Musk Continues Supporting Wars & Pushing the NWO – Video #163


Hero of the Rightwing and the MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media), Elon Musk is actively supporting wars (helping Ukraine and Israel) and pushing the NWO. Learn why Musk, like other Big Tech billionaires, is a front man for the Military Intelligence Complex.




Tempest December 18, 2024 - 5:06 pm

Another video where posts have disappeared. Why does this kee[ happening?

Makia Freeman December 19, 2024 - 3:44 pm

Sorry, Tempest … the site crashed and we had to back it up from the previous version a few weeks ago. I had to repost all video content manually. I don’t know of any way way to restore lost comments.

Tempest December 19, 2024 - 6:11 pm

How is it that comments on other videos survived the crash? Seems odd.

Makia Freeman December 19, 2024 - 6:24 pm

Only videos #162 to #167 were affected.

Tempest December 19, 2024 - 7:56 pm

As I said in a previous comment here which got deleted, most of the people David Icke mentions have high functioning autism – Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg, Larry Page of Google while Sergey Brin also of Google has an autistic child and probably also has it himself, and Eric Schmidt has been said to have definite autistic characteristics. If I can find this out so can Icke. Julian Assange has HFA. Tech is a perfect job for people with HFA because of the lack of necessity of socializing with colleagues in a company, but it's strange why no one is asking why so many autistic people are in very influential positions.

The alleged Trump shooter was said to be autistic. The guy who allegedly stabbed three young children to death and injured dozens of others in England back in July is said to be autistic and is currently awaiting trial. His trial has been postponed by several months with no reason given. The alleged Sandy Hook shooter was said to be autistic. Why is there so much autism and why is no research being done into finding out?

The clip that Icke plays with Joe Rogan and Marc Andreeson is part of a bigger conversation in which Andreeson makes it very clear what the dangers of AI are and the autoritarianism it can lead to. But listening just to the short clip in Icke's video you would think he is fully in favor of it.

From here is where Andreeson points out the dangers and shows the politics behind the tech cartels.

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