A new study mathematically models how 5G induces coronaviruses (such as SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19) via millimeter wave penetration of our cells. 5G can also influence and change our DNA.
5G induces coronaviruses
according to a new study just published on the US NIH (National Institute of Health) website PubMed.gov and published earlier elsewhere. The study, entitled 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells (full version here), comes to the shocking conclusion – shocking from a mainstream scientific viewpoint – that 5G technology can instigate the body to produce viruses as a cellular response. Guess what? The 5G millimeter waves (so-called because they operate in extremely high frequencies where there is less than a millimeter between the wave peaks) can make the body produce not just any class of viruses but actually coronaviruses! This research peels back another layer of Operation Coronavirus, affirming the coronavirus 5G connection that I and others were warning about in February when this entire plandemic got off the ground. In that article I asked the question: “What if 5G is being used to open up the skin of those in Wuhan so as to allow the new bioweapon coronavirus to infiltrate more easily?” Now with more information the question could be: “What if 5G is being used to open up the skin and simultaneously create coronaviruses?”
Research Spells Out How EMF in the Form of 5G Induces Coronaviruses
I will reproduce the entire abstract of the study here:
“In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.”
In plain English, this is what it says: DNA is constructed from electrons and atoms which can be influenced by external EM waves. These waves produce holes in the cells. The body creates hexagonal and pentagonal DNA bases to fill these holes, and these bases can join together to make virus-like structures such as coronaviruses within our cells. This builds on the previously known fact that 5G acts upon the body’s cells like a transmitter, and these cells in turn (especially the skins cells) act like antennae, absorbing signals and adjusting themselves based on those signals. This is, quite literally, mass programming.
5G Has Very Short Wavelengths, Allowing it to Penetrate Cells and Influence (Control) DNA
The study continues by outlining the exact method by which 5G induces coronaviruses:
“Thus, a DNA could emit some waves and interact with external waves. However, most waves have a length more than the size of cells and pass them without any effect. Only limited waves with lengths smaller than millimeter could penetrate into cell membrane and interact with DNA inductors. These wavelengths could be observed in 5G technology. Thus, towers in this technology could exchange waves with DNAs within cells and produce various types of diseases such as COVID-19. In this study, we propose a mechanism for exchanged waves between towers and host cells to obtain effective wavelengths. In our method, skin cells act as dermatologic antenna, take waves in 5G technology and transfer them to host cells. Then, DNAs within host cells interact with these waves and move. By motions of a DNA, some hexagonal and pentagonal holes emerge. To fill these holes, some bases are constructed within cells. These holes join to each other and form RNAs of COVID-19.”
This is scary enough, however the bigger picture is even worse. The tiny waves of 5G can accomplish what other EMF technology (4G and below) cannot do, by penetrating the cell membrane and interacting with our DNA inductors. We’re talking about the power to influence and manipulate our very DNA here:
“An antenna could take waves in which their wavelengths are equal to its size. Thus, millimeter waves in 5G technology could be taken more by dermatologic antennas. These waves could pass the cell membranes, enter the nucleus and interact with DNAs. Previously, it has been shown that a DNA could act as the inductor and receiver or sender of waves. Thus, a DNA within a dermatologic cell like a keratinocyte receives external waves and sends them to DNAs of other cells like melanocytes. Waves in 5G technology and higher technologies could contribute in gene expressions, turn on some genes and turn off others.”
Turn on and off your genes. That is SERIOUS power which 5G operators have over the population.
This echoes what I wrote in the 2017 article 5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast where I referenced the research of Israeli scientist Dr. Ben-Ishai, who showed that our sweat ducts work like helical antennas, absorbing energy and EM frequencies between 75-100 GHz, part of the range used by 5G.
5G Induces Coronaviruses – Further Implications
So what are the implications of this study? There are many. Firstly, if 5G can be weaponized and aimed at people, firing EMF and manipulating their DNA to produce coronaviruses, then the external threat is not some new killer virus, but rather destructive battlefield technology disguised as telecommunications technology. Anyone still looking at airborne particles and worried about contaminated surfaces is missing the point completely. Secondly, building upon the first point, if the NWO (New World Order) controllers running this agenda have the power to induce people to make coronaviruses, or even a specific strain like SARS-CoV-2 (assuming it exists), then there is no ‘contagion’ or viral spread as such. Some such as Dr. Stefan Lanka believe contagion itself is a myth. Either way, there is no medical or legal justification for shutting down small businesses, quarantining and isolating people, forced mask wearing and social distancing, because in this scenario some new virus is not being spread; people are being induced to create it inside their own bodies. Thirdly, it adds more weight to the idea that 5G mimics electroporation, the microbiology technique which uses an electrical pulse to create temporary pores in cell membranes through which substances like chemicals, drugs or DNA can be introduced into the cell. Both electroporation and 5G use pulsed waves to open up the cell, thus allowing the DNA inside to be altered.
Fourthly, this research further bolsters the idea that the COVID phenomenon is linked to oxygen shortage (aka hypoxia or under oxygenation). This is explained in several ways, e.g. by the theory of Dr. Robert Young that COVID is actually blood coagulation, and by the 5G 60GHz effect on oxygen molecules. To recap, it is a fact that the 60 GHz band (used by 5G) affects oxygen. For instance, these technology/telecommunications websites (here, here and here) explain how oxygen absorbs a very high percentage (98% on one website) of 60 GHz waves, therefore making it undesirable and ineffective for radio and communication. That analysis, of course, is from the viewpoint of efficient telecommunication. However, my viewpoint is the opposite; I am coming to the topic looking at it from a health perspective, so I don’t care how much O2 is impeding telecommunications, I care about how much the 60 GHz is impeding my ability to breathe! Dana Ashlie explains in this February 2020 video (around the 11:00 mark) that when the O2 molecules absorb the 60 GHz waves, it affects the spin of their electrons. Changes to these spin frequencies in turn have impacts on human biology. It reduces the oxygen molecules’ ability to fully bind with and saturate the hemoglobin in our blood, thus preventing us from fully uptaking oxygen, thus depriving us of fully oxygenating ourselves. With lower oxygen levels, our energy and immunity falls, and we become weaker.
With this new information, think back to some of the headlines from January this year, e.g. Huawei Builds 5G Base Stations to Help Fight Corona Virus. Did you catch that – to “help” fight coronavirus?! It’s a sick joke. The cause of our problems is again presented as the solution.
Final Thoughts
This research is another crucial piece of the puzzle. We have known for awhile now that artificial EMF is causing great harm to us. We have also known for awhile that 5G is extremely dangerous in many ways, including hijacking our sweat duct antennae, bombarding us with pulsed waves (more damaging than continuous wave radiation), amplifying DNA damage via VGCCs, promoting deep EMF penetration and having mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, being emitted from a phased array structure that has been used for crowd dispersal. This research is more evidence that we are being deliberately poisoned, and that tales of species-jumping bat viruses from China are a red herring. We must continue to be vigilant in opposing 5G in all its forms, and doing what we can in our local area to prevent the 5G rollout. Our DNA depends on it. However, we must also be aware that space-based 5G satellites have been deployed earlier this year by SpaceX (run by Elon Musk), and other companies including Amazon, OneWeb and TeleSat have either done so as well or are about to. Time is running low for humanity to wake up.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and Parler.
*https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32668870/ OLD
*https://www.biolifesas.org/biolife/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/FIORANELLI.pdf OLD
Thanks for this!! I just read about this over at https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/5g-technology-and-induction-of-coronavirus-in-skin-cells/271343 I’ll be sure to drops links back to your article at zerohedge and elsewhere! Thanks for all you are doing to get the truth out.
I knew it! I knew it! I have been telling my audience that there is a very nefarious reason why these bastards have crews in hazmat suits installing 5G transmitters when everyone else is essentially under house arrest! Just the fact that posting anything that contains the word 5-G along with either covid or corona gets removed ASAP by the book of faces should tell you something. It seems to me that it is about time the freedom loving people (not the SAFETY lovers) took matters into their own hands and took down these things…
THANK YOU Makia – you rock!
They poison us with fluoridated water, glyphosated GMO food, chemtrailed air and now DNA destroying 5G – truly “the invisible enemy.” As Q keeps telling us, put on the full armor of God.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:10-18
For those of us living in rural areas, moving back into town doesn’t sound so good. A bunch of angry people inside a microwave oven with the dial getting turned up to high.
Lynn, here in my area of Commiefornia, even remote rural areas are fenced in with 5G.
Sharine, I’m sure your 5G is not the dreadful mmWave signal. The term “5G”, or fifth generation tech, is a general label for a variety of cell network technologies. Carriers like T-Mobile have come out with what they call 5G, but it’s really just a glorified 4G (600 Mhz).
Our big concern is the higher band millimeter waves using GHz frequencies. These range from 2.5GHz all up to 39GHz, and potentially topping out at a microwave-oven-like 100GHz. The higher the frequency, the shorter the range, and the closer the antennas have to be placed.
It’s difficult enough for them to pack enough antennas into densely populated cities to provide full mmWave coverage, and they’ve barely started with that. There’s a good chance it will never hit rural areas. So rest easy.
Thanks for the info, Lynn. But how can I know for sure? I see a few HUGE creepy towers and the thick black cables/transformers in the area. Also I contacted the city council and they said there were no requests or offers for permits for the infrastructure. I told them that the Secure 5G and Beyond Act signed into law on March 23, 2020 is partly to fast-track rollout nationwide during the “national emergency.” (In other words, no permit necessary as the federal nanny state is moving in to further punish the kids.)
Find the nearby towers on this map and click them for information. If it says T-Mobile, they’re not mmWave towers. That’s a start.
After that, it gets a lot more difficult. There are numerous cell tower locator websites, but they are tricky to use. Here’s one example:
Let it get your location.
Under Provider, select one from United States of America, e.g. Verizon or Sprint.
Under Network, select 5G
You’ll likely see nothing in your area. Zoom out to see the entire country. You’ll see some spotty coverage limited mostly to a few bigger cities. This will give you an idea how incredibly unlikely it is you have any 5G mmWave in your area.
Thank you, Lynn.
It looks like there are a couple of towers in our north county region that are all listed as T-Mobile. One in south county (with a state university) shows one T-Mobile and one AT&T.
The cellmapper app shows no 5G at all in our county.
It’s still weird, because even the so-called “good” 5G is still increased EMF, right?
Anyway, I feel a little better having seen this, but I won’t stop doubting the lengths to which the controllers will go to harm us, whether slowly or quickly.
Peace and love.
Agreed. No man-made EMF is good EMF, but from what I’ve read the mmWave technology is especially insidious. We do what we can in our own environment. Keep cell phones off or airplane mode when not using them. Switch network from routers to network cable (CAT-5 or 6). Get rid of all other wireless devices. Shield smart meter if necessary.
I got myself an EMF meter to stop wondering and found out my exact EMF exposure throughout my home. Easy to use and works great.
Get better informed reading from websites like this one:
Happy EMF cleaning, Sharine 🙂
have read this Article, Have a question – How about India? 5G technology is still not there in India, then how does it effect all of us in the Absence of 5G technology.
Yeah, I know,, easier said than done
it’s a start
I really don’t believe this world is expressing itself contrary to it’s nature. Attempting to change it won’t work, it is what it is.
Basically Jesus said; Don’t invest too much in this world, it’s not worth it”.
God does not “love” this world, God knows nothing of this world, the only thing God knows is that communication with a tiny part of Creation has been interupted, that part is dreaming an unGodly dream.
God loves the Real World, that we, without the ego, are a part of. This is egoworld,, which is the same as satan, and hell. It can be viewed alot of different ways,, there are different levels, it can be viewed as an insane asylum, but the worst thing about delusions and insanity is when the insane refuse to recognize their insanity, when they do that, they block off the Source of Sanity from restoring sanity (salvation). It is not God’s nature to deceive or force anyone to accept The Truth.
We are not “where” we “perceive” to be. We are where God Willed Us to be. Some call it “Heaven”. That is our home.
The Holy Spirit is God’s agent within this thing whose purpose is rescue from illusions and nightmares believed to be real( the definition of insanity).
This agent is not bound to any one name, it’s not bound to any religion, it is present and within us all, it is Universal, and It cannot fail. It’s not if, only when this nonsense will end. No one is bound to the “collective”, this collective has no legitimate authority,, it is not qualified to judge or impose it’s will on anyone.
This “collective” based on false principles and premises, is a counterfeit, a cheap copy of the Divine collective Sourced and based on Truth, this collective is based on anti-Truth. Which means it’s meaningless, nothing, and nowhere. Unreal. A silly fantasy,, long discarded and forgotten.
The answer was Given instantly, and it’s effectiveness was/is ABSOLUTE. Denial changes nothing, it only drags out erroneous perceptions through the illusion of time until finally The Truth asserts ItSelf within All, one by one, or all at once. No One IS BOUND TO OR IMPRISONED BY THAT WHICH IS UNTRUE AND UNREAL. Let it be, and let it go.
I’m noticing extra long loading times getting to this site, with a “404” page also. I also noticed it a little while back at Jon Rappoports site. It’s stayed that way, it wasn’t like that before. Of course we know, right, that they will attempt to hack these sites.
Simply somehow slowing down reaching the page will cause some less patient or determined searchers to pass on it, it would seem to me
The paper was withdrawn and the full paper taken down. Did anyone download the PDF?
yes I have the pdf file
How may I receive a copy of your PDF on this research?
You can download the pdf here:
Thank you so very much for the link.
I was able to open and print out the study.
It will be shared in as many places as I have access to.
There is a very good reason why it was retracted – it is pure BS. I am not usually using strong language, but there really is no polite way of putting it. The whole thing was debunked pretty much the moment it appeared. You can read the retraction notice here:https://www.biolifesas.org/biolife/retracted-5g-technology-and-induction-of-coronavirus-in-skin-cells/
“After a thorough investigation the Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article as it showed evidence of substantial manipulation of the peer review.”
The journal is obviously wanting to protect their reputation. There is good science, and there is less good science, and there is some pretty average science. But this paper does not even qualify as science at all, because some of the underlying conceptual assumptions are so obviously wrong and unfounded – the interpretation of DNA molecules as antennas is one of them. Radio antennas are made from metal for a good reason: metals conduct electricity. DNA does not. And the claimed proportions between 5G wavelength and molecule sizes are not there either: even at 60 GHz the wavelength still is several millimetres, whereas the size of DNA molecule is measure in micrometres (as present in the human body, where it is curled and folded many times) – so that is very substantially smaller than the wavelength. But even if it were stretched out to its full length it still would not be a viable antenna, because not only does it not conduct electricity, but it also is part of a cell’s nucleus swimming inside whatever tissue cell it belongs to, and the cell plasma actually does conduct electricity to some degree and thus would short-circuit any antennas inside a cell, even if there could be an antenna in the first place, which is not the case.
Okay this time my browser showed a “risky site” page on my 1st attempt to get here now. There’s also delayed loading, and clicking on the 5g article( this one) sent me on 2 tries to the “initiation ritual” article” instead. And now I see that the paper referenced in this article has been removed.
Basically it looks like the millimeter wave thing (combined with the rest of the toxic garbage) is going to be used to “cull” (genocide) a large part of the population that is more sensitive to the effects of
it, which of course the intensity can be adjusted up or down “as required”, while pointing to “the virus” as the cause.
I saw a video of Gates the other day; him and his “wife” getting giddy when talking about “pandemic 2, getting their attention”… meaning humans not yet fearful enough (vaccine refusers), they’ll turn the population violently against them, probably declare them as insane and try to put them in insane asylums and all the ugly shit that goes along with that…
Are we having fun yet?
For some reason, I’m not worried,, probably because I know it’s all an illusion, I’m ready to check out of this thing anytime… (they don’t want that attitude to spread,, they want us fearful and clinging to this so-called “reality” as if our life depends on it)(It Don’t).
The answer is probably giving them all “a big fat fuck you!” and mass-suicide, and go, there!,: “You can have this world,, the rest of us will leave it to you,, and then you “supremacist” parasites and predators can fight amongst your sorry ass selves and consume each other til your fake god has nothing but itself left to blame”
“Electroporation”, basically a way for foreign matter to enter the cell. Like air and water pollutants? Bypassing the filtering and detoxing processes that operate normally to keep that junk from from entering into the core system and overloading, altering, and wreaking havoc from within?
That’s how “they” operate. They find an opening within a population or country, weasel their way in, start to infiltrate important centers of influence, subvert the natural process, introduce poisonous ideas sold as “progressive” or “scientific”, siphon/divert energy from the host system into an alien system that pushes an assimilation agenda by deceit and coercion, basically acting like a “cancer”,, it using seduction and trauma to attack and assimilate neighboring cells, building the larger “tumor”, a collective of insane cells, operating without Reason and contrary to their True, original nature.
The Borg,, the oneness built on lies.
Christ is the anti-body. The Truth. SPIRIT.
Two links are now broken:
Makia, did you or anyone else you shared this with personally happen to download the research paper into pdf format?
Or do you have the names of the docs/researchers that were part of this study?
The NIH/Pubmed site has removed the entire research paper.
Also from Fulford report:
“However, before continuing, let’s explain why this ‘pandemic’ attack on the human race is focused on 5G technology by citing a reader’s comment based on the work of three Nobel Prize winning physicians:“ 5G electromagnetic radiation damages human cellular DNA. Exposed cells (of all kinds within the human target) respond by producing a cascade of immune protective substances. These substances are packaged in an intracellular structure called the endosome. The endosome is expelled from the cell, becoming a exosome. The exosome circulates and binds to ACE 2 receptors in the lung, gut, and heart. The exposed cellular response is the same whether the exposure is 5G or COVID-19 (the flu). Immune chemicals in the package of exosomes attack cells that possess ACE 2 and produce the effect of exposure to 5G radiation or the flu, which is being covered as COVID-19. The rate of COVID-19 cases it is 96% in 5G areas and only 4% in 4G or lower areas. 5G is being deployed in well-populated areas, so we would expect more cases there. BUT the death rate for known outcomes (deaths / (death + recoveries)) is more than 2 times higher in 5G areas. This cannot be due to COVID-19 alone and we have statistical evidence of this for over 1.9 million cases! ”The electron microscopic appearances of the endosome / exosome structure are incorrectly called virus particles in the cell / circulation. The Nobel Prize in Medicine was won for working on this in 2013, see the link document: https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/med_image_press_eng-4.pdf “
Cymatics shows how frequencies absolutely affect matter and can form structures, which is what 5G does to cells inside your body to form coronaviruses exosomes. You absolutely need some way to shield your body and ideally your home from these microwave level penetrating waves. See EMF Protection.
May I suggest a thorough revision of this article? The main reference has long been debunked, and the journal where it was published has retracted the paper.
There is a very good reason why the original paper was retracted – it is pure BS. I am not usually using strong language, but there really is no polite way of putting it. The whole thing was debunked pretty much the moment it
appeared. You can read the retraction notice here:https://www.biolifesas.org/biolife/retracted-5g-technology-and-induction-of-coronavirus-in-skin-cells/
“After a thorough investigation the Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article
as it showed evidence of substantial manipulation of the peer review.”
The journal is obviously wanting to protect their reputation. There is good
science, and there is less good science, and there is some pretty
average science. But this paper does not even qualify as science at all,
because some of the underlying conceptual assumptions are so obviously
wrong and unfounded – the interpretation of DNA molecules as antennas is
one of them. Radio antennas are made from metal for a good reason:
metals conduct electricity. DNA does not. And the claimed proportions
between 5G wavelength and molecule sizes are not there either: even at
60 GHz the wavelength still is several millimetres, whereas the size of
DNA molecule is measure in micrometres (as present in the human body,
where it is curled and folded many times) – so that is very
substantially smaller than the wavelength. But even if it were stretched
out to its full length it still would not be a viable antenna, because
not only does it not conduct electricity, but it also is part of a
cell’s nucleus swimming inside whatever tissue cell it belongs to, and
the cell plasma actually does conduct electricity to some degree and
thus would short-circuit any antennas inside a cell, even if there could
be an antenna in the first place, which is not the case.
Hi Helmut, I have updated the article. The BioLife editor claims the study was retracted due to peer review manipulation. I note your comments about the study being bad science:
I am open to learning more about this. What are your reasons for saying that DNA is not like an antenna, given that humans are energetic, electrical beings? I have another article on EMFs where scientists have shown that our skin ducts act as antenna to interact with 5G:
Hi Makia, many thanks for your reply, and for a very good question. Saying that humans are energetic, electrical beings is – no offense intended – not really a statement that helps to answer the question of characterising DNA molecules as antennas.
So, yes, humans use and convert a lot of energy in their bodies in many processes, and yes, some of these processes create electrical potentials, and the transmission of information along nerve cells has certain electrical properties. That’s all good and fair enough, but the forms of energy, and the kind of electricity in the human body are very different from those in electrical appliances or electronic devices, or in radio antennas for that matter. As you are probably aware, nerve cells transmit information by moving ions through a membrane out of, and into, the cell – and this happens in a direction perpendicular to the information pulse travelling along the nerve as an electro-chemical potential. Electrical conductors or wires used in appliances, electronics and antennas, on the other hand, move free electrons along the conductor in the direction of energy or signal flow, and the signal travels along the wire as an electro-magnetic wave. So these things are quite different at the phenomenological level, and they have very different properties. Nerve signals travel relatively slowly, at about a few hundred metres per second, whereas signal propagation along electrical conductors made of metal typically travels at about 200,000 km per second. So calling humans “electrical beings” could technically be considered not false, but even so, it can be misleading.
Now to DNA molecules: they do not have any freely moveable charge carriers (nerve cells have ions that can be moved around, and electrical wires have electrons), because everything is reasonably firmly “bolted into place” in a DNA molecule. The reason for that is obviously that DNA needs to be fairly robust and stable – if it were not, then our built-in blueprint would be subject to much erratic change. So this is one of the key points that place this paper about 5G and covid DNA squarely into the category of bad science: the authors have included a suggestive picture juxtaposing a helical antenna made from metal wire with the double helix of the DNA – but these two really have nothing in common regarding their physical properties, and so this is a pointless comparison. On top of that, the authors got the wavelength proportions wrong: one of the higher 5G carrier frequencies around 60 GHz has a wavelength of 5 millimetres in air, or about 3 millimetres inside the human body. But a DNA molecule curled up inside the nucleus of a human cell as it is inside a living body is of micrometre size – so that’s about a thousand times smaller; so the claimed good fit of wavelength to “antenna” size simply isn’t there. With these two key initial assumptions thrown out, the rest of the paper is just GIGO: garbage in, garbage out.
A further point to add on 5G and covid-19: you may have heard that New Zealand has a very low incidence of covid-19 cases, and the lion share of the cases are recent arrivals from overseas who are still in managed isolation for 14 days after arrival, while there are hardly any community cases, yet we do have some towns with 5G networks in NZ, but no covid-19 cases there. Conversely, there are many areas globally with high incidence of covid-19 but no 5G coverage. So far from a causal connection, there isn’t even a good correlation between 5G and covid-19 incidence.
Thank you also for mentioning your other article about 5G, IoT, and skin ducts. I do not have time to comment in much detail on this right now – so just a few quick notes. You are raising some valid concerns (privacy and data security, although these are not particular to 5G), but I find some parts of the article highly speculative without good evidence behind some claims, and some I believe to be incorrect. You are writing correctly that 5G is very infrastructure-intensive – and this means that it costs a lot per covered area. This is a strong reason to limit 5G coverage mostly to urban high-density areas, because nobody will pay for it covering some unpopulated back-country area. Other technologies are much more cost-efficient at providing wider area coverage in sparsely populated areas, including satellite communications, and to some extent 4G (LTE-M, NB-IoT), and LoraWAN. These technologies all operate on the existing 4G carrier frequencies that are much lower than the 5G frequencies.
The point about the electro-magnetic properties of sweat ducts is interesting; I have taken a very quick look, and the idea that sweat ducts may absorb electro-magnetic fields in the very high GHz or low THz range reasonably well is plausible at least in principle. I have found an article referenced below that provides more detail, but don’t have time to fully read it now – is this maybe the same that you have found? Not sure; but if you sweat the sweat ducts are filled with, well, obviously sweat, which is a solution of various salts in water. So there are lots of free ions, and that makes sweat a liquid that conducts electricity to some degree – it is by no means as good a conductor as any old metal, but it conducts much, much better than pure water. And the dimensions align reasonably well with some part of the wavelength range in question. So there could be something to it. This puts this idea into a different category than the 5G-covid connection, which was completely and utterly baseless. So it looks like at least some people have been studying sweat ducts from this angle, and the topic may merit further study.
Nerves – https://www.britannica.com/science/nervous-system/The-ionic-basis-of-electrical-signals
Antennas – https://www.britannica.com/technology/antenna-electronics
5G in NZ – https://www.spark.co.nz/5g/home/
Electro-magnetic resonance of sweat ducts – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4357862/
The price that we pay for convenience makes convenience the eighth deadly sin.