Former Mossad agents reveal how they executed the pager and walkie-talkie terror operations against Hezbollah: “We create a pretend world … We write the screenplay, we’re the directors, we’re the producers, we’re the main actors … the world is our stage.”
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and , the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and lead researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.
This sounds suspiciously like the CIA. Although I doubt you'd every get anything close to the truth out of them. Regardless, any of these long standing covert intel agencies from any country run around with impunity and civilians frequently are caught in the crossfire. I'm so fed up with the USG running around pretending they're the world's authority in every subject that ever existed, only to be burning down the house while lying through their teeth. Governments create more problems than they fix! If good people figured out they'd be better off without their meddling and followed some pretty basic principles of doing no harm, that's when society would return to Peace.
Many good people have figured out what's happening, but are powerless to stop it. Selfish people with power will fight to the death to keep it. As soon as one is removed, another steps up to take their place. The world is a vicious place.
Here's a link to what I was referring to about the Ai generated "hamas attack" "footage".
You know what?
Saying "It's not "thejews" is the same as saying "2+2=5".
Who would sacrifice several billion innocents, to save a million or 2 or whatever number of so-called "jews"?
Because there are "innocent jews",,,, don't name the COLLECTIVE ENTITY=JEWS, …because we don't want to "persecute"(depose) innocent people, instead we'll allow the majority that are the power of that collective entity=JEWS to exploit, abuse, gain privilege, enslave, corrupt, degrade, and destroy countless innocents that make up the majority of the world.
Of course it's too late. The world had it's chance, it was called out on it's hypocrisy in 1933, and it chose the devil, because the populations were already ruled by their goy-stooges(freemasons), and under extreme mind-control that has only increased since. (no, Hitler was not one of them, he was an Avatar of Truth).
The Devil's Disciples:
The best of this world has passed, and it ain't coming back.
Best to have an "exit strategy".
Another reason they avoid saying "itsthejews" is because it's just too simple and obvious, their ego needs the problem to be much more "sophisticated" and complex, that way it can feel more intelligent and "superior" to the "crude, unhinged primitive haters" that do name The Jew.
Haha…and it's probably mostly jew-agents and bots that are pretending to be that way to discourage people from association with The Name The Jew Club.
"They are of their father the devil…"
Well, the "Oct.7 attack" was a false-flag hoax. Any death and destruction was done solely by zio forces.
The Big story that every "news" site is ignoring or oblivious to is the proof of Ai generated video footage of "hamas attacking". A forensic analysis proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the "attack footage" is fake.
I posted a link in an earlier post.
And then there was the interview with "victims" that claimed to have been attacked and lost family members, the interview was conducted by a major "news" organization, and throughout this "interview" the young people being interviewed cannot hold back their glee and Duping Delight at the chance to tell Big Lies to the whole world.
And we're supposed to believe a SMILE is a frown, and a LAUGH is a cry.
Just like Orwell's "1984", where if Big Brother insists that 2+2=5 you must deny your own knowledge and awareness and accept and agree that 2+2=5.
2+2=4 to me.
Then knowing all this and more, it stands to REASON there have been and are no "hostages" either.
Sing, to the melody of "It's a small world after all"…IT'S A SHAM WORLD AFTER ALL, IT'S A SHAM WORLD AFTER ALL….
The only time they tell the truth is to brag about themselves after the fact and rub it in the "stupid goy's" faces, by accident, or to cover for a Bigger Lie.
With the exception of a few heretics and "self-hating jews".
There are always exceptions to the rule. But the General Rule still stands.
They're telling us because they have captured all the key positions of power and feel unassailable. Soon the mask will be removed completely. Wait til shortly after Trump gets in.
The PROTOCOLS O.T.L.E.O.Z. tells us what's going on and where it's leading.
But we're not supposed to look there. Oh, how THEY DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO LOOK THERE.
Or to how Jesus Christ described them and their master. We're just supposed to think he didn't really mean what he said, or that all that is no longer legitimate and valid today.
Another simple and obvious thing…
Governments don't create task forces, agencies or departments to "fight "anti-semitism" and enact laws against so-called "anti-semitism" unless there is a domination of that government by nutcase "jews" that are operating from a worldview that is in contradiction to the worldviews and interest of the majority of the population.
The main issue being that those "jews" within the government and elsewhere are attacking the original culture and basic values accepted by the majority and steering the people's worldview, attitudes, and values towards destruction.
Basically the "jews" in government are not representative of the people at large but are solely working towards "jewish" interests within the country and globally. Their allegiance within the country they reside in is to the Transnational Jewish Nation(Cult) 1st and foremost, whereas the state of "Israel" is a base of operations for this cult that they use against Western (Christian and other) nation states in the world.
They are violently against anything/anyone that does not accept their worldview and submit to it. Their definition of "evil" is anyone that does not accept, recognize, or submit to their claimed "authority".
They've been mind-fucking the people for 1000's of years.
Their "holy books" whether the "torah", the "talmud" or the "communist manifesto" all are of the same kind, where a "jewish" "elite" rules and imposes a brutal dystopian half-life upon the population of the world.
In the past they've hid behind supposed non-jew frontmen(Freemasons), once they have everything in place they won't need the frontmen anymore.
Trump is a "jew".
I won't be going to any re-education/experimentation, slave, torture and death camps(gulags). They won't starve me to death either. They won't get me to struggle and fight to remain in this Bizarro World.
This "world" is unworthy of The Son of GOD, of which I Am a part.
Behold! The World! In all it's "glory"!
The Son Undeceived visits earth and reconnected with The Greater.
The Son Undeceived is the Greater part of the consciousness looking at that spot where WartWorld is. It (WartWorld) doesn't exist in Reality, it only exists in the mind(s) of that tiny part of the consciousness dreaming it up.
The Son Undeceived does not see the wart, it only notices a numbness and lack of communication in that spot.