don’t like their worldview challenged and will become fearful and violent due to the media fear mongering.. Stay safe and empower yourself by generating strong positive energies, peace of mind and giving off energies of confidence and compassion.
I am sad to hear that people are reacting like that to your sovereign decision. I have thus far avoided the conversation with anyone that I don’t already know their position, although my husband and I are about to go visit my dad, and we will inevitably have the talk. He already knows my stance (“I would rather die at the hands of thugs than consent to the jabs”), but I haven’t spoken with him about it since January before the vaxx became available for him (he is in his 80s). But I’m not afraid. Thank you for sharing your situation, and I definitely see that when people come up against cognitive dissonance, most of them dig their heels in OR they cower. These days, in our divisive sociopolitical climate, you are right that their level of fear is so great that they will fight for their enslavement. You stay safe, too. Your comments brought tears to my eyes from the shared humanity! Be free as we are intended to be, but act wisely to protect yourself and all that you can do for the world . . . we need more courageous folks!
Yes, but it is what it is. The global psychopaths/oligarchs have ramped up their time table for global domination and COVID is their excuse. Next will be climate change hysteria. Brave folks are out here but many have not revealed themselves yet. They may need what I call the Popeye moment, “That’s alls I can stands and I can’t stands no more!” Stay strong, be well and safe!
I’m pretty much on the same page there – no one is allowed to challenge the official narrative yet plenty of people are in doubt of this casedemic.
It’s dangerous to be right when the authorities are proven to be wrong.
Think for yourself. Question everything we are told by the “authorities”: the religious leaders, teachers, scientists, the media and the government. Pasteur’s “germ theory” has been used to sell vaccines and injections, cause panic, induce psychosis and turn us into non-thinking zombies to be easily manipulated and enslaved.
Yes they want to disconnect us from our inner resources, desecrate our innate divinity and those of us who survive their depopulation agenda will be linked to their “cloud”. or so they think. THEY (the Hierarchy Enslaving You) are attempting to play god and THEY think they can circumvent the LAW of CONSEQUENCE and override the UNIVERSAL ORDER. These usurpers are possessed by a psychopathic consciousness hellbent on transforming the planet, humanity and nature into their perverse image.
I concur with this but must add, it won’t just be the US that’s affected. They plan to do this to the whole world!
Here in Ireland, we’re being hammered! We’ve had the longest lockdown in Europe and it’s mind-boggling how rapidly they’ve stolen our freedoms and rolled out the jabs! The propaganda is full-on and has terrified the public into submission! We are a small island with a tiny population, ideal as a testing ground and they have a far better chance of destroying us than of destroying the population of America!
The Israelis are getting it even worse than we are! The division of jabbed and unjabbbed has already happened there!
Yes it is a global phenomenon covering many objectives for the global elite: world wide depopulation, social division (divide and rule), social economic and political re-engineering, global surveillance and mind control. We can see the affects of their campaign everywhere hysteria, mindless conformity, narrowminded adherence to bogus science and psychopathic authority figures and an unwillingness to think and act in our own best interests.
I keep making this point over and over. The Achilles heel of the so-called “pandemic” is the fact that the virus (actually an exosome) is neither alive nor contagious/infectious. It is physicially impossible for the “virus” to be transmitted from person to person. This is a scientific fact (see Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Zach Bush et al). The critics of the pandemic have failed to drive this point home and, instead, have allowed the dark forces to scare the public out of their wits. And it is this fear, which allows these criminals to get away with all the absurd and dangerous measures they are implementing and proposing. Critics, unfortunately, continue to concern themselves with the efficacy or non-efficacy of the vaccines, which is an exercise in futility. It is imperative to establish publicly and convincingly that the “virus” is not contagious/infectious, which would then automatically put an end to the pandemic and the associated vaccination question. The dark forces clearly overlooked this aspect (which proves that they are not particularly clever) which, therefore, should be ruthlessly exploited by all the critics with the aim of returning all of us to normality.
Wotan, exactly! I’ve been saying this since early 2020, and speaking the truth got several of my articles pulled from public view on! I continued commenting and posting articles and the globalist lapdogs in the “Trust & Safety” commission revoked my paid membership, allowing for me to write on their platform but for none of my posts to be viewable by anyone else. Haha! What a crock of sh*t they peddle. Anyway, I completely agree that these black magicians (Satanists) and their Luciferian exotic-technology-worshiping material scientism followers lack creativity because they are ARTIFICIAL in the intelligence: Without human, heart-based intelligence and creativity, all they can do is use ILLUSION to engender fear. Take ’em out with human love and creativity!
Okay. What if the “no virus” and “no contagion” narrative replaces the current deception driving the pandemic? It would not simply be “returning all of us to normality”. This would result in an upheaval across our entire medical establishment. All vaccines would be called into question, along with antiviral drugs. The WHO, CDC, and all of big pharma would be exposed for the charlatans they are. Who knows how massive this revolution would snowball? Something like this could trigger the conscious rebellion the ruling elite have always feared.
Nope. This won’t be allowed. The ruling elite will pull out all the stops to prevent this from happening. If push comes to shove, we’ll mostly likely see worldwide distractions to redirect public attention. Economic collapse. Martial law. War. Environmental disasters. Who knows what tools they’ll deploy out of their bag of dirty tricks?
My apologies for the delayed reply, but I watched Zach Bush’s breathtaking webinar last night, which provided not only a comprehensive explanation of the current situation but also of what to expect in future. Indispensible viewing.
My answer to your first paragraph is “Precisely”. The idea of vaccination is a huge misconception. Every single vaccination is harmful. The “founder” of this idea, Jenner, killed his whole family as well as hundreds of thousands of people, which led to riots that caused the authorities to abandon the idea. It was picked up again by the plagiarist, charlatan and fraudster Louis Pasteur, the founder of the absurd and dangerous “Germ Theory”. He, inter alia, created a vaccine for anthrax, which killed thousands, but never worked and – unbelievably – is still being used now. Vaccination is a fraud. The measles “virus” has never been identified and yet vaccinations against measles are still being given. The same applies to the polio “virus”. It never worked and it was eventually established that DDT had been the cause of polio. All of the 500,000 US-personnel sent to Iraq were vaccinated (multiple vaccinations). 11,000 died and more than 100,000 ended up totally incapacitated. They simply could not work anymore. Ovviously all of this is regularly hushed up by the authorities. Clearly, vaccinations are all about money and not about people’s health. Attacking the vaccination idea would be resisted by the vaccination lobby, but would you rather acquiesce to regularly receiving shots which are very likely to kill or harm you? Never forget: The Truth will set you free!
Thanks for sharing this vital historical info about vaxxes, Wotan! I will check out Zach Bush. LBRY?
Hi Wotan,
Can you please share the link to which webinar you watched? Love Zach Bush!
Cheers, Makia
Hi Makia,
The webinar is over, but Zach will provide the participants with the transcript in the next few days. This transcript is for distribution to any interested party. This particular session is the best as well as the most frightening thing I have ever seen. Please let me have your e-mail address or can you contact me at my e-mail address so that I may send it to you as soon as it ariives. Or is there any other way of contacting you?
Sure. I’ll email you. Where can I find your email address?
I provided my e-mail address when subscribing to The Freedom Articles. Can you access it?
You’re not coming up under “Wotan” however just tell me the first 4 letters of your email address and I can look it up from there.
Hi Makia,
You will find it under L.W.K
Would you have a link to that webinar, or a title?
The webinar is finished and I do not have a link as such. The webinar is called “Engineering nature out of humanity” and access to the webinar or its transcript should be available on Dr. Bush’s website.–5ddz5hi.xn--p1ai?3yZhVejzVl
Understood – Links are the valid alternative [to a slow train to China] as opposed to still having to look for the right information.
Pardon me being blunt- I’d like to stress the point to speed things up since time is definitely of the essence when it comes to sharing important information fast.
Lynn, yes it is wise to consider the possibilities! I personally believe, from everything I’ve been seeing and hearing, that the globalists recognize their apparent battle loss with Covid and so have begun to transition the fear-porn into climate change. Covid was only a short-term tyrannical move — a false flag and weather balloon — and now that enough information is widely available to debunk the so-called “pandemic,” the globalists’ current move on their black-and-white freemasonry checkerboard is to use humans’ shared love for and connection with Mother Earth to spike a virtually “never-ending battle” to save her from “human-caused” climate change and its concomitant disasters. Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear know well that the globalists are responsible for manipulating us and forcing their Earth-raping, damaging technology on us and yet the game has always been to blame individual people for causing the damage. They use our good nature against us. They invert everything and mind-f**k as many people as possible to achieve their perverted agenda.
Sorry we are a SOVEREIGN Nation. UN has no power over us!!!!!
Fuck the NWO
I’ve been reading a little mainstream media this morning. I’m seeing this General Corell getting quoted all over the place
“For those of you sitting on the fence, wondering about getting vaccinated, do it. It’s the right thing to do for you, your family, your neighbors, and our communities. Join us in being part of the solution to end this.”
–Iowa National Guard Adjutant General Benjamin Corell
So what is his message? It comes across to me as:
• Don’t think. Do it.
• It’s the right think to do for everyone, regardless of what you think.
• Even if you don’t see vaccines as a solution, put aside those thoughts and do it because it is.
Oh my God. I’m shocked that someone can say these things, and the uncritical mainstream media expects everyone to accept it unquestioningly. Apparently the mainstream media has completely given up trying to maintain any semblance of truth or authenticity. And to think back during the Cold War we made fun of the Russian Pravda for this sort of thing. Ha ha!
These next few quotes came from a recent New York Times article:
President Biden urged all employers in the United States to offer full pay to their workers for time off to be inoculated and to recover from any aftereffects.
The controllers are absolutely crazy-obsessed about getting us all injected!
Dr. Harris is asking doctors to record cellphone videos, with a plea: “Please email them to your patients, saying, ‘This is why I think you ought to take the vaccine.’”
Doctors?!? They want doctors to assist with sickening us. Maiming us for life. Killing us. Have we forgotten what doctors are for?
Ms. Bloomfield said her members reported that as many as 15 percent of people in small towns were not showing up for their second shot. She attributed some of that to social media posts about side effects. “That doesn’t help us,” she said.
What is being implied here? People shouldn’t be sharing information about side effects? We’d be better off if such posts were not allowed? Have people like Ms. Bloomfield been so brainwashed as to have lost all critical thinking skills?
“If you think of this as a war,” said Michael Carney, the senior vice president for emerging issues at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, “we’re about to enter the hand-to-hand combat phase of the war.”
Hand-to-hand combat? War??? I know Carney was just using a metaphor, but still… that’s a scary thought for those of us who know there is no virus, and are wondering what exactly are these vaccines intended to do.
No one is asking the question about the 800 lb gorilla in the room, are they trying to kill as many of us as possible,because it sure looks like that to me. The psychopathic lunatic, Bill Gates, has stated on camera, “that if we do a really good job on vaccines, we can reduce the population by 15 %.” I believe the great cull that they have always dreamed of, is here.This is their chance, and they will not let it pass.
We must all resist any and all measures they try and implement, especially shots that aren’t vaccines, but experimental bio-weapons.
Nick, I think you are right on. Trust your intuition on this. The globalists—black magicians (Satanists) and their Luciferian exotic-technology-worshiping pals—are pulling out all the stops now that they are no longer hiding their agenda. And it’s working on a large percentage of humanity because they’ve been hypnotized for decades, and each generation becomes more mind-controlled. Just looking at the so-called entertainment in music/videos over the last 10 years, one with eyes to see and ears to hear can recognized the out-and-out Satanic/Luciferian agenda of destabilization, dehumanization, demoralization, debt, destruction, decrepitude, and death that begins with trauma-based mind-control. People ARE asking the question, it’s just that we’re still in the minority—but we may be enough of a warrior force to pull the veil down for good!
[Reposted with modifications. Original comment triggered Disqus spam filter (censored)]
I’ve been reading a little mainstream media this morning. I’m seeing this General Corell getting quoted all over the place:
“For those of you sitting on the fence, wondering about getting vaccinated, do it. It’s the right thing to do for you, your family, your neighbors, and our communities. Join us in being part of the solution to end this.”
–Iowa National Guard Adjutant General Benjamin Corell
So what is his message? It comes across to me as:
• Don’t think. Do it.
• It’s the right thing to do for everyone, regardless of what you think.
• Even if you don’t see vaccines as a solution, put aside those thoughts and do it because it is.
Oh my God. I’m shocked that someone can say these things, and the uncritical mainstream media expects everyone to accept it unquestioningly. Apparently the mainstream media has completely given up trying to maintain any semblance of objectivity or authenticity. And to think back during the Cold War we made fun of the Russian Pravda for this sort of thing. Ha ha!
These next few quotes came from a recent N*Y*T article:
President Biden urged all employers in the United States to offer full pay to their workers for time off to be inoculated and to recover from any after effects.
The controllers are absolutely crazy-obsessed about getting us all injected!
Dr. Harris is asking doctors to record cellphone videos, with a plea: “Please email them to your patients, saying, ‘This is why I think you ought to take the vaccine.’”
Doctors?!? They want doctors to assist with sickening us. Maiming us for life. Killing us. Have we forgotten what doctors are for?
Ms. Bloomfield said her members reported that as many as 15 percent of people in small towns were not showing up for their second shot. She attributed some of that to social media posts about side effects. “That doesn’t help us,” she said.
What is being implied here? People shouldn’t be sharing information about side effects? We’d be better off if such posts were not allowed? Have people like Ms. Bloomfield been so brainwashed as to have lost all critical thinking skills?
“If you think of this as a war,” said Michael Carney, the senior vice president for emerging issues at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, “we’re about to enter the hand-to-hand combat phase of the war.”
Hand-to-hand combat? War??? I know Carney was just using a metaphor, but still… that’s a scary thought for those of us who know there is no virus, and are wondering what exactly these vaccines intended to do.
that will BREAK the WORLD
The Parasites in Power have been in constant breach, violation, and betrayal of their constitutional duties. The Law is a Man-made Construct, An Agreement We All Make With Each Other For Hopes of a Better Life. ENFORCING LAWS UNWORTHY OF THAT PROTECTION IS A BREACH OF THAT AGREEMENT, AND A BETRAYAL OF THAT HOPE. Any Police Actions that can be construed as harmful to an individual such as Civil Asset Forfeitures, Unwarranted Intrusion of Private Property, Unwarranted Surveillance Etc. Must End At Once, Any And All Operations that Promote And Project Fear and Division Must End. The CIA, FBI, Federal Reserve, IRS, World Bank, IMF, UN, Bilderberg, WEF, Council on Foreign Relations, FDA, CDC, FCC, The Pentagon, Big Tech Censorship and Monopolies And Their ilk Is To Be Abolished, They’ve used Complex Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, Highly Tactical and Strategic Techniques, Such As MKULTRA, and Turning The Media Into Their Own Propaganda Front through Their Operation Mockingbird, effectively making CIA The Media, that would make Goebeles blush; They’ve designed strategies that ISOLATE and DIVIDE us from one another, to foster hate, fear, and resentment for each each other; With further insults to People’s Race, Sex, Ancestry, Creed, Culture and So Forth.THEY DON’T WANT US TO HAVE PEACE!!! These Parasites are a Small Rootless International Syndication of the Most Corrupt Predatory Psychopaths, A Conglomerate, Whose Only Principles Are The Accrual of More Wealth And Power; They Are Intimately Connected By Genes, History, Beliefs, Associations, Organization, and Origins, They Have No Morals, No Valuable Virtues, and No Allegiance nor Concern or Consideration For Others Except for Other Parasites. They Are Those That Pretend To Be Our Betters, Using Made Up Fake Titles Like Pope, Monarch, Count, Priest, Bishop, Cardinal Earl, Duke, CEO, and So Forth.The Greivous Burdens They Place Upon The People, Like Obscene Opulence and Wide Wealth Gap, And All Out Class Warfare; Their Worst Crimes are Human Trafficking and Pedophilia on An Industrial Scale, Slavery, and False Imprisonment. All The Hardest People You Meet Were Once As Soft As Water, And That Is The Tradgedy of Living. Any Entity that Pretends to Assure You “That They Are Contributing and Guaranteeing To Protecting Our Freedom.”; Are only Kidding Themselves, And You. Our Freedom and Sovereignty Is Our Own Responsibility And Birth Right to Claim and Protect!!; I Call For A Global Referendum Vote of No Confidence In Those Who Pretend to Represent Us And Against The Current Status Quo of Corruption; The People are told that the government can and should protect them from all sorts of every day threats to their lives, livelihoods, and overall well-being—threats of destitution, hunger, disability, unemployment, illness, lack of income in old age, germs in the water, toxins in the food, air and environment; They make us all pay to have us subjected to inhuman conditions like militarized police forces and all sorts of federal agencies including the Post Office and Social Security Administration having their own tactical teams to trained to subdue and kill those their sworn to protect, their own people!! These Unhuman Aggressions Against the Populations of The United States and the World at Large must Cease and Desist Immediately!! End All Incentives, Support, and Welfare for Illegal Immigrantion, Addition of Severe Penalties and Strict Enforcement of Immigration Law Will Be Observed Here On Out. Big Defence and Big Special Interest Groups Must be Nationalised/Dissolved!! These Wasteful and Corrupt Expidentures Must be Ceased and Prosecuted Immediately, All Our Troops Must Be Brought Home from All Across The World, No matter where they’re stationed, And They Must Secure Our Borders upon Return; It Is Up To Us To Starve and Rebuke The Parasites in Power by any and every way Possible. It is Our Sovereign Duty To Remedy The Overall Health and Well-being of Our People, As Our First Priority, Clear Vision, Thinking, and Activity Will Lead Us To Foster and Promote Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness!! It Is Up To Us To Keep the Tree of Liberty Alive, No matter what the Costs; By Any and All means Necessary!! May God be with Us when We decide what to when the other shoe drops. Believe you me there will be consequences to all blatant and deliberate and Inhuman barbaric acts that they do!! By God, I say I do hope that bill should be due real soon, GodSpeed!! God Help Us All!! #DrainTheCessPool
That was a great read. Let’s remember, though, that Left and Right is usually all Right. You have a leftwing on the Right and it’s just as terrible as the rightwing on the Right.
I agree that the real bioweapon is the vaccine. I don’t know about ‘bio’ though. Although ‘we’ are bio, so I guess the label might work. I’m alarmed to see those on my side of covid 1984 (Sherri Tenpenny et al) push the idea that we are now faced with superspreaders via the bioweapons of variants of Sars CoV 2, or something like that. As I’ve noted elsewhere, the problem with that idea (besides being based on speculation, not science) is that it plugs a hole in the police State government’s vulnerability to lawsuits. As Pam Popper noted, Every time a covid case is tried and the people stand a chance of winning, the government perks up and says the magical word: ‘Emergency’ and the judge dismisses the case. Her tact (and I don’t know what she’s accomplished in this regard) is to go after ‘that’. It’s smart. It’s easy to demonstrate (all-cause mortality, fraudulent PCR test) that there’s no pandemic. Now, My side has possibly made it impossible for us to take advantage of that. Bullcrap baffles brains. What judge is going to be free enough to spend time keeping up with the hoaxsters’ moves? And that’s ‘if’ judges are so inclined.
I have absolutely no intention of being vaxxed EVER or allowing them to push any Qtip up by nose and maybe give me graphene oxide. If I cannot leave the country, well, it’s the new slavery. In traditional slavery one could try to run away. There doesn’t seem to be any way of running from the new slavemasters.