Monsanto, Empire of Evil, has perpetrated massive damage upon the planet: Agent Orange, DDT, rBGH, Aspartame, GMOs, Terminator seeds and more.
Monsanto, Empire of Evil,
has perpetrated massive damage upon the planet at large: Agent Orange, DDT pesticide, rBGH (Recombinant Growth Bovine Hormone), the artificial sweetener aspartame, GMOs, Terminator seeds. It’s easy to see why they were voted “The Most Evil Corporation in the World“. Monsanto is the tool through which the NWO (New World Order) elite wish to carry out their domination of the food supply. Insider and war criminal Henry Kissinger once said, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people”. To an elite obsessed with power and control, the idea of having a complete monopoly over what everyone eats is heaven.