Respiratory Therapist Exposes the Fake Virus Pandemic


This respiratory therapist lays out the truth behind the fake coronavirus pandemic. The COVID-19 test is flawed and the case count is inflated.

This brave and intelligent respiratory therapist

has blown the whistle on the fake pandemic that is COVID-19. He joins the ranks of a growing number of doctors on the frontlines who are reporting that this so-called pandemic simply doesn’t add up, due to various reasons that have been reported by independent and citizen journalists: empty hospitals, inflated figures and people being falsely counted as COVID-19 cases. This respiratory therapist also exposes the COVID-19 test itself as useless. It is not testing for the virus but rather the reaction to the virus. Since it is a PCR test and not the gold standard of isolation and purification etc. (Koch’s postulates discussed here), it is merely testing for RNA sequences that could be caused by many other things, not a dreaded new coronavirus strain. The PCR test is limited in function and flawed if used for broad diagnosis; it uses cycles to amplify the RNA sequence, which leads to many people getting a “positive” that in reality could be from cancer, radiation or many other things. He also had some scathing things to say about his fellow doctors just going along with the program and not asking the tough questions, a sad reflection on the profession, since it is well-known people look up to doctors and give away their power to perceived authority.

Key Points of Respiratory Therapist Exposing the Coronavirus Scam

Below are some of the key points from the video. I encourage you to watch it for yourself:

“They are not testing for the virus itself … this COVID-19 test … they are testing for a RNA sequence from a reaction to the virus … then they [use] PCR to amplify it … you’re going to test positive. Now that can come from cancer, that can come from radiation, that can come from several things.”

“Every bit of this [pandemic] has been created.”

“You can’t vaccinate yourself for every little human ailment that there is.”

“ … if this is a virus … and I’m not so sure it is … I’m not completely convinced this is a virus. I’ve been doing this a long time. Do your own homework. Do your research … does this warrant shutting down the country?

“ … questioning your doctors, because the doctors believe this stuff just as much as everybody else does but they’re not looking at the real information. All they’re doing is they’re told something and … they got lives, they got jobs, they got everything else you got plus some. They don’t care; I mean they do care but they’re not gonna go look it up. They’re not gonna look up exactly what this test is … why aren’t we getting these infectious rates? They look up the little things that they’re told look up and that’s it, just like anybody else would, okay?”

Respiratory Therapist Testimony – Full Transcription

“Good evening YouTube. This is our future and the power’s with the people. Just wanted to let you know I am a respiratory therapist and I’ve been doing this for 21 years. I’ve been kind of all over the place doing this. I wanted to show you our equipment room here. So we want to talk about COVID-19 for a few minutes and the first thing I want to say is: does it look like there’s a ventilator shortage? There’s not, okay! As a matter of fact, we’re running less ventilators right now than we would normally run and that’s cause people are just staying home. They’re not having elective surgeries. I want to talk about the numbers and the criteria that goes into what a COVID patient is or a patient under investigation (what’s also called a PUI). Basically right now, and the way it has been last couple of months when they locked us down, is that any patient that came in with a respiratory problem was labeled COVID. Now that doesn’t matter if it’s you got stage 4 lung cancer, pancreatitis, heart disease, liver failure and everything else – you’re still, because you come in with breathing problems, you’re labeled a COVID patient.

Now we have one lady that could do the testing at first that would go … those tests went to the CDC. Only one person was qualified to to test that for the whole place. So several of these patients under investigations were never tested and maybe they died or whatever. Then they would die of COVID and not of stage 4 lung cancer or these things. This is clear that this is what’s come out every single patient that needs one of our pieces of equipment here … any of this if they need any of this stuff, okay, then they are a rule-out COVID. And these tests have taken as long as 2 or 3 weeks to get back. We’re finally getting what they claim; they’ve been claiming this for a month but we’re finally getting in-house testing that’s going to change the game. I think that’s that’s what’s going on in most places and what that also means is isn’t it now you’re going see the numbers either go up or go down, and I would suspect we’re gonna see them spike up, and then spike down real quick, and this is the reason for the number of deaths. So you have to recognize that if every single patient is under COVID investigation and dies, then that goes into a COVID death, and they’re showing the numbers like a football game to scare you. They’re showing you loading bodies into a tractor trailer to scare you. I’ve never in my career ever seen bodies loaded into a tractor trailer. It just doesn’t happen. I wonder if those were even bodies. I really don’t believe it! All of this stuff is fake, okay?

Look at our ventilators. Let’s talk about ventilators and why there would be a shortage of ventilators. Well this is non-invasive ventilation here. CPAP or BiPAP: this is a mask that gets strapped on in we can help you breathe with that. We’re not allowed to use those okay? We’re finally opening up to where we can use them a little bit but for the most part since COVID came out they said absolutely not; that’s going to cause the virus to spread all over the place by spraying air slaws everywhere and so we can’t use it you have to let the patient crash and go straight to a ventilator, okay? Traditionally that’s not the way we would treat a patient. We also have air slides medications (bronchodilators) – we’re not allowed to use those either. So everything that we would traditionally do we’re not allowed to do. Every patient that comes in no matter what their history is labeled a COVID under investigation, so if that patient dies that becomes a COVID death, okay?

So, there’s a lot of weird things going on when it comes to the testing itself. I’ve been looking at this for about a month now but you can also look for yourself. They were open about it on CBS News the other night. They’re not testing for a virus, like if you go to you get sick you go to the hospital; traditionally you get tested for flu A and B.  Flu A by the way is H1N1 (the one that killed everybody in 2008). They’ll test you for RSV. Those are actual viruses that, you know, they will test you for. This COVID test is different. They’re testing for an RNA sequence from a reaction to the virus. Look this up! Please look it up! They’re not testing for a virus! There’s not one test to test for a virus okay? Then they put it in a PCR. It’s a PCR test which means it amplifies it so if there’s any little one little shred of that RNA sequence from a damaged cell in your lungs or in your nasal passage, you’re going to test positive. Now that can come from cancer, that can come from radiation, that can come from several things, so … and then you hear all this talk on the news about antibody therapy and all of us are kind of stuff people want to donate plasma everything else, but they’re not talking about the virus itself. They’re not testing for the virus itself, and that’s a big big issue, because that makes you say: “Well, is this as infectious as they’re telling us it is?” because if it was as infectious as they’re telling us that it is, these would all be in use and everybody would be dying and we’re not seeing that, okay? This is unbelievable – every bit of this has been created, okay?

If you cannot use the non-invasive ventilation and have to go straight to this (the ventilator), that creates a ventilator shortage. But you also want to ask why is Ford and GM in the business of making ventilators when we have plenty of companies that already make ventilators? You know what kind of ventilator is it? What does it do? Who’s going to train us on those ventilators? And you know how is it going to be tested? And then, what is the cost per ventilator that the United States is paying for it in GM for these products that really aren’t obviously needed. So all this talk you hear on the news by the governors and everybody else, we’re having shortages of ventilators, it’s not true, it’s not true, okay? So how about health care workers? Yeah, we’re getting 1 or 2 healthcare workers or coming up positive, and you know that would be expected, but I would actually expect a lot more healthcare workers to get sick and come up positive, and we’ve had some extreme contamination issues from patients that didn’t show any symptoms, what and a patient under investigation and then all of a sudden came up positive and none of those healthcare workers came up positive, got sick, carried a fever or anything else. Just to show you real quick, here’s my PPE that I have to wear. Sorry, here’s my PPE that I have to wear. There’s an N95 mask in here and a face shield and of course we got some gowns and stuff, but we’re going wearing this for 5 shifts minimum before we can get a new one, all right. So I’m contaminating myself every time I put this N95 mask in the shield in this bag, it’s contaminating. It’s contaminating over and over and over again, and then I’m putting the mask on, okay? I’m still here, I’m not sick, and nobody else is either, except with the exception of one or two.

If you look at the areas that these people are in, where the hot spots are, like such as in Georgia, Albany and Atlanta, you really have to say well why are all these places happening in these condensed areas? Well I truly believe this is something else that’s causing this. All these patients have comorbidities. They’re all older, the ones that are you know in life-threatening situations and the mortality rate is really not that low, so if you actually look at what’s going on compared to H1N1 … H1N1 was a million times more scary than the COVID 19. When it comes to a vaccination, you cannot vaccinate yourself really for a sinus infection; it’s just not going to work. You can’t vaccinate yourself for every little human ailment that there is, you know, people are going to get sick. What traditionally happens with viruses such as this (if this is a virus and I’m not so sure it is) but you’re going to have a real spike such as in SARS, Zika, H1N1, you going to have a spike, and then it’s going to lose its efficacy, and it’s going to drop. And the mortality rate is going to drop. I mean the people that get really sick are going to drop, you know, so you have this initial little bang and then it drops off – that’s what a virus normally does. I’m not completely convinced this is a virus. I’ve been doing this a long time. Do your own homework. Do your research, but the equipment should speak for itself – does this warrant shutting down the country? Does this warrant $6 to $10 trillion in economic stimulus just for this country? Does this warrant all these things that are being put in place? I mean does this warrant the trillions lost? Does this warrant locking everything up? Beaches, you know, hiking trails, tennis courts, bars, restaurants, pool halls, schools … Does this warrant this? I really don’t think it does – not even close.

So y’all need to be asking some really hard questions here and questioning your government and questioning the people in charge, and also questioning your doctors, because the doctors believe this stuff just as much as everybody else does but they’re not looking at the real information. All they’re doing is they’re told something and, hey guess what, they got lives, they got jobs, they got everything else you got plus some. They don’t care; I mean they do care but they’re not gonna go look it up. They’re not gonna look up exactly what this test is. They’re not gonna look up that, hey why aren’t we getting these infectious rates? They look up the little things that they’re told look up and that’s it, just like anybody else would, okay? So you know these questions really have to be asked.

And then for the Trump supporters out there I’m gonna ask you something. Think about this for a minute. We’re doing the same thing they’re doing in France. We’re doing the same thing they’re doing in Italy. We’re doing the same thing they’re doing in the UK. So does that mean Trump’s really in charge of this whole thing? Because I really don’t think he is. I think he’s being told to do what he’s doing and that’s the way it is. I mean this is Deep State Illuminati stuff. And this is the real deal – they’re shutting the world down okay? Y’all people really need to understand this. The world, okay? And they’re putting our kids and grandkids in severe debt – that will never be paid off and if you think of how many taxes you’re paying now, can you imagine what our children and our grandchildren are gonna have to pay for this scam? So please look up, do your homework, ask questions, look at our equipment room, ask why can’t we use this if we’re not seeing the infections? You know why can’t we use this non-invasive equipment? Why are we having auto-manufacturers making ventilators? Who’s testing the ventilators? What kind of ventilator price per ventilator? All these things (the economic stimulus package) you know … is this gonna be another corporate bailout where they you know give themselves million-dollar bonuses while we starve? I bet you it will be so this is real dangerous time we’re coming into – when it comes to the vaccinations I promise you…”

Fake Tests, Fake Bodies, Fake Pandemic: All to Keep People in Fear

As this respiratory therapist reveals, there are so many levels of fakery going on with this scamdemic. We have now entered the Brave New World of COVID-1984. We are in a new War on Bioterror, where everyone is a suspected or asymptomatic carrier, and the PCR test can replace the judge to prove your innocence or guilt. There are truly dangerous and unprecedented times. It is vitally important for everyone to not only question government but also to question their doctors! Question authority. Question everything.

Share this information. Knowledge dispels fear. Once enough people climb out of fear, naturally they will begin to unite and rise up in anger to demand freedom. Self-respect will kick in. The NWO manipulators who orchestrated this entire event will have a much harder time rolling out their plans when a united and aware citizenry protest en masse and refuse to buy into the fear and refuse to tolerate any more lockdown, house arrest or quarantine.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and FB.



* (old link taken down)

* (old link taken down)




Alexander Jacques April 20, 2020 - 10:52 pm

It’s getting crazy out there,baby,, there is nothing or no one crazier than humans, and the ones in government control, are the craziest,

Marvin Zinn May 10, 2020 - 3:30 pm

You don’t trust a government trying to kill you?

Gingerschnaps April 20, 2020 - 11:10 pm

Please change the headline as it is misleading. A respiratory therapist is NOT a respiratory doctor, they are two different career paths. A respiratory therapist can become licensed with as little as 2 years of schooling vs a “respiratory” doctor as known as a pulmonologist who has at least 8 years of formal schooling + years of training. I don’t mean to take away from the message of the video but the respiratory therapist in the video didn’t have the same schooling as a doctor.
P.S. I work in healthcare.

Makia Freeman April 20, 2020 - 11:56 pm

Thank you! Done.

Makia Freeman April 21, 2020 - 1:02 pm


Discuss April 21, 2020 - 12:39 am

@Makia Freeman
Interview Joe Imbriano to understand what is really going on besides that there are no viruses. Do you understand that? THERE ARE NO VIRUSES, the foundation of all the terror, tyranny and crimes and bs! They simply do not exist! See Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Amandha D. Vollmer for more.
There is a very sinister and evil story behind all the virus lie that people should understand: 5G -> 2.4 GHz + 6 GHz + 60 GHz.
These frequencies are killer frequencies and cause very similar symptoms like the flu and the (non existing) conronavirus. They know that 5G kills and try to blame it on viruses to not only kill people by 5G but also by vaccinations!
Watch the videos of Joe Imbriano ( The Fullerton Informer) and interview him. He is one if not the only expert on this topic.
His primary channel:

Discuss April 21, 2020 - 1:36 am

@Makia Freeman
Interview Joe Imbriano to understand what is really going on besides that there are no viruses. Do you understand that? THERE ARE NO VIRUSES, the foundation of all the terror, tyranny and crimes and bs! They simply do not exist! See Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Amandha D. Vollmer for more.
There is a very sinister and evil story behind the virus lie that people should understand: 5G -> 2.4 GHz + 6 GHz + 60 GHz.
These frequencies are killer frequencies and cause very similar symptoms like the flu and the (non existing) conronavirus. They know that 5G kills and try to blame it on viruses to not only kill people by 5G but also by vaccinations!
Watch the videos of Joe Imbriano (The Fullerton Informer) and interview him. He is one if not the only expert on this topic.
His primary channel:
Watch also: “Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the ‘Covid-19’ magic trick – the sleight of hand that transformed society” –

William Weber April 21, 2020 - 6:36 am

respiratory therapist lol you people here sink to a new low.

Sarah417 April 21, 2020 - 8:31 am

Kudos to Makia Freeman for giving the people the truth with such a great article through a honest medical professional. Of course we all know this was created by the Marxist government running our country. What amazes me is that they think we don’t know what they are actually doing creating all this chaos so President Trump won’t get reelected. They’ve got a lot to learn. KAG DJT 2020

C. Martin April 23, 2020 - 2:51 pm

Hi! What’s the doctors name? And where is he located? I find this so fascinating. Lots of truth and he is so brave!

Makia Freeman April 23, 2020 - 3:27 pm

He chose to remain anonymous (quite possible for his safety and job security), so sorry I don’t know his name and can’t verify his credentials.

The original YouTube video link is down but you can see it here:

Bella_Fantasia April 24, 2020 - 5:29 am

One huge clue for me was when it was determined that there were asymptomatic ‘silent spreaders’. How did they discover that? It must be really useful to label everyone as DISEASED! Just think of it. . . . . 8 Billion vaccinations. . . . . .the fever dreams of megalomaniacs.

tamajam10 April 25, 2020 - 4:52 pm

No surprise, but youtube took the video down “for violating YouTube’s terms of service.” The thought police are at it again. Actually, speaking of ‘thought police’ the woman appointed by Zuckerberg (Danielle Anderson) to control / censor information shared about the so-called Corona Virus (a COVID-19 ‘fact checker’) just so happens to have long-term ties with the Wuhan lab in China that created it? (Bill Gates, in his hot pursuit of depopulation, also has affiliations with it as well). Can’t make this stuff up!

Makia Freeman April 27, 2020 - 1:00 am


Makia Freeman April 27, 2020 - 1:02 pm

I updated it from a mirrored account.

'Tom Thefurryhatguy May 4, 2020 - 1:53 pm

Is there a FULL version of this video Makia?

Makia Freeman May 5, 2020 - 2:22 pm

The 12-minute video is all I know.

Anonymous May 1, 2020 - 8:06 pm
Diane Kershaw May 5, 2020 - 1:37 pm

i found it very odd that Boris was taken to hospital, he was on social media while he were there, next thing he’s in intensie care but not on a ventilator, and before we know it he’s back on the ward still on social media. Well you must be pretty ill to go to intensive care all at once, but apparantly he was chatty and in good spirits as he was when he got out of hospital. I bet there’s a few patients with a mild form of Covid 19 wishing they could get out as quick. Now he’s telling us that the doctors were prepared to announce his death, and the Government were putting plans in place to make changes should he have died, what.? Is it just me, or do I smell something already dead, because that just doesnt add up in some ways. He puts the population on lockdown yet he continues to meet people and shake hands, surely, its only a man who knows more than he’s saying who would shake hands woth a possible infected person. Weird. Its understandable why youtube, facebook, twitter etc are so anti-opinion, they know people have clicked on, plus they too follow orders from higher up. Getting too close to the truth more likes.

Diane Kershaw May 5, 2020 - 2:13 pm

I found it very odd that Boris was taken to hospital, he was on social
media while he were there, next thing he’s in intensie care but not on a
ventilator, and before we know it he’s back on the ward still on social
media. Well you must be pretty ill to go to intensive care all at
once, but apparantly he was chatty and in good spirits as he was when he
got out of hospital. I bet there’s a few patients with a mild form of
Covid 19 wishing they could get out as quick. Now he’s telling us that
the doctors were prepared to announce his death, and the Government were putting plans in place to make changes should he have died, what.? Is it just me, or do I smell something already dead, because that just
doesnt add up in some ways. He puts the population on lockdown yet he
continues to meet people and shake hands, surely, its only a man who
knows more than he’s saying who would shake hands woth a possible
infected person. Weird. Its understandable why youtube, facebook,
twitter etc are so anti-opinion, they know people have clicked on, plus
they too follow orders from higher up. Getting too close to the truth
more likes.

Marvin Zinn May 10, 2020 - 3:30 pm

Thank you for making this readable so I can store it in a file of similar subjects. I have known for many years how medical doctrine kills to prevent natural solutions. So when I began listening, I recognized it was continuation of what I already stored from other doctors the COVID-19 began invention 3 years ago (Dr. Rashid Buttar) for profits, and other doctors with additional proof it is lied about for more money.

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