Fungus: The Hidden Cause of Almost Every Major Disease?


There is reason to believe that fungus could be the hidden cause of many diseases from the flu all the way to cancer.

Fungus – the hidden cause of many illnesses?

Sounds like a big claim and a sweeping generalization, but when you take a closer look at it, you will be staggered to discover just how ubiquitous the humble fungus is, and how much ill health it can cause. Let’s start at the beginning. Nature has a way of eliminating old, decaying matter, whether plant or animal: the fungus. While bacteria are also decomposers, fungi are largely unrecognized for the role they can play in disease, and breaking down the human body prematurely.

Not all every kind of fungus is “bad” or harmful to your health. For example, many of the Chinese and Japanese medicinal mushrooms, such as reishi, shiitake and maitake, are among the greatest stimulators of the immune system and are superb natural remedies. Other mushrooms like the common button mushroom are also good for your health and high in certain nutrients like vitamin D, which is hard to get from food sources. However, I am focusing here not on the more rare beneficial types of fungus, but on the more common and widespread deleterious types of fungus, including yeast (candida), strains of mold and mycotoxins.

The Humble Fungus is Everywhere

Fungi are everywhere in nature. They are tiny and practically invisible. They fly in the air. They survive the cold and dry conditions for years, dormant, just waiting to get activated by a hot, moist and dark environment, or an aerobic environment (one with sugar). They tend to attack or develop only in plants or animals that have an impaired immune system. If the plant or animal is healthy and strong, it will fight off the fungus and prevent it from taking root. However, once the plant or animal becomes weak, the fungus sets in, and slowly takes it over, killing it. The process may takes days, weeks or years. (The video clip above shows the cordyceps fungus, some types of which are actually a medicinal mushroom for humans, killing ants through the spread of its spores).

You can see this in action with the way that food decays. Look at how lemons decompose. When they have just come off the tree, they are at usually at their most optimal and vital. Then, gradually, without the support of the immune system of their mother plant (the lemon tree) to give it defense through the tree’s branches and the fruit’s stalk, it is left on its own to fend off fungi in the air, which it can only do for so long, a few weeks at the very best. Eventually a spot of green mold develops somewhere on the lemon, and it’s game over.

The same phenomenon is happening all the time with plants and animals – including you. The question is: are you successfully fending off fungi, or has it already infiltrated your body, formed colonies and made a home there?

Mold and fungi can grow very quickly, taking over weak organisms.

Yeast Fungi and Mycotoxins

Yeast fungi enter your body when you eat food with hidden mold (or outright mold as in the case of certain mushrooms, molded cheeses and molded breads). Unfortunately there is widespread contamination of food with mycotoxins, especially of grains such as corn, wheat and barley, and other foods such as peanuts. One such mycotoxin called aflatoxin is one of the most carcinogenic substances on earth. It has been estimated that we consume from 0.15mg to 0.5mg of aflatoxin per day, through contaminated food such as popcorn and peanuts.

Of course, fungi can also enter your body if you breathe them in. This could happen if you live or work in a damp environment, sleep on a musty pillow, wear musty clothes, or have items in your house or surroundings which have already been colonized by fungi.

Drugs and Sugar

Taking pharmaceutical drugs like antibiotics (which literally means “anti-life”) encourages fungal growth in your body, because these drugs indiscriminately kill all the bacteria, including the so-called “friendly” or “good” bacteria that reside in your gut and body. This upsets the balance of bacteria, the basis of your immune system, and inhibits your ability to fight off fungi. Other allopathic promoters of yeast overgrowth are cortisone-based hormonal drugs and painkillers. Additionaly, any fungus loves to feed on simple sugars (monosacchardies). Sugary foods are also detrimental to probiotic gut bacteria. The Standard American Diet contains so much sugar that people’s bodies are feeding the yeast all the time, with every meal.

Hence, due to the prevelance of drugs and sugar throughout Western society, we can witness a phenomenon of widespread yeast colonization. The yeast gravitates towards the mucus membranes, damaging the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract by making it porous. Consequently, food particles can enter the bloodstream undigested and cause allergic or toxic reactions. This is known as a “leaky gut”.

Is the Candida Albicans fungus behind almost every disease?

Candida – Humanity’s Biggest Fungal Invader

The Candida fungus slips through the stomach pores and enter the bloodstream. They are very adaptable; they can then travel to all corners of your body via your blood, causing local allergic symptoms like thrush, sinusitis, fungal toenails, or causing diseases throughout the whole body like colds, flus, hay fever, psoriasis, hypoglycemia, arthritis, diabetes, CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and even depression.

If you have a candida infection throughout your body, it can seriously weaken your immune system. Not only that, but candida excretes toxins which further degrade the body. The major waste product of candida is acetaldehyde, which turns into ethanol. Ethanol is a good fuel for machines but is a toxin for the human body. It reduces strength and stamina and results in excessive fatigue. It also destroys enzymes needed for cell energy, and causes the release of free radicals that can damage DNA.

To make things even worse, ethanol also inhibits the absorption of iron. Since iron is the primary element of hemoglobin (or blood), if you are not assimilating enough iron, you are going to have problems getting enough oxygen, which is of course vital to all bodily functions. Disease cannot exist in an oxygen-rich environment, and conversely, disease will thrive in a low-oxygen environment.

The Fungus-Cancer Connection

Some doctors and health experts have known about the fungus-cancer connection for a long time. The website states:

Some doctors implicate fungi as a cause of leukemia. In 1999 Meinolf Karthaus, MD, watched three different children with leukemia suddenly go into remission upon receiving a triple antifungal drug cocktail for their “secondary” fungal infections. In 1997 Mark Bielski stated that leukemia, whether acute or chronic, is intimately associated with the yeast, Candida albicans, which mutates into a fungal form when it overgrows. Milton White, MD. believed that cancer is a chronic, infectious, fungus disease. He was able to find fungal spores in every sample of cancer tissue he studied.

Doug Kaufmann has written 9 books on the link between fungus and ill health, after detecting the widespread role of fungus in diseases. He has shown that whether it is yeast in beer or wine, mold by-products of medications in antibiotics or other drugs, or even fungi like mushrooms, there is a concrete and definitive connection between strains of fungi in your body and sickness.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a doctor from Rome, Italy, who has became famous for the effective way he treats cancer patients. Simoncini has observed for over 20 years, with thousands of patients, that the hidden cause of cancer is candida. He has developed a very successful remedy protocol that simply involves using one product – sodium bicarbonate or baking soda – injected intravenously. The baking soda shift the pH of the cells rapidly to a very alkaline state, thus killing the fungi (as well as other harmful bacteria and viruses too). Baking soda, unlike other antifungal remedies, has the capability of penetrating tumorous cancer cells. It does this extremely quickly. This speed makes it impossible for the fungus to adapt, thus rendering it defenseless.

Candida: a Formidable Enemy

Simoncini writes about how difficult it is to detect and eradicate the candida fungus:

“We have to hypothesise that Candida, in the moment it is attacked by the immunological system of the host or by a conventional antimycotic treatment, does not react in the usual, predicted way, but defends itself by transforming itself into ever-smaller and non-differentiated elements that maintain their fecundity (ability to reproduce) intact to the point of hiding their presence both to the host organism and to possible diagnostic investigations.

The Candida’s behaviour may be considered to be almost elastic: when favourable conditions exist, it thrives on an epithelium (outer skin layer); as soon as the tissue reaction is engaged, it massively transforms itself into a form that is less productive but impervious to attack — the spore.

If then continuous sub-epithelial solutions take place coupled with a greater a-reactivity in that very moment the spore gets deeper in the lower connective tissue in such an impervious state, it is irreversible. In fact, the Candida takes advantage of a structural interchangeability … in this way, Candida is free to expand to maturation in the soil, air, water, vegetation …”

The World’s Top 5 Antifungal Foods

Baking soda is a very effective antifungal agent, but it is hardly a “food”. It is more of an ingredient you may put in your food now and then, e.g. if you are baking something you want to rise. Here is a list of the world’s top 5 antifungal foods which you can incorporate into your diet today:

  1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an incredible antifungal substance. Its antifungal power is mostly due to one of its constituents, caprylic acid. Numerous studies have been done (click here, here and here for instance) showing its incredible antifungal power against all sorts of fungi including candida.

  1. ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Vinegar by its very nature is an antifungal substance, because in the process of making it, whether from apples, grapes, rice or other grains, it turns into alcohol and then ferments again. The process involves exposing it to the ambient bacteria and fungi; thus the end product has already developed significant resistance to fungi, or it would not exist as an edible food product at all. ACV or apple cider vinegar is the best of all vinegars when it comes to fighting fungi – click here for a study showing its antifungal properties against candida.

  1. Garlic

Garlic is a without doubt one of the world’s most superb natural remedies for many ailments, especially viruses and fungi. Containing powerful constituents like allicin, garlic has been held in the highest respect by millennia-old healing modalities like TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Here is one study showing its efficacy against candida.

  1. Clove

The humble clove spice is truly remarkable for a variety of reasons, including its off-the-charts antioxidant levels, and its sensational ability to ward of fungi. Mold can’t touch this stuff! Here is one of many studies (on eugenia jambalona) showing its antifungal properties against candida.

  1. Black Walnut

This one is the least common food and the hardest to obtain. Studies have shown that the active ingredient in black walnut, juglone, is as effective as some commercial antifungal drugs. Black walnut contains natural tannins that kill parasites, yeast and fungi. It is well known in the horticultural world as a danger to other plants. Juglone has antibacterial properties too. Additionally, black walnut can also rid your body of worms and parasites, as well as helping with lowering blood pressure, thyroid problems, diarrhea, sore throats and asthma.

Additional Antifungal Extracts, Supplements and Foods

If you are trying to eliminate fungi from your body, I would also suggest taking the following (click the links for studies after each one):

The old folk remedy turpentine is also highly anti-fungal, due to it being produced by pine trees who must fight off fungus at all costs in the wild. It is yet another powerful natural remedy hidden by the Rockefeller Big Pharma cartel.

Be aware of the small but powerful fungus – and watch its levels in your body.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.




Don Task November 7, 2014 - 8:47 pm

My friend worked in an old school and she was invaded by black mold. She had been treating herself with black walnut… but when she started taking colloidal silver, the black crud started pouring out of her nose and by coughing it out. the proof is there

Thomas Lewis November 7, 2014 - 8:49 pm

Although I still have a systemic candida problem, I cured my fungal toenail in a few months by taking 3 to 5 tablespoons per day of the NOW brand unrefined macadamia oil internally for the first couple of 16 oz bottles.
The old toenail just lifted off of the nail bed after two or three months. Then the thick new healthy nail started growing back in.
Now I just take a tablespoon morning and evening and after about a year, my once fungal toenail is almost fully grown in and is pink and normal looking.
Although macadamia oil is said to be antimicrobial, I believe it is also antifungal. It is the palmitoleic acid, also called Omega-7, of which macadamia oil is 18% that has the curative effect.
I order the oil from SwansonVitamins dot com.
Maybe the macadamia oil will also cure my remaining candida problem some day as I continue to take it.
Macadamia oil is also said to help the cardiovascular system and cure pre-diabetic peripheral numbness in the toes which it did for me as well.

Carole November 9, 2014 - 1:05 pm

I look forward to the Freedom article newsletters and always find the content very interesting. Feel compelled to comment on this issue though.
My understanding is that fungi is not the real problem, the real problem is toxemia, a situation where the body becomes overly acid and out of balance through deficiencies of essential minerals being calcium (calcium carbonate or other), sodium (bicarb) and potassium (cream of tartar is a good source). If these 3 minerals are supplied the fungi will disappear, but if one of the 3 is missing the fungi begins to reappear. Simoncini, Italian oncologist, uses bicarb to cure cancer. However, in my experience calcium and potassium also play a role. So its not the fungi but the toxemia produced by missing nutrients which are the problem.

David November 22, 2014 - 1:59 am

I use oil of oregano capsules to combat my toenail fungus. It does not give the results as mentioned above, but it stops the itching and takes the yellow out. After a while the toe appears almost normal.

Trice December 27, 2015 - 2:07 pm

I hate feeling sick. I’m going to try the turpentine internally because I’ve had enough and from what I gather its the best at killing candida. Also our health system is a joke and designed to make you sicker. They’re killing folks, and its a big f’ing conspiracy. I went to one doctor who before she even checked told me I didn’t have candida and put mental problems in my file so as to stop anybody else from helping me I assume. I know for a fact that I have candida and so does my family. My belly looks about 4 months pregnant and I’m about to try the turp and sugar. Look up Dr Jennifer Daniels she’s telling it like it is when it comes to turp killing this beast.

nail fungus pictures finger November 13, 2016 - 3:18 pm

A version of this article appears in print on 10/15/2013, on web page D6 of the NewYork edition with the headline: Leaving Nail
Fungus Untreated.

Dallas February 18, 2017 - 5:17 am

Best way to kill fungus:
Dry fasting
Urine Therapy
Bentonite clay/Diatamecous earth

If all of these is combined your fugal candida, infections etc will go away within a year and never come back no matter what you eat.

To learn more about how fasting works read this:
it has scientific references to back up many claims

JBJ November 4, 2017 - 4:05 am

Isn’t there medicine that a doctor can give me for toenail fungus. Mine is real bad in one toe.

bluewater November 5, 2017 - 1:28 pm

GARLIC…smash it and let sit for 10 mins and then apply to FUNGUS,do it every day as much as you want.
-Take 5 drops of LUGOLS IODINE 5% or more twice a day in water or juice.
– Also add LUGOLS IODINE to fungus and rub many times at a time every day..In days it will crust and fall off.
-Take at least 800mg of magnesium everyday

Patsy O March 29, 2018 - 1:07 pm

For toe nail fungus I have tried the over the counter remedy’s and some of the natural remedy’s, all that I tried have been a waste of my time and money. Doctors did nothing but prescribe meds with dangerous side effects, none had the expensive laser which is about a $1200 treatment.
However I used what all most likely already have in their homes, and with excellent results. Apple Cider Vinegar and Borax. I do not have to elaborate on ACV. Borax has many uses, some are fire proofing, termite control, fungus control, etc. So I figured what can it hurt if I mixed the two. Now I will get to the method : I used a small plastic pharmacy pill container with lid, pour in borax less than half full,add Apple cider vinegar leaving enough room to cap and shake till borax is dissolved.(if a small amount of borax is seen undissolved it just means the vinegar is saturated and that is what you want) Do not be concerned with exact amounts, it just works. To apply I used a small stiff bristle brush, they are used in hobby gluing or for applying flux, the type with a metal tube handle. Trim to shorter length to maximize the stiffness or just wrap or tape to accomplish the same effect. Use this to dab under the nail and to apply at base where nail grows out. If you are sensitive to this then do not apply on skin any further than necessary.

Elizabeth August 14, 2018 - 6:44 am

Please watch this powerful documentary video made by a Russian video maker on ‘Cosmic Mold’. It should go viral, as You Tube is doing all it can to remove it.

bluewater August 15, 2018 - 1:12 am

Very true Elizabeth… Every woman that had breast cancer had yeasts infections(Candida).
The DRUGPUSHER of THE MEDICAL MAFIA/BIG PHARMA have no idea were it comes from or how to cure it. When giving Chemo most woman get THRUSH…CANDIDA and are given antibiotics by these BUTCHERS.
Candida is very hard to get rid of once you have it.

Dr Simoncini – curing cancers with sodium bicarbonate solution!
Yes taking sodium bicarbonate every morning in a glass of good water is the FASTEST WAY to ALKALIZE THE BODY.
All woman who had CANCER were deficient in IODINE!!!
LUGOLS IODINE is one of that best ways to KILL CANCER that is why THE CRIMINAL FDA wants it not being sold.On the internet,amazon,health food store you can only get 2% watered down.
I use 15% which you will not find on Amazon..says out of ORDER..NOT–THE FDA FORBIDS IT being sold.

YOU will be able to find 5% by JCROW which is very good.
Nascent iodine is 2%
LUGOLS IODINE in water will kill ALL bacteria and FUNGI,ALL PATHOGENS..what could be better?

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