COVID, BLM, Identity Politics and the Global Ruling Elite.
The following is my opinion based on more than a decade and a half of research into ruling elites. Please be aware this sort of commentary is now considered domestic terrorism by the FBI, the national security state, and its propaganda media.
I have decided to post my thoughts on the destruction of America (and Europe) before the election. If current polling is any indication, Donald Trump will not be re-elected. Joe Biden will be the establishment’s teleprompter reader. The Senate will swing over to Democrat control. Democrats and their “progressive” (corporate-financed) allies will go after anyone to the right or left of the establishment, with the exception of groups like Black Lives Matter, which now receive millions of dollars from the likes of Citibank and the Ford Foundation, the latter long known to be a front operation controlled by the CIA.
“The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition,” reports The Washington Times.
The COVID virus is a biological weapon deliberately released in China and from there spread to much of the rest of the world. It did not escape from the Wuhan lab. It was released by the US military while participating in an athletic event in Wuhan. However, it is believed the virus was circulating in November of 2019, possibly earlier. In April, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) concluded the COVID virus contains features not present in other viruses. Moreover, the paper argued the virus has no known ancestry and contains elements present in MERS, which the authors say “was not observed in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.” In other words, the virus is an engineered bioweapon and not a freak of nature. [This is assuming the virus actually exists – see my article here – Ed.]
However, this military-industrial lab-created disease was not designed to kill millions and become the 21st century’s version of the Black Death. It is far more useful as a fear-inducing mechanism.
Here is the game plan as I see it:
1) bring down teetering fiat money and toxic asset driven economy and blame it on the virus.
2) destroy Main Street business in competition with corporate behemoths (recall John D. Rockefeller—his operating maxim was that competition is a sin).
3) create massive and sustained unemployment.
4) normalize the idea of house arrest and the negation of core constitutional rights.
5) enhance already intrusive and unconstitutional surveillance with “contact tracing” via smartphone and Bluetooth technology (check out this article which details how Michigan authorities used contact tracing against anti-lockdown protesters).
6) foment unrest and exacerbate social ills as a diversion from the planned globalist reformulation of the world economy and society (i.e., “global governance,” aka New World Order).
7) direct the corporate propaganda media to obsessively dwell on irrational race- and gender-based ideology and conflict, thus widening an engineered political divide, creating social chaos and violence, and thus diverting and reducing the threat posed to the elite and the national security state apparatus.
8) keep the narrative focused on Donald Trump; downplay the evolving economic depression, distract attention, and debate away from the elite’s endless wars and neoliberal predation (this was accomplished during the Obama regime).
9) continue to manufacture foreign enemies—Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria—and crackdown on “domestic terrorists” and “conspiracy theorists” now conflated with ISIS.
After Democrats take back Congress and the White House, this last point will kick into overdrive. MAGA, already maligned as Nazis and white supremacists, will be investigated and supporters will be prosecuted and imprisoned. Ditto folks on the left, or those not associated and bankrolled by elite foundations and corporations.
I am convinced the ruling and financial elite consider most of us useless eaters, cattle to be exploited. They have spent the last decade accruing vast wealth at the expense of the so-called 99%. They are responsible for endless wars—now largely irrelevant to the average American—and are responsible for the murder of millions of innocent civilians and igniting social and sectarian violence in the smoldering ruins left in their “creative destruction” wake.
Finally, I sincerely doubt the American people are capable of confronting the elite and returning the nation to a sanity that has been missing for decades. First and foremost, they are unable to break free of the voodoo spell of relentless narrative propaganda. Millions view the left-right paradigm not as a cynically crafted ploy to divert them from the real problem—the theft of the future and present by psychopathic and misanthropic rulers, condemning billions of misery and privation—but rather as a political reality.
The adherents of black skinned Nimrod a descendant of Cush are attempting to rebuild a modern version of ancient Babylon by uniting the worlds populations into a One World Government.
The people who call themselves Jews are Hamites – NOT Semites.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.
A Jewish Mother decides legal status
It’s not a point of view it is the Jews law –
“………..There are situations in Jewish law where, even in the course of a sexual relationship, no paternity is established. According to Jewish law, the child of a relationship between a Jew and a Gentile always assumes the legal status of its mother. The child bears no legal relationship to its father. See Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 22a-b; Jacob ben Asher, Tur, Even Haezer ch. 16. This is equally true in cases of artificial insemination…………”
“1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.”
Jews are not white –
Jews declare themselves to be anti-White
Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White”
Micha Danzig — Forward (New York)
… Anyone that understands Jewish history as well as the history of the entire development of the idea or construct of the “white race” should understand how that no Jew, Ashkenazi or otherwise, is “white.” While it is certainly the case that many Ashkenazi Jews today in America (such as Ruiz-Grossman) identify as “white,” that doesn’t make it any more accurate or appropriate … This is not merely a semantic issue. Jews are not “white.” We are a tribal people from the Levant … No one that wants to end anti-Semitism and to fight against bigotry and racism should be claiming that Jews are “white.”
The so called Jews hate Christianity yet use the Bible to make their fabricated claims –
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
“Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.
Judah married a Canaanite woman and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods – Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
The Edomites married into the Canaanites around 125BC
In Talmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanites if not in the flesh then in spirit.
According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.
Judah also began a pure blood line, Judah/Tamar [ Gen. 38:14-19 ] which line ended with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite/Edomite] was allowed as an antecedent in the line of those chosen to precede the birth of Jesus Christ.
The “Jews” Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.
To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) ,
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie,. Behold, I will make them them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
Therefore it is those who falsely call themselves Jews who are anti-Semitic – “By their fruits you shall know them”
Yeah, there is no “virus”. But I suppose if enough people focus and invest in the “reality” of the idea(live as if it is) it may become “real” in their experience. Black magic. Psychosomatic manifestation. Mass delusion/hallucination.
The world is a hallucination. More and more absurd every day. I won’t slander my Creator and say It created this thing,,, it’s a counterfeit. My ego did it, a veil. And it’s just expressing that nature. Predators and parasites. Superior/inferior. Disorder and death. Haha! None of it means anything,, the more serious we take it the more power and “reality” we give it.
Infinite Love is the only Truth, anything else is illusion.
and you know this how? So when someone attacks you and tortures your children to death, that’s not evil? It’s just an illusion? You are 100% deceived.
Looks kinda like a sick fantasy you’re having there Bill,, not the kinda thing i’d like to entertain. It’s virtual-reality, we’re being manipulated and deceived into miscreating. There is a True Reality,, and what you’re talking about and this world ain’t it. We aren’t bodies or egos,, we are pneuma:
Where we are *perceptually*, but not *actually*:
the way out:
We are like him:(Jesus/Yeshua
He Knew The Truth:
He Is The Truth.
Jesus Christ said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me.” Jesus Christ is the only way and the only truth. Eternal life hereafter can only be found in Him. Life is short, and God is in control. Satan has but a short time to rule this world, but Jesus wins in the end, as do all believers. The kingdom of God is within us, if we believe that Jesus Christ lived, was crucified, died, and rose on the 3rd day, from the dead. He will return and all the signs are here, more so as the day approaches.
Hi! The Way and The Truth and The Life is LOVE. He wasn’t speaking as a man, personality, or body,, The Holy Spirit of God speaking through him. Real Self expressing ItSelf . The Son Being the Totality of All of God’s Infinite Creation Is One With The Great INFINITE ONE.
Not trying to argue or anything. The Kingdom of God Within,, That Spirit Within,, and All-Encompassing of True Reality.
The ego has been trying to crucify and kill the Son(Us and More) before Jesus and after Jesus. It is NOT God’s Will that His/It’s Son be crucified and killed,, therefore they hallucinate and cast spells attempting to prove power over God’s Will, The Son has proven otherwise. The Son is not a physical body, The Son is like GOD==SPIRIT.
The bible itself says blaspheming Jesus is forgiven,, but blaspheming the Spirit is not. I’m not blaspheming either. The blaspheming is simply a rejection of Truth which will then generate a so-called “reality” experience that is compatible with untruth. That’s not a good time… but they/we can come back,, if there is any Truth/Spirit in them. If not, they’re just 5-sense hallucinatory projections,, not real,, tricks of a mind projecting untruth(false-witnessing).
Again, not trying to say you’re wrong…just responding from my understanding
The Son(Jesus(Truth), by GOD(TRUTH), defeats the liar/spellcaster(ego-satan). Now we(or I) just have our own to do the same to…by God it Will be Done
Jesus Christ was both man and God on earth. He was crucified physically, died and rose on the third day. This is not about ego. Ego dies when the body dies. The Holy Spirit is within all believers of the Gospel which I just wrote above. You are making this far more complex than it has to be. Ego dies when you die. The only thing lives on is the Spirit of God within believers. Stop reading Course in Miracles… she’s a false lying prophet.
I’m not worried. Jesus has communicated to me: Infinite Love is the only Truth, anything else is illusion.
That’s pretty simple.
It’s all in the mind Bill. Yeah, I’m crazy,, the evidence of that is what my 5 senses and a split mind conjures up…
The ego is a block to awareness of Divinity.
believe it or don’t…
We have been conditioned and programed to believe-miscreate-project -perceive-experience the unreal. We aren’t really fully “awake” until all this “evil” and violence and unloving thinking and belief (ego identity)has been dissolved from our(my) mind. Belief in duality is insane. 2-faced, hypocritical, a mind at war with itself. The knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge of nothing,, a curse actually.
The Truth is before, above and beyond, Eternal. And that’s the only way out.
This was also a test to see just what the American people (and the West) would fall for and believe, submit to, endure and acquiesce to going forward. Based upon our responses the .001% are confident they can lock people down ad-infintum until Gates’ killer vaccines are ready. But when scientific resistance and common sense push back caused cracks in the SARS-CoV-2 Fauci Gates WHO/CDC narrative and people went stir crazy from the media fear mongering and the lock downs, the .001% pushed the Floyd incident. Like the COVID plandemic the media saturated us 24/7 with the protests and mayhem. They did this to allow folks to get out and let off steam but also to set the stage for “another wave” of infections the corporate and big tech social media assure us is happening as we speak. The .001% know humans are social beings that social isolation is damaging to our psychic and physical well being. Their policies drove people crazy so they lashed out with anti-lock down and the Floyd protests.
The left-right dichotomy, the economic and class divide, racial distrust, the culture wars, gender and sexual orientation are being hyped and pushed to rip what’s left of the social fabric apart so the elites can usher in more Draconian measures to further enslave the masses (many of us will die from the vaccines which is another part of their world wide agenda, global depopulation).
Great summary! Do you have ideas on how to resist the agenda and create a harmonious world? I myself am doing what I can to be the change I want to see. I refuse to wear a muzzle (face mask) and will refuse what I call the “vaxx ‘n’ traxx” program. I’m calling out the disinformation campaign propagated by Satanic+Luciferian government/media/big business/education/Hollywood. My husband is on board with this.
You have to tap into your higher self, this sounds corny but mediate and do some soul searching for direction, limit consumption of mass media, and find like minded people to support you. You will need it when they come to try to force us to take the vaccines.
Thank you for your reply, Junious Ricardo Stanton. My husband and I do not engage in mainstream media except maybe locally to deal with environmental issues (fires, earthquakes, etc.). We both meditate in our own “active” ways, and we know our mission(s) and ultimate goal(s). Also, we know our current “tribe” and continue to slowly build it. As musicians/writers/creative people, we have always had someone’s boot on our neck, so we have deep understanding of the difference between angst-ridden rebels and sovereign human beings standing for natural rights.
No problem. We all have a story and our ways to navigate this world. You and your husband seem to have discovered your path and life mission. Good for you! Far too many fellow souls are clueless about life and prioritize the wrong things (what the media and misguided authority figures tell us). We live in interesting times let’s hope we are effective in making genuine positive changes for the betterment of the planet and all humanity, whether they realize they need it or not. Stay strong!
Sheeple need a Shepherd……The single most dangerous and “lethal” weapon, is the controlled Media……Followed by an ignorant majority, and unfortunately the beatings will continue until Moral improves
Yes and media especially the social media monopoly have most of us mindlessly addicted to it. We open our minds to it, share our thoughts, tell what we are doing and show “them” our lives. They record document and keep track of us and create “files” (based upon algorithms) on us so they know what to sell us, how to manipulate us and when the time comes, how to drive us mad and even kill us. Obviously if we are to exit the Matrix we have to see it for what it is.
The adherents of black skinned Nimrod a descendant of Cush are attempting to rebuild a modern version of ancient Babylon by uniting the worlds populations into a One World Government.
The people who call themselves Jews are Hamites – NOT Semites.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.
A Jewish Mother decides legal status
It’s not a point of view it is the Jews law –
“………..There are situations in Jewish law where, even in the course of a sexual relationship, no paternity is established. According to Jewish law, the child of a relationship between a Jew and a Gentile always assumes the legal status of its mother. The child bears no legal relationship to its father. See Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 22a-b; Jacob ben Asher, Tur, Even Haezer ch. 16. This is equally true in cases of artificial insemination…………”
“1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.”
Jews are not white –
Jews declare themselves to be anti-White
Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White”
Micha Danzig — Forward (New York)
… Anyone that understands Jewish history as well as the history of the entire development of the idea or construct of the “white race” should understand how that no Jew, Ashkenazi or otherwise, is “white.” While it is certainly the case that many Ashkenazi Jews today in America (such as Ruiz-Grossman) identify as “white,” that doesn’t make it any more accurate or appropriate … This is not merely a semantic issue. Jews are not “white.” We are a tribal people from the Levant … No one that wants to end anti-Semitism and to fight against bigotry and racism should be claiming that Jews are “white.”
The so called Jews hate Christianity yet use the Bible to make their fabricated claims –
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
“Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.
Judah married a Canaanite woman and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods – Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
The Edomites married into the Canaanites around 125BC
In Talmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanites if not in the flesh then in spirit.
According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.
Judah also began a pure blood line, Judah/Tamar [ Gen. 38:14-19 ] which line ended with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite/Edomite] was allowed as an antecedent in the line of those chosen to precede the birth of Jesus Christ.
The “Jews” Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.
To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) ,
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie,. Behold, I will make them them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
Therefore it is those who falsely call themselves Jews who are anti-Semitic – “By their fruits you shall know them”
The truth has been spoken. Let me add this MGTOW Red Pill: “The woman is never yours; it’s just your turn.” That may seem random and off-topic, but it’s not. You stated “The child bears no legal relationship to its father.” This explains why the corrupt “family courts” always make the mother “residential custodian” of the children. The father has no rights, but does have the onerous duty to pay “child support’ and alimony to the mother – often for life. Feminism is part of this evil, gynocentric Talmudic system. Feminism is Cancer.
My thinking had not gone that far – I reckon that you are on the money.
The Ashkenazi Jews are the Synagogue of Satan Jews, not all Jews are Ashkenazi.
Ashkenazi Jews are of European decent, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, most politicians and hellywood actors, etc.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty,
(but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are
Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Galatians 3:38 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female:for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
John 14:6 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Only one way to eternal life and salvation.
Free from the power of sin, the pleasure of sin,the penalty of sin and one day the presence of sin.
And Catholicism is not Christianity. I know you didn’t say it but just like people are being lied to and led to believe all Jews are bad and of the Synagogue of Satan, they are also being lied to that Catholics are Christian, they are not. The Crusades were implemented and carried out by Catholics, a lot of those murdered were in fact true Christians and were killed and tortured for as little as not believing in infant baptism as part of salvation. The whole Satanic Catholic doctrine essentially contradicts the Bible (KJV).
I’m anticipating someday enough people will come to realize the mainstream media is full of lies, distractions, medical hoaxes, and mind manipulations. A tipping point will be reached when they lose their control over us. We’ll begin thinking for ourselves. Then “they” will have a big problem. They know this and fear this.
Lynn, I agree. I am doing what I can to call out the lies and manipulations and refuse to participate in their trauma-based mind-control experiment. Let’s get out of their matrix of destabilization, dehumanization, demoralization, debt, destruction, decrepitude, and death.