The WHO plus 23 other nations/blocs are pushing a new international pandemic treaty as a solution to future pandemics. Why?
The WHO is promoting a new international pandemic treaty
to be drawn up and signed by the world’s nations. In their announcement on March 30th 2021 entitled COVID-19 shows why united action is needed for more robust international health architecture, the WHO (World Health Organization) predictably appeals to vague general principles and noble-sounding values in an attempt to entice humanity to support its quest for globalism and more centralization of power. While it doesn’t use the buzzword sustainable this time, it does use another of its favorite buzzwords equitable. The WHO claims that everyone must have “universal and equitable access” to “safe, efficacious and affordable vaccines, medicines and diagnostics” for the current and future pandemics, however it has already gone wrong, since as the facts have shown, COVID is not a pandemic but rather an operation, an agenda, a PCR casedemic and a scamdemic. Those skeptical of authorities asking for more collaboration as a ruse to grab more power should note that the current EU structure came about first via treaties. So let’s take a closer look at the words used to push this new international pandemic treaty.
Right on Cue, 23 World Leaders Plus WHO Boss Read Their Scripts to Promote International Pandemic Treaty
When the NWO (New World Order) wants to push their agenda forward, they roll out their devoted system-servers, bootlickers and gofers to get the public on board. In this case, the NWO controllers have used the 3 most powerful Western European leaders (UK prime minister Boris Johnson, German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Emmanuel Macron), 20 other world leaders plus WHO boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (24 signatories in all), to push the idea of an international pandemic treaty. This NWO move is very predictable since it follows their time-tested formula of creating a crisis then exploiting that crisis to consolidate power, as they always do with false flag operations. Here is the letter reproduced in full:
“The Covid-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s. At that time, following the devastation of two world wars, political leaders came together to forge the multilateral system. The aims were clear: to bring countries together, to dispel the temptations of isolationism and nationalism, and to address the challenges that could only be achieved together in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation: namely, peace, prosperity, health and security.
‘Today, we hold the same hope that as we fight to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic together, we can build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations. There will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies. No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone. The question is not if, but when. Together, we must be better prepared to predict, prevent, detect, assess and effectively respond to pandemics in a highly coordinated fashion. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe.
‘We are, therefore, committed to ensuring universal and equitable access to safe, efficacious and affordable vaccines, medicines and diagnostics for this and future pandemics. Immunisation is a global public good and we will need to be able to develop, manufacture and deploy vaccines as quickly as possible. This is why the Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) was set up in order to promote equal access to tests, treatments and vaccines and support health systems across the globe. ACT-A has delivered on many aspects but equitable access is yet to be achieved. There is more we can do to promote global access.
‘To that end, we believe that nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response. Such a renewed collective commitment would be a milestone in stepping up pandemic preparedness at the highest political level. It would be rooted in the constitution of the World Health Organisation, drawing in other relevant organisations key to this endeavour, in support of the principle of health for all. Existing global health instruments, especially the International Health Regulations, would underpin such a treaty, ensuring a firm and tested foundation on which we can build and improve.
‘The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all-of-government and all-of-society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics. This includes greatly enhancing international cooperation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing, research, and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health countermeasures, such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.
‘It would also include recognition of a ‘One Health’ approach that connects the health of humans, animals and our planet. And such a treaty should lead to more mutual accountability and shared responsibility, transparency and cooperation within the international system and with its rules and norms.
‘To achieve this, we will work with heads of state and governments globally and all stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector. We are convinced that it is our responsibility, as leaders of nations and international institutions, to ensure that the world learns the lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic.
‘At a time when Covid-19 has exploited our weaknesses and divisions, we must seize this opportunity and come together as a global community for peaceful cooperation that extends beyond this crisis. Building our capacities and systems to do this will take time and require a sustained political, financial and societal commitment over many years.
‘Our solidarity in ensuring that the world is better prepared will be our legacy that protects our children and grandchildren and minimises the impact of future pandemics on our economies and our societies. Pandemic preparedness needs global leadership for a global health system fit for this millennium. To make this commitment a reality, we must be guided by solidarity, fairness, transparency, inclusiveness and equity.’”
An Analysis of the Call for an International Pandemic Treaty
It is useful to take a closer look at some of the language, themes and modes of persuasion employed in this letter.
Firstly, notice how the writers frame the COVID plandemic as similar to a war. That was always the idea: to orchestrate a disruption with the impact of a world war without having to actually conduct a hot war. Wars have always served the NWO, not only as a tremendous source of hate, murder and mayhem, not only for depopulation, but also as a massive force of chaos that allows for restructuring in the aftermath.
Secondly, note the appeal to protection and safety: “a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations.” Whatever you think of COVID, its spread or not had little to do with how “robust” the world “health architecture” was. This is just a blatant cry for world government. As Plato once said, “This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.”
Thirdly, note the firm prediction that “there will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies … The question is not if, but when” which is exactly in alignment with Bill Gates’ warning of Pandemic 2 or Pandemic II. This is more fear and more predictive programming to entice you to surrender and acquiesce to the idea of an inevitable new normal with wholesale deprivation of freedom and rights.
Fourthly, notice how the writers appeal to humanity’s commonality (“nobody’s safe until everyone is safe”) which echoes another idea that has been used as nauseam by officials during this scamdemic (“we are all in this together”). The idea is based on pretending they care about the common welfare of society and humanity while systematically exploiting the average person’s compassion to gain power. It also blatantly ignores the obvious truth that each person, being bestowed with an immune system, is responsible for their own health. As an aside, since those exposing the COVID scamdemic are being labeled as COVID deniers, I wonder if all those pushing the COVID cult could justly be labeled immune system deniers?
Fifthly, such a treaty, if it ever became a reality, would pave the way for even more shared surveillance so that there is literally nowhere you can go in the world without some authority knowing everything about you: “… greatly enhancing international cooperation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing …”
Sixthly, the idea of such a treaty is also to make vaccines mandatory worldwide and reduce or eliminate vaccine hesitancy: “research, and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter measures, such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.”
In the sentence “The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all-of-government and all-of-society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics” the underlying idea is to make sure everyone is forcibly included in the governmental remedy. It’s “all-of-society” which means mandatory rules for everyone (except the rulemakers who can break the rules with contempt). You don’t want to wear a mask, take a vaccine or stay under house arrest? Tough! We are all in this together, so do what you’re told, you filthy peon.
Lastly, the letter finishes by appealing to “solidarity, fairness, transparency, inclusiveness and equity” which just goes to show that the politically correct woke mentality is everywhere and that you must submit to the religion of inclusivity, even if you don’t want to be included.
Final Thoughts
We need to be hyper-aware of such attempts to make order out of chaos and to exploit people’s fear and ignorance to centralize power. This idea of an international pandemic treaty is yet another steppping stone on the way to a NWO One World Government. We would do well to remain vigilant in the face of any further calls for consolidation of decision-making, regardless of whether they are draped in peace, protection, prosperity, sustainability, solidarity, fairness, transparency, inclusiveness or equity – or whatever other sparkly and glittery garb the NWO manipuators use to disguise their nefarious agenda.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.
“…as the facts have shown, COVID is not a pandemic but rather an operation, an agenda, a PCR casedemic and a scamdemic.”
Can’t get any more succinct than that.
There is a paper from the World Bank, that states this “exercise” would commence March 2020, and end March, 2025. 4 more years of increasing tyranny from criminals at large.
I did read this! But I was told that its false!
All one has to do, is look around at what has happened, and is happening, to see that it is NOT false.
Hi Nick – long time no see – would you happen to saved a link for that?
Chris beat me to it. Here is a link to the next scamdemic they have planned.
Good to see you again, Southern.
Nice to see you’re still posting – notifications have and are still been playing up – I’m not seeing replies till I’m on the actual thread.
Another good link, from the former head of the science division from Pfizer.
Here it is, Southern.
Very creepy indeed. Can you say, “Five Year Plan, comrades!”
In a way this reminds me of how before the advent of the second WW European nations ”willingly” handed over their gold bullion for ”safe keeping” to the US – little did they realize that the MIC had been busy supplying the Nazi’s in the leadup to WW2 – or that they would continue to do so throughout said war or that they would not see the return of their gold bullions when asked – become US vassal states to peg their national monetaries to the artificially created US dollar and foreign policies to boot.
Nothing much has changed – US vassal states are dangerously submissive to the demands of outside interests as opposed to actually looking after matters relating to their own sovereignty – [like they meant to be]
Corporate profits have taken precedence over the health and well being of the citizens that any properly functioning government have solemnly sworn an oath to defend.
It’s time – there’s no time like the present.
Oh, I think their motivations go far beyond mere money and profit. I suspect their actual motives are far more sinister. They want us thinking of them as greedy because people can forgive greed. We can all succumb to it at some point in our lives. However, I think if people knew the evil truth, they would find it both shocking and quite unforgivable.
Definitely way beyond that – what they have in store [and if they’re not prevented] will make the holocoast look small in comparison.
As for the second WW – the outcome was that most of Europe became submissive US vassal states.
Suspicious considering how the MIC had been supplying military equipment to the Nazi’s or that Prescott Bush bailed out a bankrupt Nazi party in 32.
not suspicious at all, aren’t they doing the same thing here now as they move their power to a one world antichrist government.
The Russians and the Chinese governments appear to be on board at a time when exposing the fraudulent testing makes perfect sense – so why haven’t they , why are they playing along?
I very much doubt that they would willingly surrender their sovereignty to anyone yet here they are…vaccine anyone?
Remember that both nations had signed up for Cheney’s oil maps and made a handsome profit from looting Iraq’s oil.
East or west, of course sovereignty is a fraud. Once in a while it seems a third world country tries to act like it’s sovereign, but then for some strange reason the leader dies and suddenly the new leader is willing to play ball.
Or like Kari Mullins whom’s passing appears highly suspicious since it had the result that he would no longer be able to voice objections to the manner his PCR technique was about to be hijacked for something that it was never intended.
Remember how ”influential” these people are when it comes to falsifying death certificates.
Chinese per capita deaths from Covid infection are far, far lower than in the US. Why interrupt an adversary, when they are making a huge blunder ?
Like elections it all depends on who is counting what.
That makes it suspicious – we’ve seen this in play before so now we’re able to recognize their game plan.
“The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.” ~ Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928
No Holocaust, No extermination plan, No plan to conquer the world.
History taught in school is pure fiction.
That reads like Communism however from what is happening with the confiscation of Palestinian lands to be sold to ”settlers” it’s Capitalism that’s on the mind of the human rights denying Zionist.
All “isms” are jewish inventions of social engineering. The same people who gave us
communism also gave us capitalism. They also are credited with inventing terrorism and
genocide…and convinced the world that Germany was the threat, when it was the Central Bank and the Bankensteins that owned it. Germany, Italy and Japan signed a pact to fight against the Bolsheviks murdering everybody in their path…Stalin was going to sweep through Europe, raping and murdering his way to Portugal.
Germany never wanted war with UK or the US…they wanted to stop communism.
America fought on the wrong side of both world wars. What’s going on today is a result of allowing communism to escape Russia.
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the
millstones of taxation and inflation.” — Vladimir Lenin
“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
— Congressman Larry McDonald, 1976
The US/UK/USSR, all controlled by jews, hated the Germans with a passion.
“You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”–Winston Churchill, Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill – His Career in War and Peace, p. 145; quoted as per: Adrian Preissinger, Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald, p. 23.
As for blaming the genocide of the “Semitic” Palestinians on capitalism, don’t see it.
The Palestinians are being genocide by an occupying force of fake jews. They don’t
use the Torah, they use the Talmud as their “bible”.
Goyim (Gentiles) were born only to serve us.”
-Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
That’s who is killing Palestinians, not capitalism.
oh, yeah…still no holocaust…complete fiction, like a Hollywood movie.
NO evidence it ever happened. Its like Osama bin Laden’s burial at sea
or systemic racism…all made up to control the befuddled herd.
I don’t really agree with all of that there’s too much speculation and unproven points.
The Western world is run and controlled by NeoLiberals kowtowing to Washington’s illogical bloodthristy dogs of war -IMO- there is no way NeoLiberalism serves as a submissive and obedient gatekeeper for global communism.
In the end the ideologies behind Neoliberalism and Socialism/Communism are polar opposites – Communism isn’t run and controlled by the corporate world – what you’re looking for is another ism most likely Fascism.
Religion or any fictional characters should never be allowed to influence politics like they do in f.e. governments should be dedicated to the health and wealth of the people – the animals and the environment that we live in.
Germany ruled by Hitler – Italy ruled by Mussolini and Japan Hirohito are all examples of where government’s merged with corporate ideology which is known as fascism.
The Zionist could easily have prevented the rise of H and there would never have been a Holocoast – all they had to do was to deny finance – yet US big business bailed out a bankrupt Nazi party in 32 – so there you go.
I’m not in denial of said Holocoast – I differ with the official version of events in that it doesn’t mention that all those who perished at the hands of the Nazi’s during the 2nd ww in the concentration camps were deported from Europeans countries so first of all those who have been so unfortunate enough to have been selected for these sad sad deportations were imo definitely Europeans regardless of religion – ethnicity or ancestry – DNA testing wasn’t available for another 40 years.
In the end religion cannot be used to determine ethnicity – to claim otherwise opens another can of worms – just like they’re using PCR today to determine someone is infected from an unproven virus – all those who died during the Holocoast really did die it’s just that not all of them were following the Jewish religion they were all Europeans.
You could argue that the Holocoast was based on false positives – however that doesn’t mean to suggest that it never happened. [It did and lots of people died]
Here comes the scary part – they’ve hijacked Kari Mullins Polymerase Chain Reaction to produce false positives in order to fool the masses into accepting experimental ”inoculations” has an alarming number of people dying, pregant woman ending up with miscarriages numerous other and alarming side effects with the potential to make the Holocoast of the second world war look small in comparison.
By the way Hitler wasn’t a Socialist, he was a fascist.
Henry Ford and IBM assisted Germany during WW2, but the underlying reason for the rise of Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany was the draconian financial reparations imposed by the banks on Germany in 1919 by the Treaty of Versailles, that devastated the German economy causing mass unemployment and runaway inflation of the Deutschmark.
They assisted during the war, yes they did – omitted was all the assistance provided before the war and there were many more corporations involved.
There was far more to this, and it’s impossible to address all the different aspects in a single comment, H pretended to be a Socialist [he even admitted to it in Mein Kamph chapter 7]
He most definitely wasn’t a Socialist while Socialist ideology was increasingly popular among the working class.
With so many different interests groups in play it’s hard to imagine H acted of his own accord.
His rise to power was made possible with finance from powerful backers.
Remember the bailout of the Nazi party in 32 – what kind of influence did that provide to those financiers?
First of all, thanks for being civil…not quite sure what I posted that was speculative and unproven…your reply though was full of strawman arguments and projection, besides I said that all “isms” are jewish inventions…that includes capitalism, communism, and Neoliberalism and so on…so if you are saying they are all the same authors, then you and I are in agreement.
No matter what it’s called, a small tribe of people want to rule the world…and their modern “success” started when they gave us WW1 and WW2, (some say the French Revolution) …either way… WW1 and WW2 started their agenda of world communism, what we see all over the world today. Washington is not the head of the serpent. Washington kowtows to corruption and the people blackmailing them, censoring them and trying to destabilize the world with weaponized immigration, while a scamdemic and false narrative of racism rides shotgun…as the Talmudists drive the getaway car with their mainstream media of propaganda.
Washington DC was completely taken over when they killed JFK…was more than an assassination, it was a political coup. The USS Liberty wasn’t attacked by Neoliberalists.
And IMHO technically, there is no such thing as communism…that was invented by the bankers, to keep the goyim in line and keep them enslaved with debt…nothing to do with equality and everything to do with tyranny/control. Communism is jewish behavior for non jewish consumption.
Communism, Neoliberalism, feminism whatever word you want to use is just another name for Judaism. “isms” are weaponized words with false meanings. Bobby Fischer said it best…“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” (Press Conference, September 1 1992)
There’s only tyranny or liberty. You are either free or not, no matter what “ism” you want to use….anything else is just a distraction or deflection. As for it being a corporatocracy…you could also say we’re a kleptocracy, kakistocracy, oligarchy, plutocracy… As for Facism? Not the same as Mussolini’s Facism of yesterday. The corporations during his time were owned by Italians. Our corporations are owned and controlled by the ruling elite, the very same people who tell us and our presidents what to do.
Fascism is a mixture of nationalism and authoritarianism. It’s similar to “real socialism” in some points like authoritarianism, but different in the way that is necessarily very nationalist (nationalism is a very strong part of fascism), while socialism tends to combat nationalism, at least in the Marxist definition. Fascism is the least of our problems…don’t confuse treason, with Facism…because that’s what these CEOs/corporations are guilty of…
Washington is run and controlled by Israel, not Congress or the oval office. I guess people forget about Jefferey Epstein’s spy organization and movie making? And Robert Maxwell before him? Let’s not forget the Federal Reserve…more powerful than the US president.
America hasn’t been America for quite sometime.
“I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about the American pressure on Israel.
We the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
Ariel Sharon 2001
As for how WW2 went down…if anyone thinks communism, which just finished the genocide of tens of millions of people was worth defending, then I can safely say they are loving their indoctrination and probably wearing a mask.
WW2 was not what they said it was and the Holocaust never happened, unless of course you have actual proof, which if you did you would be the first. Academia produces educated idiots–to the ruling elite, they are very useful and necessary…BLM is proof of that. The Zionists wanted misery and tales or horror, in order to drive Jews to the Middle East, which did not want to leave their homeland for a desert. Many were forced by gunpoint. There are more jews living in America and Europe than Israel.
Hitler, one of Germany’s most decorated war heroes of WW1… cared about the German people that were starving in the streets and he was a response to the evil of the Weimar Republic…it was about survival, not ambition of world conquest. The entire historical account of WW2 taught in school is a lie.
The people of Europe saw the genocide of the Russian people…and the horrific murder of the Russian Czar and his entire family by the Bolsheviks. American did not.
…In a December 1939 memo to the British cabinet, Churchill recalled the vital role played by the Jews back in World War One — to draw in the Americans, against their wishes, against their desires, and against their national interests. “It was not for light or sentimental reasons,” wrote Churchill, that Balfour issued his famous promise of Palestine to the Zionists. “The influence of American Jewry was rated then as a factor of the highest importance…” “Now,” he added, “I should have thought it was more necessary, even than in November 1917, to conciliate American Jewry and enlist their aid in combating isolationist and indeed anti-British tendencies in the United States.”[42] “Judaism is Marxism, communism”…Rabbi Harry Waton,
“Germany Must Perish! written by Theodore N. Kaufman, in 1941 in the United States advocated genocide through the sterilization of all Germans and the territorial dismemberment of Germany”
Over 36 nations were represented in the German army fighting as mercenaries against communism…over 150 thousand Jews fought in Hitler’s army. Communism or the Red Terror or the Bolsheviks…were homicidal maniacs, with plans of global conquest.
Even Patton knew we fought on the wrong side…,which he wrote in a letter to his wife before he was “killed”.
On November 1, 1936, Germany and Italy, reflecting their common interest in fighting against communism, signed an agreement. Nearly a month later, on November 25, 1936, Germany and Imperial Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact in opposition to the murdering raping Bolsheviks wanting to destabilize Europe and conquer the world with their communism.
Louis Brandeis, the Father of Zionism in America. Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice and blackmailer (of Wilson), prepared the Balfour Declaration with Rothschild which slaughtered 150,000 Americans in World War I for World Jewry, bringing the US to world power. World Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933 from New York. Behind the scenes International Jewry/Zionists have involved America in all of the wars of the 20th and 21st century. They were also behind the American, War of Northern Aggression…or what false history calls the Civil War.
The Bankers bailed out Germany in 1932? Sure they did if you believe in false history. Germany threw the Central Bank out and that’s what made their economy go from the zero to the top during the World Depression of 1929. Were you speculating? lol. Germany didn’t even use the gold standard, no fiat money…no usury. The Central Bank was the cause behind the Great Depression and Germany knew it.
You should look into how Hitler turned Germany into an economic powerhouse….not a war machine like the propaganda reads. As for the Holocaust….send me something that proves it happened. I don’t want to spread a lie, so if you have actual evidence, send me a link. I haven’t found one and I’ve looked….No proof it happened. Ah, never mind…I’ve done my research…no Holocaust, no evil Nazis…just like there is no climate change, no deadly virus…hoaxes, brought to us by the very same people who are masters at hoaxes.
Yep…Covid1984— a complete hoax. Germ theory was proven false and vaccines entire premise is based on germ theory. Although, they are not vaccines—
medical procedures, gene therapy, yes…Mad Cow disease is supposed to hit the population in three to six months. Don’t worry, it will be blamed on the virus.
There is no safe vaccine. Guess who introduced vaccines to us?
Who controls the narrative? MSM? Tell A Vision? Everything? If you want to call them Neoliberals, then so be it…how does the Neoconservatives/PNAC fit in?
Opposite sides of the same coin.
I didn’t know Netanyahu was a Neoliberal…he could be. He’s not biblical.
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth.
So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck
it dry, chop it up, and sell it piece by piece until there is nothing left but the
world’s biggest welfare state we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” Bibi Netanyahu
No doubt, (no speculation)….no Holocaust has ever been proven…
simple research proves that hoax to be a hoax.
America is being demonized, dismantled and groomed for the Great Reset…we’re not in charge of the Pentagon, the never ending wars, not in charge of foreign or domestic policies….the American people do not control Washington…Washington does not control Washington.
“We are at once the founders and leading adherents of capitalism and the chief perpetrators of the rebellion against capitalism.” Marcus Eli Ravage…who also said…”if Whites understood the depths to which Jews control our countries and their institutions of power and the way in which they wield that power in an effort to destroy our interests, we would rise up and eradicate them immediately.” The Century Magazine in January 1928
And Hitler was a National Socialist…not a fascist.
Yeah, it’s them, the same antiChrist consciousness(with different appearance)(“Woe to you scribes and pharisees…”).
EgoMatrix–World Of Lies. Cancerous Dream. False principles produce fraudulent and unreal results.
It’s infected our minds and we’re conjuring it up…put under a spell of untruth.
Jesus said; “…don’t invest too much in this world,, it’s not worth it…”.
The world of “predators” and “parasites”, violence, suffering and death is not Divine Creation. It’s a fantasy, a self-deception sourced from fear and guilt, propagated by the ego=false-self.
Infinite Love Is The Only Truth. Anything else is a dream of lies. And denial of Truth.
and now the oligarchs are setting up to move all that wealth to themselves as they destroy the US and the world with their nefarious plans.
I’ll probably need whitelisted, thanks in advance.
…will make me a FREEDOM FIGHTER
A true leader would not be kowtowing to outside interests to install a draconian authoritarian full on police state right before our very eyes.
Whenever a true leader takes charge [he or she] are promptly and unceremoniously removed – untimely deaths – replaced by some willing puppet that meets the approval of the transnational oligarchs and will obediently and submissively carry out their nefarious agenda without as much as blinking and eyelid or develop a spine problem..
there is NO PANDEMIC,NEVER WAS and never will be. shut down these terrorist hiding under the guise of protecting humans.
Anything these extremist fascists draft up are like the unlawful rules and measures … unlawful BS .
They need people to believe things on paper are authority over them and what they say is a ” treaty” is law. They need you to obey and comply and when we don’t they will not continue to be in rule over minds and hearts with their madness.
They expect people to police themselves and others on.
No one here will.
What I dont understand is this top lot of satanic insanes want to control all the world while they are deliberately killing the planet with Solar Radiation management (chemtrails,HAARP weather warfare on the planet, its dying as Itype this, trees are going every year now, less insects, butterflies a rarity last year same as bees, wheras 15 years ago all i could here when walking my garden was the bees loud humm, or all the birds in the evening doing their chorus, no more, tree leaves now burn due to the chemicals and UltraViolet C burning them more and more, and now they are decimating food crops and ruining farmers to get them off the land, plus the final push of decimating the human population so as to get compliant easily controlled slaves of those left, BUT no matter what seed banks they have in the artic, if the planets atmosphere is ruined it wont matter, I expect they will be sitting in their Luxury DUMBS waiting for it all to spring back so they can have a planet in tTHEIR image… well I can only hope they get sealed in their dumbs never to arise again, and the Earth will RESET.
The Parasites in Power have been in constant breach, violation, and betrayal of their constitutional duties. The Law is a Man-made Construct, An Agreement We All Make With Each Other For Hopes of a Better Life. ENFORCING LAWS UNWORTHY OF THAT PROTECTION IS A BREACH OF THAT AGREEMENT, AND A BETRAYAL OF THAT HOPE. Any Police Actions that can be construed as harmful to an individual such as Civil Asset Forfeitures, Unwarranted Intrusion of Private Property, Unwarranted Surveillance Etc. Must End At Once, Any And All Operations that Promote And Project Fear and Division Must End. The CIA, FBI, Federal Reserve, IRS, World Bank, IMF, UN, Bilderberg, WEF, Council on Foreign Relations, FDA, CDC, FCC, The Pentagon, Big Tech Censorship and Monopolies And Their ilk Is To Be Abolished, They’ve used Complex Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, Highly Tactical and Strategic Techniques, Such As MKULTRA, and Turning The Media Into Their Own Propaganda Front through Their Operation Mockingbird, effectively making CIA The Media, that would make Goebeles blush; They’ve designed strategies that ISOLATE and DIVIDE us from one another, to foster hate, fear, and resentment for each each other; With further insults to People’s Race, Sex, Ancestry, Creed, Culture and So Forth.THEY DON’T WANT US TO HAVE PEACE!!! These Parasites are a Small Rootless International Clique of the Most Corrupt Predatory Psychopaths, A Conglomerate, Whose Only Principles Are The Accrual of More Wealth And Power; They Are Intimately Connected By Genes, History, Beliefs, Associations, and Origins, They Have No Morals, No Valuable Virtues, and No Allegiance nor Concern or Consideration For Others Except for Other Parasites. They Are Those That Pretend To Be Our Betters, Using Made Up Fake Titles Like Pope, Monarch, Count, Priest, Bishop, Cardinal Earl, Duke, and So Forth.The Greivous Burdens They Place Upon The People, Like Obscene Opulence and Wide Wealth Gap, And All Out Class Warfare; Their Wost Crimes Is Human Trafficking and Pedophilia on An Industrial Scale, Slavery, and False Imprisonment. All The Hardest People You Meet Were Once As Soft As Water, And That Is The Tradgedy of Living. Any Entity that Pretends to Assure You “That They Are Contributing and Guaranteeing To Protecting Our Freedom.”; Are only Kidding Themselves, And You. Our Freedom and Sovereignty Is Our Own Responsibility And Birth Right to Claim and Protect!!; I Call For A Global Referendum Vote of No Confidence In Those Who Pretend to Represent Us And Against The Current Status Quo of Corruption; The People are told that the government can and should protect them from all sorts of every day threats to their lives, livelihoods, and overall well-being—threats of destitution, hunger, disability, unemployment, illness, lack of income in old age, germs in the water, toxins in the food, air and environment; They make us all pay to have us subjected to inhuman conditions like militarized police forces and all sorts of federal agencies including the Post Office and Social Security Administration having their own tactical teams to trained to subdue and kill those their sworn to protect, their own people!! These Unhuman Aggressions Against the Populations of The United States and the World at Large must Cease and Desist Immediately!! End All Incentives, Support, and Welfare for Illegal Immigrantion, Addition of Severe Penalties and Strict Enforcement of Immigration Law Will Be Observed Here On Out. Big Defence and Big Special Interest Groups Must be Nationalised/Disolved!! These Wasteful and Corrupt Expidentures Must be Ceased and Prosecuted Immediately, All Our Troops Must Be Brought Home from All Across The World, No matter where they’re stationed, And They Must Secure Our Borders upon Return; It Is Up To Us To Starve and Rebuke The Parasites in Power by any and every way Possible. It is Our Sovereign Duty To Remedy The Overall Health and Well-being of Our People, As Our First Priority, Clear Vision, Thinking, and Activity Will Lead Us To Foster and Promote Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness!! It Is Up To Us To Keep the Tree of Liberty Alive, No matter what the Costs; By Any and All means Necessary!! May God be with Us when We decide what to when the other shoe drops. Believe you me there will be consequences to all blatant and deliberate and Inhuman barbaric acts that they do!! By God, I say I do hope that bill should be due real soon, GodSpeed!! God Help Us All!! #DrainTheCessPool
The Parasites in Power have been in constant breach, violation, and betrayal of their constitutional duties. The Law is a Man-made Construct, An Agreement We All Make With Each Other For Hopes of a Better Life. ENFORCING LAWS UNWORTHY OF THAT PROTECTION IS A BREACH OF THAT AGREEMENT, AND A BETRAYAL OF THAT HOPE. Any Police Actions that can be construed as harmful to an individual such as Civil Asset Forfeitures, Unwarranted Intrusion of Private Property, Unwarranted Surveillance Etc. Must End At Once, Any And All Operations that Promote And Project Fear and Division Must End. The CIA, FBI, Federal Reserve, IRS, World Bank, IMF, UN, Bilderberg, WEF, Council on Foreign Relations, FDA, CDC, FCC, The Pentagon, Big Tech Censorship and Monopolies And Their ilk Is To Be Abolished, They’ve used Complex Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, Highly Tactical and Strategic Techniques, Such As MKULTRA, and Turning The Media Into Their Own Propaganda Front through Their Operation Mockingbird, effectively making CIA The Media, that would make Goebeles blush; They’ve designed strategies that ISOLATE and DIVIDE us from one another, to foster hate, fear, and resentment for each each other; With further insults to People’s Race, Sex, Ancestry, Creed, Culture and So Forth.THEY DON’T WANT US TO HAVE PEACE!!! These Parasites are a Small Rootless International Clique of the Most Corrupt Predatory Psychopaths, A Conglomerate, Whose Only Principles Are The Accrual of More Wealth And Power; They Are Intimately Connected By Genes, History, Beliefs, Associations, and Origins, They Have No Morals, No Valuable Virtues, and No Allegiance nor Concern or Consideration For Others Except for Other Parasites. They Are Those That Pretend To Be Our Betters, Using Made Up Fake Titles Like Pope, Monarch, Count, Priest, Bishop, Cardinal Earl, Duke, and So Forth.The Greivous Burdens They Place Upon The People, Like Obscene Opulence and Wide Wealth Gap, And All Out Class Warfare; Their Wost Crimes Is Human Trafficking and Pedophilia on An Industrial Scale, Slavery, and False Imprisonment. All The Hardest People You Meet Were Once As Soft As Water, And That Is The Tradgedy of Living. Any Entity that Pretends to Assure You “That They Are Contributing and Guaranteeing To Protecting Our Freedom.”; Are only Kidding Themselves, And You. Our Freedom and Sovereignty Is Our Own Responsibility And Birth Right to Claim and Protect!!; I Call For A Global Referendum Vote of No Confidence In Those Who Pretend to Represent Us And Against The Current Status Quo of Corruption; The People are told that the government can and should protect them from all sorts of every day threats to their lives, livelihoods, and overall well-being—threats of destitution, hunger, disability, unemployment, illness, lack of income in old age, germs in the water, toxins in the food, air and environment; They make us all pay to have us subjected to inhuman conditions like militarized police forces and all sorts of federal agencies including the Post Office and Social Security Administration having their own tactical teams to trained to subdue and kill those their sworn to protect, their own people!! These Unhuman Aggressions Against the Populations of The United States and the World at Large must Cease and Desist Immediately!! End All Incentives, Support, and Welfare for Illegal Immigrantion, Addition of Severe Penalties and Strict Enforcement of Immigration Law Will Be Observed Here On Out. Big Defence and Big Special Interest Groups Must be Nationalised/Disolved!! These Wasteful and Corrupt Expidentures Must be Ceased and Prosecuted Immediately, All Our Troops Must Be Brought Home from All Across The World, No matter where they’re stationed, And They Must Secure Our Borders upon Return; It Is Up To Us To Starve and Rebuke The Parasites in Power by any and every way Possible. It is Our Sovereign Duty To Remedy The Overall Health and Well-being of Our People, As Our First Priority, Clear Vision, Thinking, and Activity Will Lead Us To Foster and Promote Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness!! It Is Up To Us To Keep the Tree of Liberty Alive, No matter what the Costs; By Any and All means Necessary!! May God be with Us when We decide what to when the other shoe drops. Believe you me there will be consequences to all blatant and deliberate and Inhuman barbaric acts that they do!! By God, I say I do hope that bill should be due real soon, GodSpeed!! God Help Us All!! #DrainTheCessPool