The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda as the late Phil Schneider said. The trail to the top of the NWO pyramid goes off-planet to Extraterrestrials … and beyond.
The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda,
as the late whistleblower Phil Schneider once said. Many are too afraid to touch the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers. There are even many alternative researchers who struggle with the idea that the creeping centralization of power is a manifestation of an alien agenda. However, the truth is the truth, and the evidence, as we shall see, is overwhelming. If you’re wondering how ETs (Extraterrestrials) or aliens fit into the whole picture of the NWO (New World Order), it’s simple: they’re intimately involved at the top of the pyramid. The NWO agenda is the alien agenda: they are one and the same.
It’s essential to realize the directors of the entire NWO worldwide conspiracy are non-human entities: groups of interfering ETs, and behind them, a shadowy force known as the Djinn or Archons. If you go down the rabbit hole deep enough, the trail goes off planet – both to other worlds and to other dimensions.
But Aren’t There Many Alien Agendas?
Yes. There is not just one alien agenda. There are many alien agendas that crop up and emerge as common themes throughout the testimonies of alien contactees and alien abductees. Here is a brief and incomplete list of some of them, which run the gamut from positive and helpful, to negative and hostile:
– wanting to directly help humanity and see it evolve (although not “save” humanity);
– wanting to help stop humanity killing itself and destroying the planet (e.g. through nuclear weapons);
– wanting to befriend and exchange information with humanity;
– wanting to go back in time (time travel) to prevent an undesirable outcome from occurring;
– wanting to borrow or steal humanity’s genetic material (DNA) to re-seed, re-breed or re-integrate their own species (e.g. as is the case with some ET races who have taken a “wrong” evolutionary path and bred out emotion from their genetics);
– wanting to create a hybrid human-alien race;
– wanting to dominate humanity, turn it into a servant or slave race of farm animals, and feed off its emotional energy;
– wanting to trap humanity in perpetuity through an endless cycle of birth, death and re-birth (e.g. through the soul net of soul recycling / forced reincarnation);
– wanting to assimilate humanity into an android-like collective (like the Borg from Star Trek).
It would be most accurate to say the New World Order agenda is an alien agenda, not “the” alien agenda. The NWO plan is most influenced by the last few agendas in the list above – to trap, subjugate and dominate humanity, and make it a stable source of (emotional) food for its masters.
Where is the Proof of the Alien Agenda?
How do we know about this alien agenda? There is so much proof it is far, far beyond the scope of this article to include it all, however I will give an outline and numerous examples. There are many sources with a broad spectrum of provability. The ones listed first here are more “provable” to the rational, logical mind, for those interested in hard evidence:
– photographic and video evidence of ETs and UFOs;
– eyewitness accounts of alien contactees and alien abductees of their encounters and interactions with ETs;
– alien, abduction and UFO researchers (ufologists) who have listened to and collected hundreds of case files of contactees and abductees;
– testimony of former governmental and military insiders who saw case files and worked in “alien departments” of their organizations;
– declassified governmental and military documents and case files;
– past and present stories, myths and legends from all over the world.
We will go through each of these below, but first, let’s consider the story of Phil Schneider.
The Alien Agenda According to Phil Schneider
Military engineer and geologist Phil Schneider was a brave whistleblower who went public in 1995 (and was murdered by “suicide” a year later in 1996). He is the one who first voiced the sentence “The New World Agenda is the alien agenda” – and he would have known, because according to his claim, he personally came face-to-face with both hostile Grey and hostile Reptilian ETs while working on the construction of DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases). Incredibly, Schneider got into a gun fight with some of these ETs, which resulted in a exchange of fire where Schneider was wounded and the ET was killed.
Schneider’s accounts include a host of other stunning claims, such as detailed descriptions of underground bases and cities beneath America, the US Government’s secret deals with hostile ETs, the advanced alien technology being used by secret US agencies, the existence of “corbamite” (element 140), mining operations on the moon and the alien/NWO genocidal agenda to reduce the earth’s population by 85%. As much as possible, Schneider backed up his assertions by showing his scar to the cameras, as well as what he claimed was a sample rock of corbamite. Cynthia Drayer, Phil’s ex-wife, has highlighted the many suspicious details surrounding Schneider’s death.
Schneider was close friends with Al Bielek, the man involved in the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project. In this video Bielek reveals special information that Schneider had confided in him, including tales of 7 foot Grey aliens dictating policy at a secret UN underground base, and how Schneider secretly flew to Japan in a private jet to reveal how the Kobe “earthquake” was a nuclear attack by the US. Schneider’s account is also corroborated by the Dulce Papers which talk of a fight between humans and aliens in 1979 at the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico.
Now let’s look at some of the proof of an alien agenda.
Alien Agenda: Photographic and Video Evidence
Thanks to the spread of technology, there is plenty of genuine photographic and video evidence for the existence of UFOs, despite the internet also being flooded with fake photos and fake footage. It may take you awhile to discern which is which, but if you familiarize yourself with watching them, it will become apparent. As a starting list, the following ones appear genuine: the Phoenix lights incident, ET craft/orbs appearing (and rapidly speeding off) in London, Jerusalem (Dome of the Rock), Australia, Hawaii and (one of my personal favorites) over a little river in Italy. Check out this footage also of UFOs descending into a cigar-shaped mothership in the skies of South Africa. Of the ten of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of genuine sightings, it is probable that some are terrestrial (from Earth not another planet) and originate in the secret black military programs which don’t officially exist. However it is extremely unlikely they can all be explained away due to this.
Alien contactee Alex-Collier has brought forth some mind-blowing information about the alien agenda over the years.
Alien Agenda: Eyewitness Accounts of Alien Contactees and Abductees
See the earlier article The Top 20 Most Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Alien Contactee / Abductee Cases for a brief summary of 20 contactee cases: Billy Meier, Alex Collier, Simon Parkes, Whitley Strieber, Jim Sparks, Alec Newald, Clifford Stone, Charles Hall, Ernie Sears, James Gilliland, Bonnie Meyer, Niara Isley, Nadira Duran, Susan Reed, Maarit, Kim Carlsberg, Dr. Frank Stranges, Stan Romanek, Thomas Reed and Bridget Nielsen. There are many other alien contact cases such as Travis Walton, Sherry Wilde and Tracey Taylor … far too many to list. As I wrote in that article, there are tens of thousands of documented cases of alien contact and abduction, and in reality probably many more we don’t know about, since some people either don’t recall the incident (self-imposed memory suppression as a psychological defense mechanism to protect against trauma, or externally imposed memory wipe/mind control), or are too afraid to go public with it for fear of ridicule, ostracism or other reasons.
Alien Agenda: Alien and UFO Researchers
For those still skeptical, the work of various alien, UFO and abduction researchers is very compelling. For instance, take the work of Dr. David Jacobs, a tenured professor of American History at Temple University for 37 years, who has interviewed over 150 alien contactees or abductees. Jacobs found in the accounts a repeated theme of extraterrestrial beings abducting and sexually molesting humans to create a race of hybrid human-aliens. Take the work of Budd Hopkins, who developed his own hypnotic regression methods to help heal the trauma of thousands of alien abductees – who he realized had become mere specimens in an ongoing ET genetic experimentation on humanity. The common thread running through these cases was the fact that the abductees had a sense of missing time and that their reproductive organs were often tampered with. In some cases, female abductees were found to have 1 missing ovary, with no apparent scar tissue to show how it was removed.
Take the work of Dr. Karla Turner, a former college instructor wrote 3 books on alien abduction: Into the Fringe (1992), Taken (1994), and Masquerade of Angels (1994). As she became acquainted with a plethora of alien abduction cases, she also became convinced that the aliens (many of which were Reptilians) were visiting humanity with malicious intent. As Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot write:
“From beginning to end, Turner had been struck by how contradictory the stories of the aliens were. They would, she averred, say anything they wanted to attain their ends. As the abductees in Taken reported it, the aliens insisted variously that they had come to help us cope with upcoming ecological disaster, interbreed for our good and theirs, help us evolve, take our genetic material to revivify their dying race. Sometimes they claimed they had outright created us; other times, that they were genetically altering us for our own good.”
Many other researchers have helped add to our knowledge base of an alien agenda, such as Mary Rodwell, John Mack, John Carpenter, Bill Baldwin and Barbara Lamb. Of special note are the work of Dr. Roger Leir (who pioneered research into the shocking phenomenon of alien implants) and Barbara Bartholic, whose protégés included Karla Turner, Eve Lorgen and James Bartley. Bartley actually wrote the following about Bartholic:
“Barbara quickly realized energetic harvesting was a key component of the alien abduction syndrome. Barbara was an empath and highly intuitive and laboured endlessly to document every facet of a person’s alien abduction experiences. She knew the negative aliens manipulated the energy centres and emotions of alien abductees in order to nourish and empower themselves at the expense of the abductees. This process is being played out on a macro society-wide scale. Alien abduction is an all out assault on the abducted humans: physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.”
Alien Agenda: Testimony of Former Insiders
There are many level-headed former governmental and military operatives who have attested to the existence of an alien agenda, too. Take the whistleblowing efforts of Bob Dean, who has given an abundance of presentations about his time at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) at the top of NATO. Dean tells the story of how NATO knew there were ET craft above our skies, commissioned a study to see what could be done about it, and that the conclusion of the study was that the ETs probably had no hostile intentions and were here to observe – because if they had really wanted to enslave or destroy us, they could have done it a long time ago!
This was obviously a highly unsettling conclusion for the military brass to deal with, but so was another of Dean’s revelations: that the top commanders at the Pentagon knew there was a very high likelihood that some alien species (such as the Nordic-looking race of ETs) appeared so human-like that you could walk right next to one and never spot the difference! Dean later himself had face-to-face meetings with some of these ETs, who he claimed appeared indistinguishable from terrestrial humans.
Another former military man Robert Salas (a retired Air Force captain) went public with his encounter with a UFO while on duty in a nuclear missile silo. This was a military cover up until recently declassified. He relates the amazing story of how a large, pulsating red oval 30-40 foot in diameter hovered over the front gate. Seconds later the missiles underwent a “control system failure”. Did peaceful, intelligent ETs disable the nuclear weapons? Listen to his story and decide for yourself. If so, it’s certainly not the first time such a story has been told …
Alien Agenda: Declassified Documents and Case Files
Many governments have declassified and released their UFO files. Earlier this year in 2015 the US Government declassified files from Project BlueBook. This site shows a list of 24 countries/organizations that have done so, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand (Additional Report), Peru, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine (not in English), United Nations, United Kingdom, Uruguay and even Vatican City. This is impressive evidence for those would deny the existence of UFOs.
The dragon is an ubiquitous symbol in China. But is it just a myth, or does it signify something deeper?
Alien Agenda: Alien Stories, Myths and Legends
Humanity’s history is replete with references to aliens. The ancient Vedic texts of India mention vimanas or flying discs. Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, introduced to many in the Western world by David Icke, tells many stories of how reptilian beings feature throughout his people’s history. Zechariah Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell and many others have talked about how the Bible itself originally stated “elohim” meaning “the gods” not “God” as it became mistranslated. According to Sitchin, 2 reptilian ET beings named Enlil and Enki of the Annunaki seeded humanity.
If humanity itself was created by an advanced extraterrestrial race, as the article Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA and others suggest, how could there not be an alien agenda with humanity right now? How could aliens not be intimately involved with our progress right now? And since the world is being pushed towards the NWO, wouldn’t it be fair to assume it is happening in alignment with their desires – an alien agenda?
So Aliens Are Among Us – But Are They Malevolent?
Given the compelling amount of evidence above in this article (a tiny fraction of all the evidence in existence on the topic) – which not only indicates the existence of ETs, but also shows many are interfering in Earth affairs with a hostile agenda – it’s surprising that there is still the belief out there among some circles that “all ETs are benevolent and have humanity’s best interest at heart”. This is foolish nonsense – and dangerous nonsense too, because it gives people a false idea about our galactic neighbors, and thus lowering their defenses and making them more susceptible to some kind of invasion or manipulation.
For some reason, this notion has been pushed by none other than Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project. Greer has done a truly outstanding job in bringing ET and UFO witnesses to light, and has exposed many aspects of the conspiracy, including the suppression of zero point or free energy technology. Sadly, because Greer is a leading expert in the ET/UFO field, many blindly accept every word he says on the subject. He insists all the so-called “negative” interactions experienced by so many alien abductees are secret black military operations – MILABs (Military Abductions). Greer is dead wrong on this point, as Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot pointed out in this heated discussion, as well as other leading experts on exopolitics such as Dr. Michael Salla who wrote the rebuttal Exopolitics vs Exospin. Some have theorized this is due to Greer’s connection with Lawrence Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller family (one of the 2 main NWO families along with the Rothschilds).
Aliens Atop the NWO Pyramid
Many have exposed the alien connection to world events, but David Icke has been the most comprehensive in the many books he has written on the Reptilian theme which is inextricably intertwined with the NWO. The Biggest Secret (1999), Children of the Matrix (2001) and The Perception Deception (2013) in particular contain a monumental amount of dot-connecting and information showing that at the apex of the NWO pyramid are non-human entities. Specifically, the connection between hostile ETs (like many Reptilians) and certain humans (of certain bloodline and vibrations frequencies) is made through black magic – Satanic ritual of sex and sacrifice. These human “leaders” (whether royalty, politicians, business chiefs or military heads) are not running the show – they are willingly giving over their souls to other forces (demonic possession) in exchange for (what they perceive to be) power.
Conclusion: Open Your Mind to the Wider, Deeper Conspiracy
We are not alone, and we never have been alone, as Bob Dean says. What makes some people think humans are the only species with high intelligence or capable of rational thought in the entire known universe? It is narrow-minded to think so, and it is equally narrow-minded to assume that any extraterrestrial motive or alien agenda would be neutral or beneficial to us. The cosmos is brimming full of life of all kinds.
We all need to remember the Game is a whole lot grander than we think. The New World Order doesn’t end with just political control, police brutality, indoctrination, assassination, infiltration, free trade agreements, geoengineering, international banking, suppressed technology or microchips; copious evidence shows it goes off-planet into far more bizarre realms (like the alien agenda) than the average person could imagine. How many are up for the task of exploring and analyzing these realms to get to the bottom of the Truth?
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
The Top 20 Most Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Alien Contactee / Abductee Cases – Part 1
The Top 20 Most Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Alien Abductee / Contactee Cases – Part 2
Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix?
Black Magic: Satanists Rule the World, Not Politicians, Bankers or Military Heads
Good article. Yes, of course the NWO is an alien agenda. Aliens are nothing more than demon spirits doing the work of satan and his fallen angels who will be cast down to earth soon. They are setting up the stage for their arrival. This will usher in the so called “antichrist” mentioned in the Bible who will rule the earth for the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. It’s all demonic.
Yes, aliens exist, they have been around for thousands of years and were recorded by the bible. but since there is no god, they are not demons. they are simply another species of humanoid. Some are benevolent and some are malevolent. The Nordics, blues that look like us are good aliens, and they brought us here and we have their DNA. The reptilians are not good. It is possible the conspirators/wealthy elite for global government controls the alien technology that is shared with us.
ETS have been here for MILLIONS OF YEARS…there is not going to be an invasion..they are HERE..but can have a FAKE ALIEN INVASION..HOLOGRAM to bring in THE ANTI CHRIST PSYOP…by THE ELITES.
There are good and bad Reptilians
There are good and bad NORDICS
There are good and bad ETS just like there is good and bad in every Ethnic group and every religion.
the religions created their gods…but THE CREATOR created everything…and you have FREE WILL as you are made in the image of The Creator and have Divinity in you, which the Reptilians,Dracos,Greys etc do not..THAT IS WHY WE ARE SPECIAL …YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE CREATOR and you are a CO-CREATOR …The Body is a magnificent work that you ABUSE and do not take care of or understand.
You only use 10% of your brain. Imagine if you used all your GIFTS and your IMAGINATION!!!!
Comprehensive and concise Makia, information we all need to bear in mind in our day to day efforts to combat the effects of this demonic possession.
Thank you so much for your brilliant posts; sending love and appreciation!
There is an angle left unsaid; demonic (fallen angel) activity. After decades of research, I believe that both ETs or interdimensionals or subterranean entities AND demons are involved. It could explain the good and evil reports. Just a theory, but I think true.
Please explore Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, Tim Alberino’s work on this subject. It will give you the spiritual aspect of this subject.
This article was very well written and to the point regarding the NWO alien agenda.
Very possible.
But it is Satanic deception to get you to ATTACK Christ when he returns from the sky.
The Bible says that. That is what this alien agenda is about.
Outstanding synopsis, Makia. On the are aliens malevolent question, don’t forget Jacques Vallee’s conclusions after researching the phenomenon for many decades with J. Allen Hynek: they are most likely not interstellar travellers, rather they are interdimensional; and, they do not have good intentions.
MY QUESTION IS, why did God created these beings in the first place ? Why does HE not get rid of them all ? He knew what they’d do !
God created ALL life everywhere – so why did HE create these monsters ?
The reptilian brain, impulse and instinct lives in all of us. We all have an older, more ancient reptilian brain under the mammalian neocortex. We need to find a way to make peace with this side of ourselves and these creatures (and obviously defend ourselves and make clear boundaries), rather than try to fight and eliminate them, which will never work.
Little feather, God did not create demons and aliens etc. God created everything perfect and peaceful. However, his favourite angel Lucifer wanted to be more powerful than God and God was angry and sent down and lucifer became evil and the most powerful demon and was very persuasive to many other angels who followed him, God gave them the choice and many chose to follow lucifer, now satan or the devil and these fallen angels all became demons and can shapeshift into all sorts of things and probably can even walk among us, they cause chaos, so please understand, God did not create these evil entities, it was lucifer, now satan and his minions – and if satan can do this to angels in heaven, who are so much more intelligent than us mere humans, imagine how many humans are persuaded into evil things and susceptible to possession etc. God’s plan will always conquer the devil so don’t worry, just trust in God and his Holy word The Bible, Jesus Christ, who is God in human form, will come back and save humanity, unless they get the mark of the beast, so don’t be tricked!
God,the Almighty Father,the Creator, Source, whatevever people believe as part of their belief system is manifested as truth through intention of free will.
Free Will is why there is dark and light, which all creation as we know it and
every level of dimensional of existence must play out.
We are all but players that use our free will to manifest creation.
The creator put a time limit on the bad stuff that was allowed to control us within
our current 3 rd dimension and we are now raising our vibration as is the earth is
moving to the 4 then 5 dimensional reality.
So I hear.
Here is a quick video paralleling this post. Thank you freedom-articles.
Anonymous Andromeda Message to Humanity on Earth
4m 55s
Humans represent an infinitesimally small slice of creation and in so knowing we need to distance ourselves from thought processes that are anthropocentric in nature. There is purpose in all of creation albeit chaos does seem to be part and parcel of a process that portends a changing of the guard from darkness and fear to light and love. We have been genetically altered to produce the fear frequency by those who wish to control and enslave humanity. We are experiencing the fruits of that manipulation today in every imaginable way and place and yet it is this darkness that will begat light and love. Beyond all the chaos and tyrannies of earth life the really big show will be human love and compassion. Hold that vibration, it represents the will and power of the universe and will in fact resonate throughout the cosmos releasing and purifying energies bound in darkness as the earth drama unfolds. This is a game of sorts and yet the stakes are high, many beings both of a physical nature and not are enormously interested in how humans will ha dle this seminal time, the test of love. Don’t be deceived as obfuscation will rule the day and truth a rare commodity, slice through it with sword of love. That’s the safe ground, hallowed it is. Love never faileth and engenders all that nourishes and supports life everywhere.
A truly great article with exceptional references, many thanks and if I may add several others for your readers considerations; Marshall Vian Summers (The Allies of humanity and Books of Knowledge) and Barbara Marciniak’s 4 books. Enjoy, Love and blessings
This a really well-written article, Makia. Thank you!
This is what I discovered twenty years ago when I did my own research into my own abductions/contacts with ETs. I also verified my research by working with over forty other abductees.
What I was able to do was to discover how certain ET groups have manipulated the belief systems and political systems of this planet to create the New World Order.
That is why I documented my research and experiences in THE PROGRAMMING OF A PLANET & THE EYE OF RA. My books are available free of charge on the internet. There are download links on the Avalon Project forum. The links and research updates are on my Matrix Revealed thread there.
BTW, I knew Phil Schneider personally and can say that this man was a true hero.
And May The Truth Set Us Free,
Truman L. Cash
Have you ever thought that: there are no aliens,they will present “aliens “when it is convenient to control humanity once again! Holograms,conspiracy theories and more control! Just think about it
There are no aliens, they are interdimensional beings, just like Jacques Vallee has discovered after years of serious research. He didn’t get distracted by all kinds of nonsense that so called “alien-researchers” are getting themselves pulled into. These are djinns, non-physical entities, beings that were created by god, and the evil ones among them are called demons. Jacques Vallee doesn’t believe in god, and still he came to the same conclusion as the monotheïstic religions.
They are earth inhabitants, just like us, but we can’t see them unless they want to be seen, only to deceive us. In that case they show us a projection, we never see them , only what they want us to see. (aliens, dead relatives, angels, lights in the sky, actual spaceships…)
Almost all unexplained phenomenon, even if it seems unrelated, it’s usually them. They are deceivers. They can take on any form they want to. They don’t come from another planet, although some of them roam in the skies. They are discribed in the Quran.
Great article. With reading about alien molestation and the need to be able to procreate brings me to the research I have done on the Illumanti. There are many accounts by victims (Vatican) being molested as part of their birth right? There is also a number of accounts from defectors on NWO.
Very ,Very well done Makia! you did it better than most. Phil Schneider told the truth. He was a friend of Al Beilek who told him to go out and tell his story. A few months later he was murdered much like William Cooper and others (Kerry Cassidy was also attacked)after her Malta conference. Her site has been down for 5 days now and I am sure they did something again,as she did not take the threats or warnings( or they corrupted her server).
Many on comments are very informed,but there are also many who have been brainwashed.
Reptilians..there are bad ones and there are also good ones.
Nordics..not all are bad
Yes there are many that are interdimensional,but there are also many that are from other parts in the universe and some that are US from the future.
All of them are not Fallen Angels,there is way too many of different types as Simon Parkes,Bod Dean and Kerry Cassidy have stated. I happen to know someone who is born into an illuminati family and is Rh 0 negative bloodline,kind of like the Eisenhower woman who is a whistleblower and has much knowledge into this. I also happen to get some info from someone that comes from a much higher dimension,who is here to help humanity. David Icke deserves much credit for the information he has given to us for a very long time.
I wish that I had known about you many years ago.
You surely are at the top of the list with those mentioned,or maybe for you, being under the radar has it’s benefits!!
Thanks for all you do…..
My opinion and experience is that gray alines are forming planet earth based by human wishes or so called law of attraction.They abduct humans for one wish and form a planet earth in that way. Maybe the bad things are going throught the secret societies and their servents or maybe something goes directly throught their systems.Maybe testing corrupted dna like nephilims?Do they exist?My opinion about reptile aliens is that they might have many spies like cockroaches and snakes…
The greys work for the reptilians,and are robotic.
THE EARTH IS BEING TERRA FORMED to make it hospitable for the ETS that are coming and will be living here on EARTH. The greys abduct HUMANS for experimentation along with THE MILITARY for several purposes. One being to change DNA to be able to survive in the future,as well as TRANSHUMANISM.
There is much DISINFORMATION about this and THE ETS (GREYS) can not be trusted ,LIARS WORSE THAN TRUMP!!!
SO they have told HUMANS many lies about the AGENDA!
Alex Collier 2016. Afterlife, 22 races/Human DNA,, Malevolent Entities/Orion/Serius B/Draconians.
Alex Collier,Ashayana Deane are one of the honest ones who you can learn the TRUTH from as well as Project Camelot.
Define alien, because this only applies to the negative ones which have been removed – it is only negative humans we need to worry about now and their time is also done.
All extraterrestrial and native aliens are not hostile or evil.
This is only an unnatural genetically engineered wrong anthropocentric worldview.
The main cause for all our problems is the human overpopulation!
Humans think we are the “crone of creation” and are the only important species and that is what aliens are challenging.
Besides that disinformation and lies.
Those people who say they have been sadistically been raped like sadomaso and been tortured badly are simply telling lies or disinformation.
Of course if you have someone lying on your table and you can read his or her mind and see that this is a human being who doesn`t care the slightest about nature and its non human lifeforms and other fellow human beings itself on this planet and throws carelessly trash out of his/her window and multiplies and doesnt`t care about extinction od certain specoes like carnivores (and even favores it) you would not react lovely too.
You would not sadistically torture and rape and f…ck those human but you would react coldy.
Its with every subject.
The same with the misguided drug policy and the misguided “war on drugs” which destroys only lifes and supports criminality and unnatural lies.
If people take drugs for illnesses (when someone`s brain chemistry is not working poprerly like the endogenous opioid system and this human has to take opioids to be depressant free or the other way round has an overactive endogenous opioid system and needs naloxone, the same with the endogenous cannabinoid system, estrogens, testosterone, pregnenolone – for those who have no knowledge about hormones: hormones are neurotransmitters between nerve, muscle etc. cells and are essential for all functions in the body and also gasotransmitters like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, ethylenenitric oxide etc. The body can not transfere electrical signals without it. And regarding the opioid system the body always produces in a healthy body a constant level of endorphines and maintains it in order for the body to function properly and maintains it and not as the media tells you that endorphines are solely released when you are extreme life threatening stress or accident situations.
The same is if people take drugs for pleasure there is absoluteley no problem.
But if people take drugs no matter if its alcohole, nicotine, exctasy, amphetamines, cocaine, diacethylmorphine etc. you name it, for escapism in order to escape from donw to earth problems like your boss in the office, who is mobbing you and teasing you, the same with your family like problems with your marriage (marriage is by the way completely unnatural and also the same as not being allowed to having prematural sex-with birth protectiong of course, there are a lot of animal species who live together their complete natural life together without wearing a weeding ring and having premature sex which is the normalst thing in the universe the same as homosexuality) and so on.
But if you take drugs solely to drown your real life problems in it it will always fail which is the cause for all the misery not the drugs itself.
The drugs do not hop in your mouth, nose or vein itself.
You are the ones who take it for esacpism and try to esacape from reality and all its pain and trouble with it!
It is your problem and responsiblity, not the drugs one!
Not the other way round!!!
Sorry for that long message but i hope this will wake people up to think for themselves and be naturally be objective and finally see the objective truth!
I just hope that the breakaway civilization has finally waken up and does something (humane) against the human overpopulation and population explosion and against the genetic misconstructed human genomes (and its fail save programs) and save the non human lifeforms, evolution and finally the human species itself on this planet.
And finally does something for the protection of the planet and for the legalization of drugs even if it cuts their black budget!
My View:
Just as the commenters above have stated, there is GOOD and BAD in every side you look, even if the majority of them are the former or latter.
This is why the military wants to keep the lid on this as long as possible. And vice versa, if a hostile alien wanted to take this “fertile” land and its inhabitants without DESTROYING it (by them or us) they need to prevent any wild nuke throwing or death ray blasting.
This is because although aliens have advanced thought patterns, advanced technology and some other physical advantages they are also VUNERABLE too:
1.Electromagnetic craft can be brought down just as easy as they fly (we did it by accident at first!!).
2. Electromagnetic control of elements and chemicals (ie weapons,hypnosis, mind control manipulation) usually has to be done in CLOSE range and can be easily SHIELDED.
3. We destroy this world with nukes everybody loses.
So they have to play their cards right. There are BILLIONS of us….maybe thousands of them (AT MOST). If they bring their entire planet population then they risk losing their entire race. WE AS HUMANS HAVE THE HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE — this is why they haven’t attempted to take us outright at the onset.
Plus we now have a very good understanding of the physical technology, and perhaps maybe a new insight on it that they did not think of (they DEFNITLEY didn’t foresee UHF waves being used against the UHF wave technology that flies their craft. If we retained even a fraction of mastery of their technology…. the odds shift dramatically.
The forces that control this world go beyond the “physical”, meaning beyond the Reptilians and Greys. I get into this in these articles:
These forces can irradiate the planet – and are doing so as we speak. It’s about turning the Earth’s frequencies into those that match theirs. They don’t care about lifeforms as such, just siphoning off energy.
Man who claims To have worked at Area 51 on alien technology PASSES lie detector tests