Assange Goes Free – Video #110


Incredible news as one of the greatest freedom publishers of all time, Julian Assange, goes free after taking a plea deal. Will this set a significant legal precedent? Will Assange play a role in future in the Alternative Media?



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and The International Satanic Network Exposed, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.


wendyw June 26, 2024 - 8:49 am

Huge congratulations to Julian. Welcome back to Australia & enjoy your freedom.
… you made some mighty powerful enemies (on your journey), so stay vigilant & don't let your guard down.

Tempest June 26, 2024 - 4:08 pm

I'll try this a second time and see if it gets marked as "spam" again !

I am glad Assange is 'free' after so long but believe he has been manipulated by intel services for a very long time. He is another person on the autistic spectrum (high functioning AS) which intel services like to manipulate for their own agenda.

As has been pointed out by others, Wikileaks had serious money behind it on its launch and access to over a million documents to leak within a few months of its launch. How does a new organization know people with access to over a million documents just ready to be passed to a brand new Wikileaks? Some people became suspicious when Assange talked about raising millions of dollars when they felt a few thousand would cover the organization's purposes. He has also firmly denied any government conspiracy over 9/11 and supports the government narrative and denial of the existence of energy weapons.

It seems that Assange has been a victim of mind control while in the notorious cult called The Family as a child, and again when he fell into the clutches of the intel services who exploited his autism. He may have done what he did with the best of intentions but it is clear he was never fully in control of the whole long saga played out by the controlling cabal.

Makia Freeman June 26, 2024 - 4:52 pm

Hi Tempest, Not sure why your comments are getting banned. I just added you to an automatic whitelist so hopefully it won’t happen again.

Yes, Assange has his blind spots. It is surprising that he is unable to see the Israeli orchestration of 9/11:

It reminds me of Snowden. He also had some serious blind spots (e.g. not believing in chemtrails) despite his whistleblowing work:

Perhaps Assange was created and handled from the start, or perhaps (due to his autism or other factors) he was merely guided. It’s hard to say.

I do get the impression, however, whether it’s Assange or Snowden, that they are genuine people who took great risks and sacrificed almost everything for the truth. All of us are blinded to some degree. None of us knows the full truth.

Tempest June 26, 2024 - 5:52 pm

Hi Makia, before I reply to your points I just want to say that some of my comments have been marked as spam a second time! The first time was when I added links to my comments and the whole lot was marked as spam, the second time was when I reposted my comments without the links which got through and added the links in a separate post. The separate post with links were marked again as spam! It is something about the links that is stopping them from getting through. I guess it doesn't help that the owner of the site I am posting links from is being prosecuted by the British government and covertly by MI5 for providing proof that the Manchester Arena 'bombing' was a false flag, that the father of the alleged bomber was an MI6 asset in Libya while MI6 were fomenting trouble against Gaddafi, and that the two sons of the MI6 asset were themselves MI5 assets in Britain! A very tangled web to say the least.

I will try posting the links a 3rd time to see if they get through since you added me to a whitelist. Not sure what that is though.

Tempest June 26, 2024 - 5:58 pm

Links still there after a few seconds.

Tempest June 26, 2024 - 6:31 pm

The only problem I have about the quote from Dr Robert Sungenis is re the four passenger planes. Is he counting the two alleged planes which allegedly hit the towers, the one which allegedly hit the Pentagon and the one which disappeared in a field in Pennsylvania leaving a big hole but nothing else? I ask because I have read that no plane debris was found at any of the four locations and that it was impossible that any planes were involved at all. Yet Sungenis' comments are based on the belief that they actually existed which the evidence shows cannot be the case. Maybe he didn't know about the evidence at the time?

The two planes – Pentagon and Pennsylvania – have been shown to have been cancelled a few hours before their flights were due to take off and the passenger lists were the same as that published after they allegedly crashed. It's been speculated that it was fabricated to look like they were due to take off but then used to make the tragedy even worse than it was by claiming they too were hijacked, and that the passenger lists were either of people who had previously died or were wholly fictitious. It gives an added sense of drama that a plane full of passengers heroically wrestled control of the plane from the hijackers, knowing they were facing certain death, in order it would not crash over a built up area but instead in a remote field in the countryside. They really know how to pull on the heartstrings don't they?

Makia Freeman June 26, 2024 - 6:43 pm

Fair point.

I agree with you that the evidence suggests there were no planes that actually hit the towers, nor the Pentagon, nor crashed into a field in Shanksville Pennsylvania. CGI planes were obviously inserted into the WTC footage. The destruction to the WTC towers and Pentagon was done by other means, e.g. bombs, mini nukes, DEW or a missile.

Tempest June 26, 2024 - 7:09 pm

Yes they could have used CGI or maybe holographic technology. Assuming for a moment that people on the ground who said they saw a plane fly into the south tower (and it was only the south tower where people claimed this) could have been seeing a holographic image of a plane flying into the tower. The technology was invented in the 40s so there had been decades to perfect it.

At some angles the alleged planes appear a charcoal color, no windows and no commercial markings. They could have been winged missiles containing the directed energy inside. This would account for how the 'planes' appeared to cut through concrete and steel like a knife through butter. As Pilots For 9/11 Truth have said, no planes of the size claimed could fly at that speed and altitude and be able to hit and disappear completely inside buildings; the wings would be torn off, the whole fuselage crushed and a big amount of plane debris would have hit the ground. Yet there was nothing. Also one pilot said the angle the plane hit the south tower would have created G forces so strong that it would have shattered the plane to pieces so no pilot would ever try such a manoeuvre. Definitely DEW.

Makia Freeman June 26, 2024 - 7:14 pm

See also Ace Baker’s documentary “9/11 – THE GREAT AMERICAN PSY-OPERA”. He shows convincing evidence of no planes:

Tempest June 26, 2024 - 7:51 pm

I think Snowden was possibly motivated by the realization that he had been duped over something he had spent a long time believing in and the resulting anger arising from this. It's very understandable under the circumstances. It's also interesting how so many of these people come from military families. It's a lot like rock singers of the 1960s of which an overwhelming number came from senior military, well heeled and establishment families. Are we expected to believe only these people had talent and no one else? Or is it a case that only these people are allowed the opportunities for success and influence? This seems more plausible.

I agree Assange and Snowden do appear genuine but Assange's circumstances are very different. Who could tolerate staying holed up in an embassy for 7 years, never seeing the sunlight, never feeling it on his skin, never being able to go out freely and then spend another 5 years in a max security prison? At least Snowden was able to come and go as he pleased. It was discovered about two years ago that Ecuador is basically a client state of the U.S with more than $1.7 billion of US taxpayers money invested in the country. Was it just a 'coincidence' that Assange chose the Ecuadorian embassy to claim asylum in? Why not the Russian or Chinese embassies? Why did he not seek help at the Australian embassy?! Why did successive Australian governments ignore his seeming plight for so many years and only become involved in the last 3-4 years? It's all very strange if we ignore the fact that Australia is one of the 5 Eyes countries. I believe he was relentlessly used and manipulated for a very long time and am glad he now appears to be free. Hopefully he can start to create a semblance of a fulfilling life now and find happiness at last.

Tempest June 26, 2024 - 8:23 pm

I agree we all have blind spots in various things. Two previous people some years ago with the same condition were facing extradition and long prison sentences in the US. Both had their extraditions blocked on the grounds that being autistic put them at high risk of suicide if locked up for a long time. It's interesting that Assange's defence team used the same defense with zero challenge from the US side and to a single charge with around a 3-4 year sentence. What seems strange though is how no one thought to ask him to be tested when he was spending all those years in the Ecuadorian embassy or at the start of his 5 years in Belmarsh prison. It's as if he was still too valuable to them to stage his release and or he was an interesting case in the experiment.

KathyL June 27, 2024 - 7:25 pm

Regardless of what's involved in the plea deal, Julian has made his point and, in my opinion, was the biggest single catalyst for the mass awakening we see today! I know if it wasn't for him and Snowden, I don't think I'd be as aware of the problem. Wikileaks is a lot to go through but what is revealed, you can never forget! Thank you Julian! ❤️

LeGitan07 July 9, 2024 - 6:38 pm

Thank you for the article but I believe you ought to look more into Julian Assange with an open and more critical mind than you have so far. I personally have no doubt that the Julian Assange saga is part of the psyop. The signs he has thrown for a long time over the years have shown his allegiance to Freemasonry and he was placed in the position he found himself, whether voluntarily or not, to play a part in the whole Hegelian Dialectic. I am not the only one saying this. Many others like me, do. Here is one ( https :// josephinecashman.substack.c… ). He was used to further divide the populace who believed in his cause or not , into two groups. Make no mistake the whole world is being divided into two distinct groups and they are using the strong beliefs of many into one cause or another to do so. The deception is very astute and well calculated. The main aim of the game is to now swing the pendulum from Secularism to Christian Nationalism one way or the other. From the King of the North taking over control from to the King of the South so that they can finally enforce a Sunday law and by the same token worship Satan who wanted the worship owed to God by instituting a false sabbath. Don’t believe me just wait and see.

Makia Freeman July 22, 2024 - 8:10 pm

Yes, Assange has his shortcomings. It is completely valid to say that WikiLeaks was used by certain Intelligence Agencies to release only certain material and not other material. Assange, like Snowden, has his blinkers on in certain areas (for Assange it’s 9/11, for Snowden it’s geoengineering):

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