Elon Musk was again using his fake Adrian Dittman alter ego. Musk has always been someone willing to use his platform to censor criticism of himself, or censor views he doesn’t like, just like most people. He doesn’t have a full commitment to the principle of free speech and Twitter/X being the digital town square when it interferes with his agendas, profit or business goals. It’s just this current issue of the H-1B Visa Program that has brought this to the surface.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and , the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and lead researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.
1 Comment
It is clear that Musk has been brainwashed by the Zionist and globalist factions and I agree that hate speech/free speech is an oxymoron. I wonder if there was some kind of deal done between Musk and Trump that allows Musk some influence in return for suppression of Zionist criticism?
Musk sounds like he's on the verge of an autistic meltdown and it seems strange on the surface that he would think anyone would believe he is someone called Aidrian Dittman and not know he's Elon Musk, just as he did in the David Icke interview with Alex Jones. That he seems to believe his alter ego is convincing is another sign of the socially naive aspect of autism. What seems equally strange is that no one seems to call him out on it. Why does no one say to him "why are you pretending to be someone called Aidrian Ditman when we all know you're Elon Musk? Do you think we're all stupid or what?!" Surely it would be worth saying if only to see his reaction and just out of curiosity? But everyone goes along with it, even David Icke. This is really really strange.
As I've said before, being autistic Musk has different perceptions from non autistic people and autistics are generally easy to manipulate once their trust has been gained. So having a different perception Musk probably sees what he's doing as a positive thing, and if so, he cannot be classed as being evil, uncaring, without a conscience or anything else that could legitimately be said of a non autistic person doing the same things. No doubt Greta Thunberg believes she is helping the environment, Julian Assange believed he was exposing corruption and making the world a better place, Mark Zuckerberg thought he could help people around the world stay in touch, Bill Gates in his own autistic way probably thinks he's improving humanity with his vaccines and synthetic meat, Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google no doubt thought they were adding positive things to life by inventing Google. All are autistic, all were/are basically controlled by the state. Musk is no different. But can we ascribe to any of them consiously bad intentions for the world when they have different perceptions from non autistic people? Then there is the fact that the overwhelming majority of young people opting for gender change are autistic and that a disturbingly high number of them have signed up for legally assisted suicide programs citing the reason as being the unbearable pain of being alive. Because of these things it has to be asked if autism is deliberately being created in many instances?
I also agree with Bernie Sanders' point about the H1B visas. It really is a way of replacing the American worker with cheap labor from third world countries. But he is also a hypocrite for complaining about rich people and their tax breaks when he has three luxurious houses himself, is a multi millionaire and while he backed his wife in bankrupting a small college in Vermont because they fired her after she was employed to invest their money in land which lost them millions. The lawsuit she brought against them for compensation was the final straw which forced them to close. The students were not able to get their upfront fees paid back to them when the college had to file for bankruptcy. So he and his greedy wife cost not only the college millions but the ordinary students and their parents many thousands of dollars in fees paid in advanced. So the "man of the people" is not in any position to criticize any other rich person like himself.