Google caught evidence of Sandy Hook foreknowledge: this United Way charity website page was launched on Dec. 11th, 2012, a full 3 days before the mass shooting at Sandy Hook actually occurred!
Sandy Hook foreknowledge exists!
Sandy Hook has all the hallmarks of a classic false flag operation – a staged terror event made to look as though it were it carried out by someone else (in this case patsy or scapegoat Adam Lanza), when in fact it was carried out by criminals within the US Government and Military Intelligence Agencies. There is now definitive proof that someone had foreknowledge of the Sandy Hook mass shooting. Yes, there was Sandy Hook foreknowledge! The charity group United Way decided to post a website on Dec 11th, 2012 (a full 3 days before the shootings took place on Dec 14th, 2012) offering “our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut”, as can be seen right here:
Sandy Hook Foreknowledge Shows the Event was Pre-Planned
Here’s the problem: Google spiders crawled the site and record that it was posted before the shooting took place. How is that possible? Only if someone had foreknowledge that it was going to take place. That’s a scary thought, but we need to face the truth and move out of denial. Foreknowledge proves that events like Sandy Hook were staged and planned in advance. Foreknowledge proves that an event was a false flag operation, designed to further a hidden agenda (gun control and the general promotion of fear and insecurity) by using the tool of “Problem-Reaction-Solution“. By introducing a problem (massacre of innocent children), the dark planners of this event are aiming to orchestrate a reaction (people devastated and scared) and manipulate public opinion into supporting a solution (gun control).
Foreknowledge Also Occurred with 9/11 False Flag Terror Event
There was also foreknowledge in the 9/11 attacks. Both Willie Brown, San Francisco mayor at the time, as well as author Salmon Rushdie, were called in the days leading up to 9/11 and told not to take their planned flights to New York. BBC was caught red-handed airing a report that Building 7 had collapsed before it actually did (you can see it still standing in the background behind the reporter’s head!).
The world is more than it seems. We are being constantly deceived on a grand scale. Sandy Hook foreknowledge is yet another example where the lie is monstrously big. Think carefully and examine things critically.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
I was an ongoing part of the Operation Northwoods program [new name not known] by the the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Pentagon to change and manipulate the public’s opinion against the right to bear arms while the US military are now training foreign NATO troops for martial law take-over, but they have to get the guns first. 9/11 was also an ongoing part of this operation to get the public to condone war in the Middle East! Operation Northwoods never stopped! It was 3 shooters dressed up as nuns entering the school!
Thanks for your comment. I have a few questions. You make a big claim that you were part of Operation Northwoods. Do you have evidence of this? In what capacity were you involved? Records say that Operation Northwoods was a plan or proposal that was never executed, so what do you mean that “Operation Northwoods” never stopped? And when you say 3 nuns dressed up shooters, which incident are you referring to?