The US presidential election just keeps getting faker
the more it goes on. Yes, it’s bread and circus time again in America, but this time around the rulers are putting on an entertainment show which has lost its ability to convince and persuade. It’s just too damn fake. We know the US and many other Western “democracies” are rigged one-party states where all the major candidates are controlled, bribed and/or blackmailed. We know that US presidents are selected, not elected. In the 2016 US presidential election, we’ve witnessed all sorts of fakery right from the start. Hillary blatantly rigged the Democratic Primaries in several states (Iowa, Nevada, Arizona and California just to name a few). She colluded with the DNC board, led by the disgraced Wasserman-Schultz, to keep Bernie out of the nomination. Then, at the DNC convention, she pulled out all the stops with a grand display of riggery and fakery, including paying people to sit there to hold her signs, playing white noise machines to drown out protests, having DNC officials turn off the lights above Bernie supporters to plunge them into darkness and all sorts of other dirty tricks.
Hillary’s Fake Health and Fake Transparency
The fakery continued after Clinton’s nomination coronation as queen at the DNC. Ever since the topic of Hillary’s health has come to light, Hillary has been in damage control mode, trying to convince a skeptical public she is well enough for the office of president, despite her coughing fits, bouts of dizziness and confusion, struggling to walk up stairs, tripping and falling, bouts of inappropriate laughter, wild crossed-eyed looks and her public seizures (see The Real Hillary Clinton for more info). Wikileaks apparently discovered that Hillary was searching online for adult diapers. Maybe she currently wears them.
Meanwhile, corrupt Hillary continues her campaign without conducting press conferences, which is highly unusual for a US presidential candidate. Zero Hedge reports it has been 273 days (absolute zero) since her last press conference! Clearly we can deduce from this that Hillary is scared of being asked some tough questions, given how flooded she is with scandal after scandal (Clinton Foundation fraud and corruption, email deletions, foreign bribery, pay to play shenanigans, the growing Clinton Body Count, etc.). There’s nothing open and transparent about her; she’s barely holding on, keeping quiet and hoping Trump will shoot himself in the foot some more between now and November 8th.
Clinton vs. Trump Rallies: Spot the Fakery Anyone?
Take a look at the above images. The same thing that was happening with Bernie is happening with Trump – they have both been attracting large crowds and filling up stadiums. Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign relies on several forms of fakery to give the false impression that Hillary is actually popular. They have produced blatantly photoshopped images of a Hillary rally (see below). They constantly make it look like Hillary is speaking to a large room by keeping the camera at one angle, putting bleachers or rows of people behind her, and never panning the camera around the room. They have been busted over and over for camera trickery and fakery, but unless you are tuned into the alternative media, you probably won’t see it.
Was She Even There? Hillary Takes Fakery to a New Depth
It was somewhat stunning, even for someone as fake and fraudulent as Hillary Rodham Clinton, to release a video of a purported rally which is entirely faked (embedded above). Look carefully at the video. There are at least 3 separate people holding smartphones pointed at her, yet when she finishes and exits off the stage, the images reflected in the smartphone screens are not what they should be! They show different images entirely. Was the entire rally “made up”? Is anything about this woman true at all, or are we living in a Wag the Dog/Truman Show movie set?
Election Fraud Through Fractionalized Voting
Bev Harris of has done tireless work to expose election fraud over the years. She has recently come out warning the American public of the latest technique in election rigging, which is to fractionalize votes, i.e. make them only worth a fraction (e.g. one fifth, one third, one tenth, etc.) of what they should be (one whole vote). She writes in her article FRACTION MAGIC – PART 1: VOTES ARE BEING COUNTED AS FRACTIONS INSTEAD OF AS WHOLE NUMBERS:
“The results of this study demonstrate that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can be applied across large jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds.”
This means that with just a little computer code, someone can flip the vote and make, for example, all of the whole votes for Donald Trump suddenly worth only one quarter (0.25) instead of one (1). Vote rigging like this has already happened in the past. The system is already in place. Welcome to the USA, champion of democracy! Can you see now how other nations feel about the US enforcing democracy down the barrel of gun, when things are so utterly subverted and fake at home?
Trump’s Connections to the Shadow Rulers
Although this article has so far highlighted the fraud surrounding Hillary, the point here is not to support Trump. The Donald himself has a myriad of connections and associations with NWO agents such as the head of the Rockefeller CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Tommy Haas. Trump is also close to Paypal founder, millionaire and transhumanist Peter Thiel, CIA asset and Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, as well as Louis Lesser partner of CIA Asset Meyer Lansky (who was involved the JFK assassination). To what degree Trump is influenced or controlled by these men is an open question, however we know enough to say that he has tyrannical tendencies, is an ardent Zionist and a possible or probable pedophile – hardly the choice you want to be given in a free and open society.
DHS and UN to Take Control of US Presidential Elections?
The issues of voter fraud and election rigging have become large enough that Obama was recently asked about it. Not long after this, Jeh Johnson, the head of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), let slip that his department is considering taking control of the US presidential election (problem-reaction-solution). Johnson tried to claim that elections may have become part of “critical infrastructure”. The DHS is the very same department that was created right after the 9/11 false flag with a fast bill slammed through Congress that no-one had time to read. It’s also the same department that oversees the TSA, which gives airline passengers the choice of molestation or radiation. It’s funny how almost all governmentally-proposed solutions have the characteristic of centralizing more power in the government. Perhaps this 2016 US presidential election will be hard to rig for Hillary (given her massive unpopularity) so her controllers want more power over the election process to ensure she gets in.
Top Conservatives and Neocons Bust the Two-Party Illusion by Openly Declaring Support for Hillary
As if all the fakery listed above isn’t enough, consider the fact that many top Republicans, neocons and conservatives have openly come out and stated that they would rather vote for Clinton than Trump. Why? Almost certainly because she’s more likely to start foreign wars (against China and Russia), more likely to continue the corrupt status quo and more likely to advance the New World Order agenda in line with the ambitions of these shadow rulers. Those at the top know the fake left-right paradigm is a facade designed to fool the masses into thinking they have a choice. Look at the cosy relationship between George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, supposed opponents on opposite sides of the aisle (nothing like some CIA Mena cocaine and Satanic ritual to bond over). However, the 2016 US presidential election is unique in that it appears that some of these guys aren’t even trying to maintain the illusion of freedom.
May 2016 be the Year the Masses Awaken to the Fakery of the US Presidential Election
There’s enough fakery to fill a few hundreds football stadiums with this US presidential election. Hopefully we are about to see it reach a tipping point where a critical mass of people simply refuse to buy into it at all. Once enough people see the “bread and circus” show for what it truly is – a distraction, a fanciful ruse, a facade and a silly game of no real consequence – they will lose confidence in the whole system and begin dreaming of new, better and fairer systems. This, of course, is the worst nightmare of the NWO controllers.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at (FaceBook here), writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
As we step into the future. We shop online. We socialize online. We bank online. We even file our taxes online. Why not vote online? For USA presidential elections 2016 Online Poll here at
Election results posted on Worldnow server Nov 1 2016.
Worldnow is a central company that helps all the news stations stay synchronized so they all report the same news. This is a bust of that company, that already has the election results ready for the stations to post, complete with their station graphics. On election day, they go live with this. This is completely confirmed in the second report on this page, including proof that the posted results are NOT a test.
2016 Presidential Election The Illusion of Choice
Financial reset is in the works
Do not be surprised if the elections are cancelled
Roy Cohen was Trump’s lawyer.He was also the lawyer of the mafia. Roy Cohen was well connected to Satanic men of power(NY CITY POLITICIANS) and was in the private room in the basement of Studio 54 were his gay friends socialized with cocaine and satanic rituals with the likes of Mick Jagger,Halston,Andy Warhol and many other celebrities( many jewish freemasons) with DRUGS and BOYS provided by STEVE RUBELL and IAN SCHRAGER the front of STUDIO 54 financed by the MAFIA(ROY COHEN). Today Schrager is a hotel owner( Royalton,Paramount) with NO LIQUOR LICENSE and partners with Hilton(a Masonic entity)with a new concept in hotels.Studio 54 was a prime example of the CABALISTIC SATANIC FREEMASONRY Henry Makow(a good jew) writes about in the destruction of the normal family with gaydom,perversion,trans gender they are trying to push down your throat to create Communism..SATANISM NWO
Hillary Clinton’s Recorded Tactics as a Defense Attorney for a Child Rapist
“I thought you should know”
EXPUNGED: Fired Huffington Post reporter David Seaman speaks out
Hillary will destroy all of us, and has elite protection
Huffington Post reporter David Seaman got a real conspiracy wake up call after he spoke out about Hillary’s health. He was living life like the rest of the blind sheep until inexplicably, mysteriously, his life got vaporized for simply saying the truth and having it be the wrong thing to say.
The following is a transcript I did of a video he posted – his “wake up” video which I figured would be wiped today, and sure enough all reference to this has indeed been expunged from the web.
The video was a 20 minute video, where he has obviously newly awaken to the New World Order conspiracy. He missed the Soros topic, but to have this come from former MSM so soon after firing is one hell of a dig. He meandered a bit in the video, so this transcription has the meandering taken out and delivers only the message. It was difficult to get through and my time was limited because my internet was cut off the moment I tried to get this and I had to go to a “totally random computer” where I only had an hour and a half. This is minutes 0 through 15:30
David Seaman speaks out: Hillary will destroy us, and has elite protection
Transcribed from video by Jim Stone on Sep 6 2016
After this videocast, my work is pretty much done. My only intention was to prove beyond any doubt that Hillary Clinton has serious health problems that make her unfit for office. Both mental health problems, memory problems and other problems physically, serious serious physical problems.
That was my intent when I went through the Wikileaks Clinton e-mail archive at And it is worth noting that everything in there, as strange as some of the discussions are, we have to take it at face value, because this is not a hoax, these are not fake e-mails, the Clintons were not playing around with us, they had no idea that these communications would ever be compromised.
These are the real e-mails, they were obtained through the freedom of information act requests. To be fair, most of these e-mails I did not find myself, other researchers did and then I just happened to have a larger platform and I am happy to signal boost a little bit and now it is your job to take things to the next level.
I’ll tell you which media outlets are compromised, again this is not a theory, this is not something I read from somewhere random, this is from the e-mails themselves. We have to be smart, we have to stop being dummies, certain media outlets will not listen to you when you talk about this corruption because they are literally in the bag for Hillary Clinton.
It is important to remember that what is happening right now is a real globalist agenda. Not just to get a democrat in, not just to get a liberal person in, or to promote a progressive agenda, no – Hillary Clinton specifically – some of the most powerful people in the world have colluded on a globalist agenda that has been in the works for many many years, and step one or step two was silencing the media and making sure the media is on their side so that when this day comes, somebody like me who has the facts is not even listened to.
‘ You have to keep in mind that I know I proved Hillary’s health problems only because Huffington Post deleted my articles about this, and then deleted my access to my own account, to my own column with no explanation, this is now more than a week after it happened, not a word of explanation, not a single response from Arianna Huffington, the founder of that web site, and going through the Wikileaks emails it is clear that Hillary Clinton herself is very close to Huffington Post – she has had breakfasts with Ariana Huffington, she reads the Huffington Post closely, her staffers look at it closely, creepy stuff.
And I understand that Lady Rothchild, that is where she contributes some of her articles, to the Huffington Post.
I was not planning on finding out Hillary Clinton was owned by an extremely secretive European banking family that makes money from financing wars, I had no idea that I was going to come across that but then again it is not my own research, it is other people that found those exact emails and it just was not getting much attention because they were posting it on random blogs when it should be on the home page of CNN, it should be on the home page of the New York Times, it should be talked about by every American in every coffee shop and diner in the United States, it is the biggest thing in the world. The fact that it is not (front page news) on CNN and the fact that if you bring this to them they will laugh at you is because they were compromised in 2012.
We know that the editorial board of the New York times is compromised, but we do not know to what extent. We know that CNN and ABC are compromised, the New Yorker is compromised, the New Republic is compromised, and that is just from one email. I am sure there were many dinners set up over many years.
Julian Assange stated the following – “The American liberal press, in falling over themselves to defend Hillary Clinton, are erecting a demon that is going to put nooses around everyones necks as soon as she wins the election which is almost certainly what she is going to do.”
I do not understand why the FBI has not already ordered her campaign to be shuttered. I do not understand why they have not hauled her in for real questioning, – the FBI, – I thought what they did was record things and then investigate and yet they did not record any of their interviews with Hillary. Several conspiracy people believe the FBI has been bought. I don’t know what that means but I can assume it means they have been bought the same way the media has been and there is probably enormous unimaginable amounts of money changing hands. Hillary’s backers are not billionaires, they are trillionaires.
Donald Trump is a billionaire going against a cabal of trillionaires who have a globalist agenda and they want it in place soon. Why do you think the media has gone so crazy orwellian on us and won’t even invite Trump guests on, Trump surrogates are not even invited on, the Reuters news agency the other day, during Trump’s speech at a black church they cut it mid feed, this is orwellian stuff.
I have been on cable many times and I have been on many national radio shows and up until last week I was a columnist at Huffington Post, I am not just some guy who just came out from under the rocks, this is extremely weird and it is happening fast and according to some of the people I have consulted the reason it is happening fast is because there is a true agenda, they want someone who will start their wars. Hillary destroyed Libya because Ghadaffi was interested in switching to a gold based currency which would have been bad for the Rothchild cartel which wants people to continue using paper money and continue using central banks, they don’t want people using gold, they probably don’t want people using crypto currency, they want people using their debt based made up money so they remain multi trillionaires.
Hillary Clinton, as their stooge as the Secretary of State is their stooge who promoted war with Libya to punish Libya for seeking out a gold based currency. That is insanely criminal and there is plenty of other stuff in the email archive that is criminal enough for the FBI to haul her in and I am going to have to lend more credence to the view that the FBI has been bought because you would think the feds would want to deal with this woman who is an organized criminal.
There is a growing stack of dead bodies around her and around the DNC in this election cycle which is un American and unacceptable. Within the email archive itself, if you search for the name Michael Hastings that was a buzz feed and Rolling Stone investigated the journalist and he was going back and forth with one of Hillary Clinton’s advisors. The email archives show they got quite angry, quite upset over something so much so that Hastings had to send them an email apologizing and then later Michael Hastings died in a car crash that had no explanation whatsoever and his body was cremated after that, without his family’s knowledge or permission. He was clearly not suicidal, and even Huffington Post was informed by Richard Clark, – Former U.S. coordinator for National Security who said that the Hastings crash was consistent with a car cyber attack. He stated that major intelligence agencies, including those in the United States know how to remotely seize control of a car, it is relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car. He concluded that whoever did it would probably get away with it. Hastings practiced a type of no holds barred journalism that tended to anger powerful people.
When I went through the email archive, they were very angry with him over something, clearly he was stepping on somebody’s toes there. and again the email archive itself shows enough wrongdoing to have a trillionaire running her foreign policy to such an extent she was able to track Tony Blaire’s whereabouts. __________________
This is where I ran out of time. Obviously David has just come out of the darkness, and it happened because of the way in which he lost his position at the Huffington Post which was done in a way that was so obviously Communist. He never got around to discussing George Soros, probably because he has not woken up that much yet. But to hear this from him is a real eye opener, which strongly indicates that much of the MSM operates under a veil of deception it does not even know exists. has the latest as already mentioned above plus a hint for alt news sites to stay on line as the attacks will come….
Hillary Clinton Will Destroy Us All & Has ‘Elite Immunity’ – Must Watch
“Hillary Clinton has 1 Year to Live,” says Medical School Professor
I am a professor at a medical school. I have taught at three institutions (currently in my third). I will not provide my exact credentials because several people who have tried to speak out against Hillary Clinton have been killed (look up “Clinton Body Count”). The Clintons have also ruined the lives of others
Satan Kaine(CAIN of the bible) will be the Jesuit President!
The United States does not have a legitimate government; its Constitution of 1789 is not in force; the martial law rule imposed by the Network of Global Corporate Control has been exposed and renounced by the coalition of Ministers of Finance and Development on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF that administer the US’ monetary gold reserves. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are exposed as bankers’ agents trying to surrender the United States unilaterally through a crash of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Note. DNC & RNC are both corrupt and working for the Network of Global Corporate Control.
He also discusses the upcoming election and what they may attempt to do to stop it by implementing Marshall Law.
Clinton vs. Trump: Is the Deep
State at war with itself? Dark
Journalist, Daniel Liszt and ‘Giza
Death Star’ book series author,
Dr. Joseph Farrell examine the
covert elements at work behind
the scenes in the 2016 US
Presidential Election.
Some of Farrell’s most exciting
research is about the rise of
Donald Trump, which he opines
may originate from that part of
the Deep State that’s connected
with the Mafia, a longstanding
relationship that is well-documented.
I prat that this fake and false election would stop one day.
Great article. And what can you tell us about Bernie ?