The Magic Bullet Theory Returns: Staged Trump Assassination – Video #121


Question everything. What are the chances photographer Doug Mills was in the Florida school classroom with George W. Bush on 9/11 and also at the staged Trump assassination attempt? What are the chances he could capture a bullet in a photo?



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and The International Satanic Network Exposed, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.


wendyw July 19, 2024 - 8:13 am


Tempest July 19, 2024 - 2:05 pm

Hi, that’s me you’re referring to. I was having problems posting comments with links, especially from a particular website. Makia said he transferred them to a white list. I don’t know what that is. I can see my comments but maybe that’s just me. Can you let me know if you can see this comment? Thanks.

Tempest July 19, 2024 - 2:05 pm

Hi, that's me you're referring to. I was having problems posting comments with links, especially from a particular website. Makia said he transferred them to a white list. I don't know what that is. I can see my comments but maybe that's just me. Can you let me know if you can see this comment? Thanks.

wendyw July 19, 2024 - 2:50 pm

Yep, I can see your reply to my post.

Tempest July 19, 2024 - 3:35 pm


Suki49 July 27, 2024 - 2:14 pm

WeII, if he's sending Iinks off to a "white Iist," then I guess the Iink I was going to share wouId get the same treatment.
Sad to think our info. can be censored here.

Tempest July 27, 2024 - 8:28 pm

Why not post it and see what happens?

Suki49 July 28, 2024 - 11:41 pm

OK. They're fIipping the deep state media's tricks right back on them. Makia beIieves Q is a psyop, but I don't think he's read the drops.

If it is (a psyop) we wiII find out soon enough, but Mike King has been investigating in-depth the history of the cabaI and writing about it for decades. He and a few others that I respect and Iisten to confirm my gut feeIing that there is a pIan. I never paid any attention to Trump when he was a celebrity of sorts, but when he announced his candidacy in 2015, an instinctive feeIing of reIief came over me. As I said, we'II see.

Tempest July 29, 2024 - 12:23 pm

I believe Q is a psyop too as I mentioned in a previous reply to you here . Q has been around for 8-9 years now and always the message has been "trust the plan". In other words, don't take any action of your own because you're not powerful enough and there are deep state powerful people who can do the job for you. So leave it to us because you're just a serf, nothing more. That is the unspoken message here. Yet nothing has changed in all that time because everything is intended to stay the same. For the cabal the status quo has to be preserved because they benefit enormously from it. Trump is not a messiah and there is no savior coming to rescue people from the murderous actions of the cabal intent on killing them. I believe the J6 protesters were used as a warning of what happens to people when they try to assert their rights, however respectfully and calmly they do it by just entering a building they already own and have paid for many times over through their taxes.

Suki49 July 29, 2024 - 7:00 pm

If you think that's aII that Q has to say, or is about, then in my opinion you haven't reaIIy gone in depth with it. As the proofs are coming faster now (future proves past), you might find that a Iot of what you think is reaI is something eIse.
Or, if you're right, a Iot of us wiII be dead by next year, as that was the cabaI's originaI pIan.

I think Mike King is spot on, and this is great documented info, too, for the surface observers who beIieve Trump was enabling Netanyahu

Tempest July 29, 2024 - 8:37 pm

That is the main message Q has for its followers and does not include them in information about its inner plans. There is no Trump secret war against Israel. As president Trump was the most pro Israel president there has been, allowing his son in law, an Orthodox Jew, to be his adviser, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy to there, giving sovereignty of the Golan Heights to Israel and declaring the Israeli settlements in the West Bank as not being inconsistent with international law, to name a few things. Q is only now claiming there is a secret Trump war against Israel since the increasing pushback against Israel since the October incident last year and ongoing conflict in Gaza. If there has been a secret war against Israel signs of it would have been seen while Trump was president. It is not something that could possibly have been covered up. To claim a secret war now is just too convenient in an election year and after so many lawsuits against Trump, even if most have been bogus.

Tempest July 29, 2024 - 9:20 pm

One of the most ridiculous claims Q ever made was in a 5 hour documentary it made a few years ago in which it revived a rumor of 10 years ago that the Vatican has a telescope they named Lucifer and that this was proof of their Luciferian/Satanic leanings.

It turns out that the Vatican has been doing astronomy in its observatory in Rome for more than 200 hundred years and like all cities Rome has a lot of light pollution which makes astronomy next to impossible due to the artificial light from street lights, cars, houses, store windows etc. creating what's called sky glow which obscures the stars. So 50 years ago it moved its astronomy activities to the Arizona desert and shared the facilities of the observatory there on Mount Graham.

A desert is a great place for astronomy due to its lack of light pollution. The observatory is also used by the University of Arizona and a consortium of other educational institutions. The consortium has a very powerful telescope with an instrument on it called (deep breath) Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research. By playing around with the words someone came up with the name Lucifer and claimed this was the name of the Vatican's telescope even though no one has a telescope called Lucifer and not even the consortium's instrument is named that. Yet Q revived the ridiculous rumor all the same. They may even have started it in the first place! But whoever started it probably had knowledge of the Masonic infiltration of the Vatican and the Biblical references to Lucifer, the 'fallen angel' who is also referred to as the Morning Star, the light bringer or more commonly the planet Venus. The name Lucifer is Latin for these names. It seems to me that Q will target any organization with a large following in the hopes of bringing some of those followers over to its side because it is in many ways like a cult.

tomonthebayagain July 30, 2024 - 2:42 pm

Anyone dumb enough to think Q is real shouldn’t be out in public alone.

Makia Freeman July 28, 2024 - 3:44 am

Hi, I’m not sending people’s links off to a “white list.” All comments are posted as far as I know, unless Disqus flags them.

The “whitelist” issue was just for one user, Tempest, whose comments were getting sent to spam for no good reason. The whitelist was a way we could all see Tempest’s posts so Disqus didn’t mark them as spam and delete them.

Tempest July 24, 2024 - 3:09 pm

It must be billions to one for the same photographer to be at both events. Doug Mills must have been an inel asset to have photographed Bush on 9/11 in the first place and continued being so more than 2 decades later.

Peter Okeefe July 27, 2024 - 1:08 pm

so the intelligence services after trying to jail him then try to kill him and you believe its all staged?

Makia Freeman July 28, 2024 - 3:45 am

If the NWO controllers wanted Trump dead, he would have been dead a long, long time ago.

They didn’t try to kill him – that’s the whole point. Shamefully, Trump is IN on this fakery. I don’t know why he would pull a stunt like this when he was already so popular and a clear favorite to win, however that just shows his contempt for the truth and the public.

Tempest July 29, 2024 - 12:38 pm

Maybe it was a attempt to try and portray himself as a Kennedy-like figure and make absolutely sure of his victory?

Tempest July 29, 2024 - 12:34 pm

Yes it was a piece of theatre performed on a literal and metaphorical stage. Kudos to whoever's idea it was to add in the Kennedy-esqe undertones with the ear. They even managed to incorporate the masonic missing shoes tradition, so paying homage to the dark arts as well, so pretty neatly done all told.

Peter Okeefe November 21, 2024 - 3:43 pm

do the agencies pay well? trolls are bottom feeders after all

Tempest November 22, 2024 - 12:52 pm

Contact them and find out.

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