Jeffrey Epstein, leader of an international pedophile, child sex trafficking and blackmail ring, is too well connected. Is he Israeli Intelligence?
The seemingly cold case of Jeffrey Epstein has become hot again. This is surprising – not because pedophile rings, child sex trafficking and blackmail operations don’t exist (the world is full of them), but because usually they have enough elite protection to continue functioning in the shadows. After all, pedophilia and Satanism are the glue that hold the global conspiracy together, as David Icke is fond of saying. Pedophilia is the common thread throughout the very highest echelons of the New World Order (NWO), so it involves the most powerful people in the world. These are the ones who have the influence and clout to ether prevent, misdirect or shut down investigations. What makes this Epstein case interesting is that it has now become much, much deeper than it first appeared. As we shall see, there is substantial evidence that Epstein connected to the Mossad or some form of Israeli Intelligence.
Introducing Mossad Spy Robert Maxwell
To begin to unravel the Epstein pedophilia saga, we need to take a look at some of the key players, past and present, connected to Epstein. For this, a great source is the late researcher, author and Mossad expert Gordon Thomas. Thomas, who sold 45 million books, was a journalist who specialized in espionage and the Mossad. He had connections; for instance, he had direct conversations with ex-Mossad directors Rafael “Rafi” Eitan and Meir Amit. According to Thomas, Robert Maxwell (real name Jan Ludvik Hyman Binyamin Hoch) was an Israeli spy and an early mentor of Epstein. He was also the father of Ghislaine Maxwell who became Epstein’s lover and the recruiter of young girls into his pedophile blackmail ring. Maxwell based himself in London and built a publishing empire. He owned or controlled Macmillan Publishing, Pergamon Press, the Berlitz language group and The Mirror (newspaper in London). He was a billionaire.
Maxwell played a role in the 1948 Israeli-Arab War (smuggling weapons into Israel). He later persuaded the Czechoslovakian Government to sell weapons to Israeli terrorists who were killing Arabs to establish the Jewish state. When Israeli whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu fled Israel, carrying secret documents from Dimona (headquarters of the Israeli nuclear program), he went to Maxwell so he could get them published. Maxwell didn’t publish them but instead called the Mossad who lured Vanunu into a trap with a woman in Italy. At the end of his life, Maxwell died in suspicious circumstances, ‘falling’ naked overboard off his yacht. Tellingly, although he spent all his life in Czechoslovakia and London, but was buried in Jerusalem. After his death, he was given a state funeral in Israel. At his funeral, 6 former and current heads of Israeli intelligence attended while then Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogized: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said.”
Vicky Ward was a journalist exposing the Epstein case. She claims her 2003 story was censored by then-Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter, who met Epstein personally and agreed to not to run the story. Vanity Fair was owned by Condé Nast, which was owned by Macmillan Publishers, owned by … Robert Maxwell. Ward claims Epstein also got Conrad Black (her ex-husband’s former boss) to stop her from publishing. Apparently, Epstein even threatened Ward’s baby (she was pregnant at the time) by telling her he knew which hospital she was in.
Lover-Recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell
Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s lover-recruiter, acted something like a pimp for his underage girls. She is also well-connected; for instance, you can see her in the picture above attending the wedding of Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Bill Clinton, whose name was in the flight logs having flown at least 26 times to Epstein’s private Caribbean island aboard what has been dubbed the Lolita Express, Epstein’s private jet.
Dark Symbolism of Epstein and Virgin Island Temple
The symbolism of Epstein and his Caribbean Virgin Island temple is remarkable. (Due to the dark and abusive activities that occurred there, the island was dubbed Pedo Island and Orgy Island by locals and others, but its real name is Little St. James Island.) Firstly, Epstein bought an island that is part of the Virgin Islands, so the name virgin itself is hardly a coincidence given the fact he was running an international pedophile ring. This also connects to the obsession with virginity and child abuse running through the Secret Societies, and which for instance is etymologically behind the name Virginia (a US State). Secondly, Epstein’s temple is topped with a golden dome, reminiscent of the Al-Aqsa Mosque or Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Palestine, considered to be the 3rd holiest place in Islam. There exists a longstanding Zionist plan to destroy the Islamic Dome of the Rock and build a Jewish Temple Mount in its place. Thirdly, Epstein’s temple is surrounded by owls, reminiscent of the Bohemian Club/Bohemian Grove, the secretive place in Northern California where a certain male-only segment of the NWO get together in the spirit of black magic to conduct fake (or not) sexual, sacrificial and Satanic ritual in front of a giant, 40-ft owl called Moloch. Fourthly, in this Insider story, a Chicago contractor and engineer, James Both, was interviewed. He made this comment about the locking bar on the outside of the temple:
“What makes it peculiar is that if you wanted to keep people out, the bar would be placed inside the building, [but the] locking bar appears to be placed on the outside … as if it were intended to lock people in.”
Fifthly, the blue and white stripes of the temple building itself, and the red lines/glyphs on the surrounding flat land, are reminiscent of ancient Egyptian art and writing (although the dome is more Islamic so there are clearly a combination of influences here). This is probably another connection to the ancient Mystery Schools / Secret Societies which derive much of their knowledge and symbolism from ancient Egypt.
Epstein and the Kirkland and Ellis Law Firm
The Epstein case’s connections to Kirkland and Ellis law firm are beyond mere coincidence. This law firm has produced lawyers such as Alex Acosta, Jay Lefkowitz, William Barr, Kenneth Starr and Alan Dershowitz, who all have connections to Jeffrey Epstein in one way or another. Acosta was just forced out of Trump’s cabinet and resigned as US Secretary of Labor due to public scrutiny that he gave Epstein a sweetheart deal when he prosecuted him in 2007, when Epstein was being criminally defended by Lefkowitz. Acosta and Lefkowitz met over breakfast before the ruling to reach a deal, which involved Epstein only being charged under a Florida state statute (not a Federal one), and being given day leave. Barr has long-time connections to Epstein; his father hired Epstein. This article has a good short synopsis on Barr:
“Attorney General William Barr, who spent years at the CIA, stated he would recuse himself on the Epstein matter on Monday and then reversed himself on Tuesday. Barr helped cover up the Iran-Contra scandal by approving the pardons of Elliott Abrams and other officials who were caught in illegal activity. In 1973, Epstein got his start as a math teacher thanks to Barr’s father, Donald Barr, who was headmaster of the elite Dalton School despite Epstein not having a college degree. His New York Times obituary notes that Donald Barr belonged to the Office of Strategic Services (better known as the OSS, the precursor to the CIA).”
Starr and Dershowitz have both represented and defended Epstein at one point or another. Starr was the lawyer who prosecuted Bill Clinton (closely connected to Epstein) over his affair with the (Jewish) Monica Lewinsky. With no experience, Lewinsky was given a job as a White House intern. Was she deliberately placed there to seduce Clinton (see below)? Dershowitz has represented Epstein on many occasions, and Epstein’s little black book (see below) and flight logs indicate Dershowitz himself flew the Lolita Express to Orgy Island. Bill Clinton is the most infamous guest, with records showing he visited Pedo Island at least 26 times. Clinton and Epstein were very closely connected; Epstein even used the fact he has supposedly help conceive the CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) as good PR during his 2007-2008 sweetheart deal trial.
Naming the Names So Far: DC Swamp/NWO Insiders Connected to Epstein
If you want to know how deep the Epstein case cuts, look how many DC swamp/NWO insiders are involved with it. We’ve already talked about Barr. Guess who else is on the prosecuting team? Maurene Comey, daughter of ex-FBI head James Comey, who disgracefully covered up for Hillary during her email scandal and her promulgated the baseless Russian hacking piece of propaganda. In articles from 2015 (What do Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton Have in Common?) and 2016 (Why is Donald Trump’s Name in Pedophile Epstein’s Little Black Book?), I discussed how other politicians and celebrities were involved in this pedophile ring in one way or another (based on the names in Epstein’s little black book), such as the aforementioned Dershowitz, former US President Bill Clinton, current US President Donald Trump (who had other lawsuits alleging rape and pedophilia against him, a case which was recently dropped), British royal family member Prince Andrew, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (see below), former New Mexico Governor Bruce King, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, actor Alec Baldwin, Courtney Love (actress, musician and former wife of Kurt Cobain), Peter Soros (nephew of billionaire George Soros), billionaire Leslie Wexner (CEO of Victoria’s Secrets parent company L Brands) and billionaire David Koch. It also included Prince Bandar and King Salman of Saudi Arabia, ex-UK PM Tony Blair, Jon Huntsman, Senator Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, ex-Secretary of State John Kerry, George Mitchell, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomfield, Dustin Hoffman and – wait for it – NWO controllers Queen Elizabeth, David Rockefeller and Edward de Rothschild. Wow!
That’s not an exhaustive list, and the list is very likely to grow as the case progresses and more evidence comes out.
Stop Politicizing Predatory Pedophilia
Clearly this is a non-partisan issue. Partisan arguments that Clinton was more involved than Trump are beside the point here – and a massive distraction which plays into the divide-and-conquer agenda. Pedophilia cuts deep into the NWO Establishment beyond the fake left-right paradigm. If you’re tempted to cheer your “team” on because of this, stop and take listen to this heartbreaking testimony of this woman (Jennifer Araoz) as she recounts being recruited and raped by Epstein. She is just one of hundreds.
“Epstein was Intelligence” – Acosta
One of the most stunning allegations to emerge from this case so far is from Vicky Ward. She writes that Alex Acosta said that he was told to “back off” from Epstein, that “Epstein was above his pay grade”and that he “was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.” Epstein is the international man of mystery. No one knows where he got all his money. He claims to be a hedge fund manager, but which hedge fund? There are is no company name, no records, no articles of incorporation, no hedge fund office, no corporation domicile, etc. The 2002 New York magazine article quoted an anonymous investor:
“My belief is that Jeff maintains some sort of money-management firm, though you won’t get a straight answer from him,” says one well-known investor. “He once told me he had 300 people working for him, and I’ve also heard that he manages Rockefeller money. But one never knows. It’s like looking at the Wizard of Oz – there may be less there than meets the eye.”
Epstein’s former lawyer Dershowitz claims that Epstein’s former victims got paid out tens of millions of dollars. Where is Epstein getting all the money to do this? There is clearly more than meet the eye here. The more we find out, the more questions we have. Who are the incredibly deep pockets funding Epstein? And if Epstein is Intelligence, which Intelligence? I would suggest the most likely answer is Israeli.
Epstein: The Zionist Connection
So Epstein is already very connected to Israel via Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell. Additionally, Epstein was at one point in business with Ehud Barak, a former Israeli PM, an entry in the infamous Epstein Little Black Book and a guest on the Lolita Express. Barak, by the way, in case you missed it, was propagating the lie on 9/11 that “Bin Laden did it” right after the towers fell – check out his attempt to control the narrative in this BBC interview. Epstein is very connected to Bill Clinton, and Clinton in turn was apparently targeted by Israel according to Gordon Thomas, who in his book Gideon’s Spies – The Secret History of the Mossad states that Mossad and Israeli PM Netanyahu blackmailed Clinton to release Israeli spy Pollard. How? They had the sex tapes of Clinton and Monica Lewinksy. Clinton was told to call off an FBI investigation which was hunting for a top-level Israeli mole within the White House.
Note also that Epstein had a fake passport, indicative of him being an Intelligence agent. In his Manhattan apartment, the FBI found an expired fraudulent Austrian passport from 1987 with Epstein’s image but another name. The passport had many entrance and exit stamps, including entrance stamps for the UK, France, Spain and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s, and showed his place of residence as Saudi Arabia. This shows a Saudi and Zionist connection, which isn’t surprising; Saudi Arabia and Israel are working together in many ways, both as co-conspirators in the 9/11 operation and geopolitically against Iran.
Was Epstein Running a Honeypot-Sex Trafficking-Blackmail Operation on Behalf of Israeli Intelligence?
It has been widely reported that Epstein had mini cameras hidden throughout his various houses, so as to secretly record the sexual perversions of those he invited there. Teenage girl victims have also reported that Epstein not only wanted them to have sex with powerful men, but also wanted them to report back to him what the fetishes of these men were. This is highly suggestive of a state-sponsored blackmailing operation – typical of one run by the Mossad – not ‘just’ an international pedophile and child sex-trafficking ring. The Epstein case has many similarities to the Savile case. British pedophile Jimmy Savile found kids for the British Royals, and when he got caught, the Establishment scurried to cover it up since it went all the way to the very top. Epstein’s case is similar but way bigger, this time completely international and involving top names from the US, UK and Saudi Arabia. Connecting the dots, there is already a lot of evidence that Epstein was/is working for Israeli Intelligence. As more evidence comes to light, it will be interesting to see whether the NWO Establishment can shut the lid on this one.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom. Makia is on Steemit and FB.
Thanks for taking the time to investigate and share this information.
Excellent report mr. Freeman. I totally get it. But I’m in no way surprised about their evil activities being fully aware just how wicked and disgusting the human species has always been. Scum of the natural world!
Well done as always Makia.
Epstein is just a minion…The End game is TRANSHIMANISM
that is what he was researching…..MIND CONTROL
Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists
Always seems to be the same ‘Tribe’ that is involved in this child trafficking / abuse
First of all, these people are not Israelites. They do not have one ounce of blood in them from the 12 tribes of Israel. They are all fakes and most come from the Edomite/Canaanite bloodlines. Second, these monsters are never going to stop their horrific crimes against this world until we make up our mind that they are going to be executed no matter what that takes. The US government is nothing but the strong arm of a huge mafia. Don’t think they have any desire to help clean these people up. The executions are something we will need to do ourselves. No better time than NOW.
Their crimes are horrific, but violence/execution against them is not the answer.
It’s not violence. It is justice. Let’s call it what it is.
Wow is all I can say!.. As the old saying goes- ‘Truth is stranger than Fiction.’ Thanks for sharing your excellent research and sleuthing skills with us Makia. 🙂
You obviously didn’t like my initial reply to your comment so I’ll repeat it. Executing someone is not an act of violence. It is an act of justice. Let’s call it what it is.
Knowing what I do about ISRAEL, I consider ANYONE who supports Israel, in effect, if not in actuality, Israeli Intelligence by virtue of what they will Do or CAUSE to be done to those who speak the TRUTH about Zionist Ashkenazi Jews, especially the House of Rothschild and their CULT creation,Israel
Drew, I asked Delamer Duverus if there was a time to execute someone for their crimes. He told me if a cannibal tribe came to steal and consume one of your tribe, then it was important to mount an attack and slaughter every man, woman and child of the cannibal tribe, for the reason of stopping the mindset they had adopted. They could then evolve to something better.
Still, would seek out God’s guidance on this, but to me pedophilia is about as bad as killing another.
Also, it was Joshua who rewrote the original scrolls to give his people, the “riff-raff” whom Moses was taking out of Egypt, a history because they had none. It was originally 12 races, not tribes.
Great article, Makia…a wonderful journalist, indeed….The hybrids are running loose and creating distractions for those that hide behind the Vatican.Consciousness is our only salvation.Throw out your technology and stop participating in their fake reality. They fear your power and awakening…they want your mind, so they can tell you what you think you know and program you accordingly….I must say, there must have been little boys on that island…because according to Kathy O’Brien, a former White House sex slave… Bill Clinton preferred men and like the Bushes, children. Sorry, about the garbage, but we must stop pretending. This is a major masquerade party and we aren’t invited.
Jennifer – At the time of your reply, I had no clue who Delamer was. A quick search (I gave myself 3 minutes to gather something) told me a few things about him. In those 3 minutes, nothing I read told me he was an expert on “tribes”, “cannibals” or “executions.” I find it impossible to reconcile 2 comments he made in that short paragraph -“…slaughter every man, woman and child…” and “They could then evolve to something better.” It would be very difficult for any of them to evolve after they all suffered death.
There is a huge difference between killing someone and murdering someone. Killing someone is not necessarily a bad thing. Murdering someone is always a bad thing. There are many situations where killing someone is not only acceptable but preferred, and it happens to be called justice. If we “seek out Yahweh” [I believe this is who you meant when you mentioned the title God] for His “guidance on this”, we will find dozens and dozens of crimes that require execution as the judgement.
I would watch calling the “chosen people” of Yahweh “riff-raff” if it were me. It seems from that comment that you have no shortage of spite and/or hatred for Israelites.
I don’t recall Joshua rewriting anything. The Torah is strictly from Moses. Please provide Biblical proof of your claim regarding the rewrite.
The history of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the 12 sons, almost exclusively referred to as the twelve tribes of Israel, is extremely rich and extensive. Over 350 pages in the Bible deal with the history from Abraham down to Joshua. There are plenty of other manuscripts that add to the Biblical history of these Israelite tribes. Your comment about having “none” makes no sense.
The Bible uses the word “tribe(s)” almost 300 times to refer to the Israelites [you know…12 tribes]. The word “race” is only used 4 times in the entire Bible, and it always refers to a swift run. There are only 3 races when it comes to humans – Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. The Hebrew word “Adam” is defined as “flush(able to blush), ruddy, light skinned.” – in other words….caucasian. The Hebrew word “Adam” is the English word “man.” That is why you see all the English translations using the phrase “So God created man…” So, I disagree with you on your stance that the 12 tribes of Israel are races.
Drew, I suppose it would help if we explained that the Identification of Delamer Duverus loosely translates from the French to mean, “from the sea or giver of truth.” My mentor who heard his voice most of his life and who followed His will continuously brought us much of the understanding.
The Earth was originally 6 segments, but we lost one at the Time of Noah when our world was diminished, “in the days of Joktan and Peleg” through the stupidity of the Speciel Mind which was humanity at the time, and it was then we began to live shorter lives as the protective atmosphere diminished.
The segments were red, yellow and blue, 2 of each, one positive and one negative, not unlike the quark which science understands. It is the basic building block of the Universe. Two Triads. So there was a red, yellow, and blue(what we might call black) races, positive and negative of each, and then at some time when humanity was playing with genetics they created the gray race (what we call white) through mutation, blond, red, and brunette. Each race was on a specific segment and lived better on that segment because of the pigment of their skin. The gray race could live anywhere.
Joshua worshipped Jehovah, a Gnostic term for the god of war and destruction. According to Delamer Duverus, Joshua killed Moses when Moses caught Joshua rewriting the scrolls he had received from the Jasher Kings.
There are two minds besides the Speciel Mind of humanity, working on the Earth. One is the Mind of Man, as JeSus said He was the Son of Man, and they would be the Angels, God’s messengers or the Lord God, but not all the Lord Gods in the Bible are Man. Some are of the Deceiver and are of the Alien Mind, what the Indians and Paul Levy call the Wetiko. This Mind is called the Tares by JeSus in His parable. The Alien Mind works against humanity continually.
Much of this is written in The Golden Reed and other books by Delamer Duverus. He said He would give Himself a new name and a new City Jerusalem, A City being a way of thinking. I have The Golden Reed in PDF if anyone wants to read it.
Jennifer – I don’t want to be mean, but I have a duty to tell you you’re quite lost in your [none] relationship with the one and only true God, Yahweh. Best wishes.
Jennifer – I don’t want to be mean, but I have a duty to tell you you’re quite lost in your [none] relationship with the one and only true God, Yahweh. Best wishes.
@bluewater, when you say transhumanism, keep in mind that these vaccines ‘they’ keep forcing on the masses contain the cells/DNA of aborted human fetuses (MRC-5 is male and WI-38 is female), monkeys, dogs, pigs, cows, chickens, insects, etc. For the life of me, I cannot understand why no one seems to want to question this.
They have been creating a species of sub-humans over the course of decades. For example, I firmly believe that the explosion of LGBT people is directly related to injecting male DNA into female infants and female DNA into male infants. There is no one who can convince me that the 50 or so ‘doses’ of vaccines a child is jabbed with before the age of 6 does not disturb his/her DNA.
The issue is not efficacy, folks. The issue is SAFETY.
My 2017 article:
Great article, Makia…a wonderful journalist, indeed….The hybrids are running loose and creating distractions for those that hide behind the Vatican.Consciousness is our only salvation.Throw out your technology and stop participating in their fake reality. They fear your power and awakening…they want your mind, so they can tell you what you think you know and program you accordingly….I must say, there must have been little boys on that island…because according to Kathy O’Brien, a former White House sex slave… Bill Clinton preferred men and like the Bushes, children. Sorry, about the garbage, but we must stop pretending. This is a major masquerade party and we aren’t invited.
Always seems to be the same ‘Tribe’ that is involved in this child trafficking / abuse
Well done as always Makia.
Epstein is just a minion…The End game is TRANSHIMANISM
that is what he was researching…..MIND CONTROL
Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists
It’s not violence. It is justice. Let’s call it what it is.
Knowing what I do about ISRAEL, I consider ANYONE who supports Israel, in effect, if not in actuality, Israeli Intelligence by virtue of what they will Do or CAUSE to be done to those who speak the TRUTH about Zionist Ashkenazi Jews, especially the House of Rothschild and their CULT creation,Israel
Excellent report mr. Freeman. I totally get it. But I’m in no way surprised about their evil activities being fully aware just how wicked and disgusting the human species has always been. Scum of the natural world!
Wow is all I can say!.. As the old saying goes- ‘Truth is stranger than Fiction.’ Thanks for sharing your excellent research and sleuthing skills with us Makia. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to investigate and share this information.
You obviously didn’t like my initial reply to your comment so I’ll repeat it. Executing someone is not an act of violence. It is an act of justice. Let’s call it what it is.
Drew, I asked Delamer Duverus if there was a time to execute someone for their crimes. He told me if a cannibal tribe came to steal and consume one of your tribe, then it was important to mount an attack and slaughter every man, woman and child of the cannibal tribe, for the reason of stopping the mindset they had adopted. They could then evolve to something better.
Still, would seek out God’s guidance on this, but to me pedophilia is about as bad as killing another.
Also, it was Joshua who rewrote the original scrolls to give his people, the “riff-raff” whom Moses was taking out of Egypt, a history because they had none. It was originally 12 races, not tribes.
Drew, I suppose it would help if we explained that the Identification of Delamer Duverus loosely translates from the French to mean, “from the sea or giver of truth.” My mentor who heard his voice most of his life and who followed His will continuously brought us much of the understanding.
The Earth was originally 6 segments, but we lost one at the Time of Noah when our world was diminished, “in the days of Joktan and Peleg” through the stupidity of the Speciel Mind which was humanity at the time, and it was then we began to live shorter lives as the protective atmosphere diminished.
The segments were red, yellow and blue, 2 of each, one positive and one negative, not unlike the quark which science understands. It is the basic building block of the Universe. Two Triads. So there was a red, yellow, and blue(what we might call black) races, positive and negative of each, and then at some time when humanity was playing with genetics they created the gray race (what we call white) through mutation, blond, red, and brunette. Each race was on a specific segment and lived better on that segment because of the pigment of their skin. The gray race could live anywhere.
Joshua worshipped Jehovah, a Gnostic term for the god of war and destruction. According to Delamer Duverus, Joshua killed Moses when Moses caught Joshua rewriting the scrolls he had received from the Jasher Kings.
There are two minds besides the Speciel Mind of humanity, working on the Earth. One is the Mind of Man, as JeSus said He was the Son of Man, and they would be the Angels, God’s messengers or the Lord God, but not all the Lord Gods in the Bible are Man. Some are of the Deceiver and are of the Alien Mind, what the Indians and Paul Levy call the Wetiko. This Mind is called the Tares by JeSus in His parable. The Alien Mind works against humanity continually.
Much of this is written in The Golden Reed and other books by Delamer Duverus. He said He would give Himself a new name and a new City Jerusalem, A City being a way of thinking. I have The Golden Reed in PDF if anyone wants to read it.
@bluewater, when you say transhumanism, keep in mind that these vaccines ‘they’ keep forcing on the masses contain the cells/DNA of aborted human fetuses (MRC-5 is male and WI-38 is female), monkeys, dogs, pigs, cows, chickens, insects, etc. For the life of me, I cannot understand why no one seems to want to question this.
They have been creating a species of sub-humans over the course of decades. For example, I firmly believe that the explosion of LGBT people is directly related to injecting male DNA into female infants and female DNA into male infants. There is no one who can convince me that the 50 or so ‘doses’ of vaccines a child is jabbed with before the age of 6 does not disturb his/her DNA.
The issue is not efficacy, folks. The issue is SAFETY.
My 2017 article:
Sorry the site does not notify, you have to some how come here and read the comments.
Makia has done great research and he posted his article on it.
Transhumanism is the AGENDA which goes back millions of years back.
that is what they teach in the secret mystery schools to the initiates..the learned men who were in the SECRET SOCIETIES.
You have to understand that there is much Disinfo now and has gotten worse in the last month.
humanity was seeded here and then about 250,000 years ago The Archons/Anunnaki manipulated our DNA.
In reality we are a human hybrid of over 12 DNA strands that were suppressed by the Anannaki to keep us as their slaves.
You are correct about the vaccines..A vaccine simply weakens your IMMUNE SYSTEM..this is what they want so you keep going to THE MEDICAL MAFIA and BIG PHARMA both controlled by THE ROCKEFELLERS/ROTHSHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE.
NANO PARTICLES from Vaccines,Chemtrails ,water and your GMO food is to get inside you so tha with 5G ..they are already INSIDE YOU. these NANO PARTICALES are metal and they look like worms and they multiply causing many of the Diseases people have today…LYME,Morgellons etc.
For your LIFE the sheeple are asleep and getting fat and playing with their smartphone aka as DUMBPHONE and watching porno and their stupid baseball,football,hollywierd celebrities and drinking their beer and doing their drugs, thinking they are cool and know everything.
You had a president married to a Michael Obama a transgender and most of the men are girls in hollywierd and the girls are men..There is a reason for pushing GAYDOM /TRANSGENDER down your throat.
Epstein was into Eugenics. Listen to Amazing Polly..she has gone down the rabbit hole were others have not.
also Ashkenazi Elon Musk next year has the sheeple ready to be chipped.
Are You Ready To Have Elon Musk’s Artificial Intelligence Chip, Neuralink, Inserted Into Your Brain? Trials Start 2020 For The ‘Robotization’ Of Humankind
David Icke had made a name for himself by talking about our “microchipped future“, where we would all be forced to submit to implantation with a subdermal RFID transponder to track our whereabouts 24/7 and which would replace credit cards and money, as the chips would link our physical bodies to our bank accounts.
“Elon Musk is ready to begin implanting his [Neuralink] technology on humans as early as next year…The Neuralink chip is made up of a thousand strands of electrodes that will be inserted into the brain by a specialized robot. The chip will act as a sensor affixed to the skull and an interface device will be placed behind the ear. The device will be controlled with an iPhone app.”
Hi Bluewater, Are you sure? I believer there is a setting where you can be notified.
Thanks…Yes now if you are on Disqus but before you were not with Disqus and I must have missed this one since there is many replies to me on Disqus.
Good to see you changed the format on your channel/site….Cheers
Jeffrey Epstein, Former Member of CFR and
Trilateral Commission, Heavily Funded Transhumanism Projects – Including
His Own Baby Farm
Not only in Vaccines but everywhere
Nano Toxicity to create TRANSUMANISM
( ) “Upload:U”
( ) Nano Modifications
( ) Terrahertz
( ) Nano Assimilation
( ) Nano Transformation and evolution
( ) NANO Components its assemblying and impact on life
( ) New billboard with info where to look for information
( ) Quercitin
( ) New form of Genetic editing
( ) Rocky Horror Picture relating to an incdent i vancouver for transgender corruption
( ) In-Depth Analyses Bio/Nano/Materials/Information Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications
( ) 11 Indoor Farming Companies Taking Agriculture Indoors )
( )
( Hong Kong protesters use lasers to block facial recognition tech )
First of all, these people are not Israelites. They do not have one ounce of blood in them from the 12 tribes of Israel. They are all fakes and most come from the Edomite/Canaanite bloodlines. Second, these monsters are never going to stop their horrific crimes against this world until we make up our mind that they are going to be executed no matter what that takes. The US government is nothing but the strong arm of a huge mafia. Don’t think they have any desire to help clean these people up. The executions are something we will need to do ourselves. No better time than NOW.
Their crimes are horrific, but violence/execution against them is not the answer.
Jennifer – At the time of your reply, I had no clue who Delamer was. A quick search (I gave myself 3 minutes to gather something) told me a few things about him. In those 3 minutes, nothing I read told me he was an expert on “tribes”, “cannibals” or “executions.” I find it impossible to reconcile 2 comments he made in that short paragraph -“…slaughter every man, woman and child…” and “They could then evolve to something better.” It would be very difficult for any of them to evolve after they all suffered death.
There is a huge difference between killing someone and murdering someone. Killing someone is not necessarily a bad thing. Murdering someone is always a bad thing. There are many situations where killing someone is not only acceptable but preferred, and it happens to be called justice. If we “seek out Yahweh” [I believe this is who you meant when you mentioned the title God] for His “guidance on this”, we will find dozens and dozens of crimes that require execution as the judgement.
I would watch calling the “chosen people” of Yahweh “riff-raff” if it were me. It seems from that comment that you have no shortage of spite and/or hatred for Israelites.
I don’t recall Joshua rewriting anything. The Torah is strictly from Moses. Please provide Biblical proof of your claim regarding the rewrite.
The history of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the 12 sons, almost exclusively referred to as the twelve tribes of Israel, is extremely rich and extensive. Over 350 pages in the Bible deal with the history from Abraham down to Joshua. There are plenty of other manuscripts that add to the Biblical history of these Israelite tribes. Your comment about having “none” makes no sense.
The Bible uses the word “tribe(s)” almost 300 times to refer to the Israelites [you know…12 tribes]. The word “race” is only used 4 times in the entire Bible, and it always refers to a swift run. There are only 3 races when it comes to humans – Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. The Hebrew word “Adam” is defined as “flush(able to blush), ruddy, light skinned.” – in other words….caucasian. The Hebrew word “Adam” is the English word “man.” That is why you see all the English translations using the phrase “So God created man…” So, I disagree with you on your stance that the 12 tribes of Israel are races.