Big Brother on Your Brakes: Intelligent Speed Assist Coming – Video #114


Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA) is a technology that measures car speeds and can force the car to slow down – by limiting engine power. It doesn’t control brakes (yet). This tech is being rolled out in the EU, but it’s coming to the UK, Australia and the US. Intelligent = Smart = Spy tech for the Big Brother surveillance network. Another step along the way to driverless cars. Forewarned is forearmed.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and The International Satanic Network Exposed, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.