The Psychopath Virus


The psychopath virus is the real problem here, not the Chinese Coronavirus which in all likelihood came from a bioweapons lab.

The psychopath virus reigns. What happens to us, the clueless, naive, and child-like citizens,

numbering in the billions, is of little concern. Dr. Francis Boyle, the man who drafted the Biological Weapons Act, believes the Wuhan Coronavirus didn’t originate in a seafood market, as the propaganda media insists, but rather escaped from a supposedly secure bioweapons lab in Wuhan. Boyle cites the following quote from the GreatGameIndia website:

“In a secret speech given to high-level Communist Party cadres nearly two decades ago, Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian explained a long-range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance… He said there were three vital issues that must be grasped. The first was the issue of living space—because China is severely overpopulated and China’s environment is deteriorating. The second issue, therefore, is that the Communist Party must teach the Chinese people to “go out.” By this Gen. Chi meant the conquest of new lands in which a “second China” could be built by “colonization.” From this arises the third vital issue: the “issue of America.””

The website claims the “ruling Chinese Communist Party” (which is not communist; Karl Marx would be rolling over in his grave—the “Chicoms” have little to do with Marxism or Maoism for that matter; they are authoritarian crony capitalists) believes biological weapons will result in the defeat of America, which stands in the way of its version of totalitarian colonialism.

Gen. Chi represents the height of psychopathic gamesmanship that very well may result in the end of human and possibly mammalian life on the planet. Here is the General’s rationale:

“We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack, the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States. If, however, the attack fails and triggers a nuclear retaliation from the United States, China would perhaps suffer a catastrophe in which more than half of its population would perish. That is why we need to be ready with air defense systems for our big and medium-sized cities.”

Chi said China’s economic advancement is not the key for triumph over its enemies—war is. “Our economic development is all about preparing for the needs of war!” he said. “Publicly, we still emphasize economic development as our center, but in reality, economic development has war as its center!”

There is plenty of evidence China stole the Coronavirus from a lab in Canada and turned around and weaponized it, presumably to use against its mortal enemy, the USG.

The “mainstream media,” in actuality a finely tuned propaganda mouthpiece for the ruling elite, want you to believe this deadly virus emerged unexpected from a dead and live animal market in Wuhan (they characterize it as a seafood market). Boyle and others know this is a cover story and pure bullshit.

Forget the cover story. This is all about the USG and the misnamed “Chicoms” fighting to gain world dominance. Both nation-states are controlled by seriously disturbed psychopaths bent on world domination. What happens to us, the clueless, naive, and child-like citizens, numbering in the billions, is of little concern.

It is yet to be determined what damage the Coronavirus will ultimately have on world population. This is of little concern to the ruling psychopaths. They believe there are too many useless eaters on the planet, a planet they consider their personal property. If the Coronavirus takes a toll similar to that of the 1917 influenza, that’s not a problem, it’s an offertory to Moloch, Kronos, or whatever pagan deity these psychopaths worship (if any at all).

I’d suggest reading the Georgia Guidestones. Our rulers want a world population no larger than 500 million people. If the misnamed Chicoms manage to kill off a few hundred million people with their bioweapon virus, so much the better for the elite who have no use for us.

Our ancestors built the most prosperous civilization in history and the elite are now in the process of stealing all the wealth and rending the social and political fabric. If most of us die in a bio or nuclear war, so much the better for them. They will be safe in their bunkers.


Daniel Miner February 5, 2020 - 11:23 am

Recently Delamer Duverus guided us to watch a video by Mike Adams of Natural News about the power grid shutdown in California, how it has nothing to do with wind, and why they might be doing so. He also talks about the shutdown of repeaters by ham operators so their broadcasts won’t transmit that far, and about the Chinese and their owning of a port recently closed by President Trump and implications this might have of an invasion by them.

This immediately got our attention because of the path of understanding Delamer Duverus had given us. In 2003 after President Bush bombed the heck out of Iraq with Depleted Uranium, Delamer Duverus told us we committed the most grievous crime of adultery against the Iraqi people. Adultery is much more than having sex with someone other than your mate, it is about adulterating anything in the natural world. DU has now caused mutations of the unborn and much cancer and it will stay there for years to come, hundreds of years. For this crime America lost God’s blessing and Delamer Duverus said He would let the hordes come against us.

It was after this in 2003 a friend called to tell us that he had been listening to a talk show about dreams and there had been many who called in about dreaming of the Chinese invading our nation. We also knew three people who had these dreams previously, one a man back in the 70s. He was instructed to buy land in Arkansas and knew the place when he saw it. Another man, also in Arkansas, dreamt of the Chinese military hiding in caves under his property, waiting to attack. Another dreamt of hiding in a culvert with her two children while Chinese soldiers marched through their property. Still another saw in the spirit tunneling under his home in Jane, Missouri, and we know there is also a tunnel in Harrison, Arkansas, which is really not far away from Jane. Delamer Duverus told us there was also a hive part of our nation, in the Rockies, underground, north to south tunnels and we must think there are also east to west tunnels and the Chinese could come up anywhere and be everywhere at once. They do so with the traitors in our nation, and because it was the Mormon Hierarchy who through Armand Hammer, the arms dealer, put their industries in China first who are possibly working with the Chinese and maybe even the Zionist since they all must pray to the same god of death and destruction. Delamer Duverus told us that the Mormon Hierarchy gained control of the FBI in 1953. We had never heard this before, but when we “googled” it we saw that J. Edgar Hoover liked to hire Mormons because he thought he could trust them, probably their blood oath thing, and there was a lawsuit where non-Mormon FBI agents sued the Bureau because they felt they were always being overlooked for promotions which went to Mormon agents. The CIA and FBI hire from Brigham Young University, a Mormon university, and we met a Mormon women who told me the church urged their men to get into law enforcement, which her husband had done. I also read that it was Gen. Scowcroft who was flying back from 9-11 on an E4B. Am pretty sure he was there orchestrating everything, the holographic planes etc. and that they also have control over the Pentagon and all things UFO.

So, TPTB are setting us up for a fall and an invasion and, Kurt, what you say rings true with the understanding given me. However, wouldn’t want to be in any underground bunker. All Delamer Duverus has to do is speed up the rotation of the Earth to increase the gravity, and those bunkers will become tombs. Sounds a little woo-woo, doesn’t it. Well, that’s what Man did when JeSus was crucified. They sped up the rotation and made the sun set early.

Matthew 24:22 New King James Version (NKJV)
22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.

This may also allude to nuclear war. If the gravity is increased, then bullets will not go very far, planes and rockets won’t be able to take off to drop their payloads, and there will be earthquakes and rumblings within the Earth.

Have a question if anyone can answer it. Weren’t the Chinese building large cities, but they were empty. What were they for?

Meltonmark February 5, 2020 - 6:42 am

Dunno about Coronavirus. Read a multitude of articles claiming it was developed in the West, with HIV1 spliced into it’s DNA, with Patents filed by Western companies, etc.
For my part, I look at the World population of (say) 7’000’000’000. Average life expectancy 70 years or about 840 months. Average natural attrition = 8,219,178 deaths per month. Deaths from Coronavirus last month = 427.
Don’t think I’ll panic just yet.

Amarka February 5, 2020 - 7:23 pm

If true, this radically lessens the likelihood of a global pandemic.

“……………The Chinese were furious to learn that Americans were collecting Chinese DNA. The government intervened and prohibited the further export of any of the data. The conclusion at the time was that the ‘research’ had been commissioned by the US military with the DNA samples destined for race-specific bio-weapons research…………..:

6. Why did the team of scientists in India find elements of HIV in the coronavirus genome that is believed to raise the infectious potential, a finding, if correct, implies the engineering of a bioterror weapon?

If the Indian scientists’ findings are correct, we should expect them to be shouted down by government supported scientists. To save their careers, they would have to acknowledge a mistake in their research. If the virus were a US manufactured one, China would have the same incentive to coverup the fact as Washington, because otherwise the consequence would be war, for which China is not ready.

Coronavirus : India To Investigate Wuhan Institute Of Virology

GreatGameIndia – February 3, 2020

After Indian scientists were forced to withdraw their study concluding Coronavirus was injected with HIV AIDS virus amidst massive online criticism from Social Media experts, now Indian authorities have launched an investigation against China’s…

Read more

Muhammad Abbass February 7, 2020 - 4:27 am

I’m also suspicious of Indian statements in this respect because their intel agency is very tight with the CIA and MOSSAD.

Muhammad Abbass February 7, 2020 - 4:27 am

If it is a bioweapon it didn’t likely arise from a Chinese lab. It is already showing a distinct preference for Asian hosts and that would make the suggestion it was developed in a Chinese lab quite ludicrous. There’s also an obvious campaign of propaganda going on by fake Chinese accounts and Western ones from a few ‘interested partie” which leave a clear impression it came from a Chinese lab which is sufficiently persistent and yet just under the radar for now to make it seem too well timed and convenient if it is to drive the public perception in that direction.

I’d rather see the lights go out on the human race from natuiral causes than to find myself a survivor among a race which did this to another race of humanity..

Muhammad Abbass February 7, 2020 - 4:27 am

If it is a bioweapon it didn’t likely arise from a Chinese lab. It is already showing a distinct preference for Asian hosts and that would make the suggestion it was developed in a Chinese lab quite ludicrous. There’s also an obvious campaign of propaganda going on by fake Chinese accounts and Western ones from a few ‘interested partie” which leave a clear impression it came from a Chinese lab which is sufficiently persistent and yet just under the radar for now to make it seem too well timed and convenient if it is to drive the public perception in that direction.

I’d rather see the lights go out on the human race from natuiral causes than to find myself a survivor among a race which did this to another race of humanity..

Jimmy Yost March 1, 2020 - 7:43 am

What makes you think the elite will be safe in their bunkers? About 2,600 years ago when foretelling some things about the end-times, the Lord had the prophet Ezekiel to write the following:

“… and they that be in the forts and in the caves shall die of the pestilence.” (Ezekiel 33:27 in the King James Version).

So, according to that verse of scripture, If the elite actually were behind concocting the Coronavirus (and/or other bioweapons), it will turn on their heads and they’ll be the victims of their own devices.

binra March 1, 2020 - 1:20 pm

The False-flagged Exosome!

The weapon of deceit only need induce the belief in the bioweapon or framing of the natural cycles of rebalancing in fear and ‘provided treatments’ that – along with toxic exposures – make the ‘bioweapon’.
Toxic exposures are covered for by infectious diseases – excepting when the toxin is the cover story – as in carbon dioxide as a narrative for the denial and degradation of carbon units who cant afford the offset to their sins – along with monopolising global energy control under an Internment of Things.

Our deep support in physicality is in the realm of microbiota.
Life embodies as a balanced and unified intent. If we lose our centred balance in the heart, we become identified psychopathically as defence against perceived associations of imbalance in sickness, struggle or war. The actual cause is hidden BY the defence, and persisted in under what seems to be personally and socially justified ‘protections’.

Marten March 1, 2020 - 7:57 pm

FEAR alone dumbs Immune Strength among a population of naked “chickens” Mass-Media can do that….Be scared, really really scared….Protect your MIND from the continuous barrage of propaganda, Statistics and big-mouth Officials……Don’t allow your “peace of mind” to be stolen

Makia Freeman March 2, 2020 - 12:38 pm

Good advice.

Mannetjie Botha March 1, 2020 - 10:23 am

Here is an interesting read by Robert David Steele on the Corona virus

binra March 1, 2020 - 1:10 pm

Two loaded words in the same sentence; ‘psychopathic virus’!

In a sense the term virus is already serving as a projected narrative psychopathy at intra cellular level. Not only OUT THERE and trying to get in and kill you – but contagious and therefore rendering your outer world potentially psychopathic at the chance of a sneeze, a handshake, a shared bus ride.

Psychopathy is a sick or split mind that has lost its true grounding or belonging and runs in dissociation from relational reality under the judgements of loveless self-definition. This is pervasive and systemic – but the term psychopathic is usually reserved as the ‘scientific’ equivalent for ‘evil’, and thus the call for excommunication, denial and morally justified ‘holy war’ as a scapegoat on which to dump our hate and ‘drive it out’.

But in the meaning of virus that has extended FROM its presumed physical basis (as alien attack) TO such things as memes, videos and propaganda running as the framing of our thought, fear IS contagion.

Fear is division or conflict – unresolved and often automatically hidden in narrative masking – that then seeks reinforcement and alliance or external support.
And so there is a kind of ‘fear-thinking’ that operates the invested and defended narrative identity, that has no belonging or value to alignment in wholeness. Rather it will shout or plead or sneak in under guise of seemingly good intentions, to insinuate itself in your holy mind – that you are created to be – and set you in conflict or pieces that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men must now put together or resolve before you can have your life back.
There are toxic debts associated with false worth-ship and false with-ness, that ARE part of us but are pushed away in denial seeking power. There are also all kinds of things we have taken on as IF they are our responsibility that are not – and which engage us in futility and disempowerment that may mask as ‘winning’ INSTEAD of waking to the basis of a true response.

This is all about consciousness – and its replacement or substitution by a dead construct taken for living.

Fear that becomes obvious as fear, is no longer masking in forms of power or protection, and so we have a choice BECAUSE fear is rising in our awareness – rather than framing it in doublethink of self-contradictory ‘meanings’.

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