44 Reasons to NOT Elect Hillary Clinton

Hillary sold her soul for power a long time ago. It’s no secret – and people are starting to realize it.

To elect Hillary Clinton

would be a foolish and dangerous mistake for America – not to mention the entire world. Hillary is currently in first place for the position of Democratic frontrunner. Those who know her lying, manipulative and psychopathic nature shudder at how much the New World Order agenda would be brought forward under her (mis)leadership. Hillary sold her soul for power a long, long time ago, and people are beginning to realize it. She’ll say anything to get elected. Here is a list of top 44 reasons to not elect Hillary Clinton. Even if some of these are ostensibly scandals of Bill, the pair still function as a close-knit criminal team, so they still serve as valid reasons not to elect Hillary:

1. Benghazi: Committing Perjury or Lying Under Oath

Hillary has repeatedly committed perjury or lied under oath throughout her career. One of the most telling examples was during her Benghazi testimony when she claimed a video had inspired a protest that ended up killing Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans. This was subsequently shown to be a lie. Hillary famously declared, “What difference does it make?” when the questioning got too tough, in regards to the causes of the American deaths and personnel she was supposedly in charge of protecting. She stated she had submitted all documents, but 20 months later, FOIA requests uncovered 41 new documents. Yet another lie.

2. Faking Uncontrollable Fits of Coughing

Check out this compilation of clips where Hillary pretends she can’t stop coughing in order to avoid answering tough questions or testify on an issue at all. On the Benghazi issue, Clinton testified 4 months late to Congress.

3. Email Gate: Illegally Mixing Government and Personal Emails

In the latest scandal over emails, dubbed Email Gate by some, Clinton set up a homebrew server to hold official Government property in terms of classified information. She also used her official Government work email to conduct private and personal business.

4. Email Gate: Endangering National Security and State Secrets

Another aspect of Email Gate was the reckless endangering of Governmental secrets Clinton engaged in. Although many readers of The Freedom Articles will be all too aware of the way Government abuses the concept of national security, the fact remains that there is some need for it. Numerous officials have stated there is no doubt – zero ambiguity – that her emails endangered national security, due to the fact many were classified SAP (Special Access Program). However, she may have been doing this deliberately (see point 6).

Hillary and 30,000 deleted emails. Image credit: Youngcons.com

5. Email Gate: Obstruction of Justice, Destruction of Evidence

Email Gate has many aspects to it. A further aspect is Hillary’s deliberate withholding (and deleting) of around 30,000 emails. Her excuse was that these were the personal, private ones, yet Congress had asked to see them all. Given what we know of Hillary as a cover up agent extraordinaire, what are the chances that she wasn’t deleting them to destroy information? It remains to be seen what will come of the deletion, since the FBI is reported to have the server and flash drives (with all the emails) in its possession.

6. Selling State Secrets to Foreign Countries

Mike Rivero (WhatReallyHappened.com) puts forth impressive evidence that Hillary has deliberately sold US Government State secrets to foreign countries. She and Bill did this with China during Bill’s presidency. Hillary may also have intentionally set up her homebrew server with weak security that could easily be hacked, so that the hackers could get the information and Hillary could claim the problem was “weak or flawed security” rather than a deliberately set up situation to leak data.

7. Bill the Rapist, Hillary the Coverup Agent

As I covered in the article Billary Clinton: Rapist and Coverup Team Par Excellence, Hillary has been covering up for Bill’s violent sexual escapades and rape for decades, threatening his female victims into silence, sometimes with death threats. Some of them have been outright killed.

8. Failed Stint as Secretary of State 2009-2013

A State Department spokesperson could not point to a single tangible achievement by Clinton. Hillary wasted $80 million on an Afghan US consulate. She lost $6 billion due to improper filing of contracts. She refused to classify Boko Haram as a terrorist group, leading to the kidnapping of 300 school girls. She called off internal investigations into her State Department involving the endemic engagement of prostitutes by her security, drug use by State Department contractors and the US Ambassador to Belgium soliciting male child prostitutes.

9. A Giant Whopper: Pretending to be Under Fire in Bosnia

Hillary claimed she was under attack by snipers when she landed in Tuzla, Bosnia, 1996, but subsequent CBS footage showed her walking calmly along the tarmac there and even stopping to greet a young girl. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

10. Flip-Flopping: NAFTA

This video (also embedded above) shows how Hillary has flip-flopped on the issue of NAFTA, saying to some people that she favored it (“NAFTA has proven its worth”) while saying to others she opposed it (“I have been a critic of NAFTA from the very beginning”). Anything to get elected!

11. More Lies: Gun or No Gun?

In the same video, Hillary claimed her grandfather taught her to shoot, yet later on, claimed she grew up in a house without any guns. Which is it?

12. More Lies: Bringing Peace to Northern Ireland?

Hillary claimed she brought Protestants and Catholics together in a Town Hall meeting for the first time. However, as this video states, “negotiators from the parties that helped broker the Good Friday agreement in 1998 told the Daily Telegraph that her role was peripheral and that she played no part in the grueling political talks over the years.”

13. Flip-Flopping: Marriage Equality

Hillary has variously claimed that she opposes gay marriage and supports gay marriage at different times. It’s all about opportunism and pandering to a political base.

14. Hillary during Watergate Investigations: An “Unethical, Dishonest Lawyer”

Bill Clinton was asked to serve on the special staff to handle the Nixon impeachment inquiry. He declined and suggested they hire his girlfriend Hillary Rodham instead. As Mike Rivero writes:

Hillary Clinton was later fired from the staff of the House Judiciary committee investigating the Watergate scandal in 1974. She was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman, who stated, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer,” he said. “She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.” Zeifman refused to give Clinton a letter of recommendation, one of only three employees he refused during his entire career.”

What will it take for the American people to not elect Hillary?

15. Blood Gate: Selling AIDS-Infected Blood

When Bill Clinton became Governor of Arkansas, he awarded a fat contract to a Little Rock company called Health Management Associates (HMA). The company was paid $3 million a year for “medical services” for the state’s prison system. The game was to pay prisoners for their blood ($7 per pint) then resell it at massive profits on the international plasma market ($50 a pint). HMA’s entry into the blood market coincided with the rise of AIDS in America, but HMA did not screen the prisoners’ blood, even after the FDA issued special alerts about the higher incidents of AIDS and hepatitis in prison populations. In Canada alone, more than 7,000 people died from contaminated blood transfusions, many of them hemophiliacs. More than 4,000 of them died of AIDS. In 1986, public outrage forced the cancellation of HMA’s contract.

16. Whitewater Scandal

The Whitewater Scandal involved Bill using the power of office of Governor of Arkansas to build public roads to the Clintons’ private land. The Clintons and McDougals made money with real estate contracts for Whitewater property that included harsh clauses. This resulted in elderly buyers defaulting on land payments and repossessions. The habit of using State power to personally enrich themselves is a very common theme running through the Clintons’ careers.

Hillary was the first woman ever subpoenaed by a Grand Jury in relation to Whitewater. Pervasive conflicts of interest were discovered between Rose Law Firm (Hillary) and Madison Guaranty (McDougal). Billing records disappeared (presumed stolen) from Vince Foster’s office the night he died. They reappeared in the Clinton residence following their acquittal, covered with Hillary’s fingerprints. Susan McDougal refused to testify against the Clintons, so went to prison, but was pardoned by President Bill. 15 Clinton friends were found guilty of 40 federal crimes. This cost US taxpayers around $145 million.

17. Cattle Gate: Insider Trading – Hillary’s Magical Trade

Hillary invested $1000 and turned it into $100,000 through insider trading. She entered and exited the market at the exact right time. According to economists at Auburn and Nth Florida University, 1995, who concluded in their study in the Journal of Economics and Statistics, the probability of Hillary’s trade being genuine and not an insider trade was 1 in 250,000,000! The broker involved was given a 3 year suspension.

The trade was connected to Tyson Foods, the largest employer in Arkansas and a big Clinton donor.

18. Eliminating Drug Testing at the White House

In an effort, no doubt, to avoid embarrassment over Bill’s cocaine-snorting habits, the Clintons eliminated random drug testing at the White House through the appointment Patsy Thomasson.

19. File Gate: The Clintons’ Enemy List

The Clinton Administration improperly requested and received FBI background reports on 900 Republican officials in 1996. These FBI files contained sensitive information on average American citizens. It turned into a “Compilations of Enemies” list. Hillary was the source of the requests. The NYT called Hillary a “congenital liar”. Congressman Bob Barr commented:

“Clearly what the Clinton Administration is trying to do is an orchestrated systematic effort to thwart justice, to thwart the rule of law, to thwart legitimate investigations by the Congress, whether it is impeachment proceedings or regular oversight … to derail investigations (and) derail prosecutions.”

20. China Gate: The China Connection

Bill Clinton and Al Gore took money from rich Chinese donors who ran prostitution rings. Again in 1996, agents of the Chinese Government and military funneled money into the Clinton re-election campaign, Clinton Legal Defense Fund and Democratic National Committee, in violation of US law.

21. Prison Population Explosion under Bill

The total prison population increased by 673,000 people under Clinton’s tenure or by 235,000 more than it did under President Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the Justice Policy Institute.

22. Supporting Human Rights Abuse in Colombia

The Clintons also have ties to human rights abuses in Colombia.

23. Clinton Foundation Corruption

The Clintons have used their foundation as a vehicle to accept foreign money to fund Hillary’s presidential campaign – which is illegal. You can read more here about the incredible corruption of the Clinton Foundation. The New York Times referred to the organization as having “moral and fiscal chaos, shameless fundraising” and being “mired in conflicts of interest”. Hillary travelled to Moscow and pressured Russia to buy jets from Boeing. Then, 2 months later, contract in hand, Boeing donated $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Foreign donations to the Foundation increased by 70% when Hillary ran in 2008.

24. Destroying and Profiting Off Haiti

Bill and Hillary have made money off Haiti too. Their Clinton Foundation took in billions, yet Haiti is still devastated. As this Washington Post article states:

““(The people here) think he’s (Bill’s) here making money,” said Leslie Voltaire, a former government official who worked with Clinton on post-earthquake reconstruction. “There is a lot of resentment about Clinton here. People have not seen results. . . . They say that Clinton used Haiti.””

25. Accepting Bribes Gifts from Foreign Nations

Hillary Clinton plays the politics game – you want influence, you pay her and Bill. Look at all the lavish gifts she has received – gold necklaces from Saudi Arabia worth $500,000, plus other gifts from 3 other nations in the Middle East.

26. Hillary’s Doesn’t Care About Women

This leads us to the next point – how does Hillary expect to convince women voters she cares about women, while she accepts gifts from nations like Saudi Arabia, with horrendous abuses against women?

27. Soul For Sale to the Highest Bidder: Hillary’s Massive Bribes “Speaking Fees” from Big NWO Banks

Hillary Clinton is the bankers’ candidate, hands down. While Bernie Sanders, a man of principle, has refused money from the banks, Hillary has dollars galore from the big banks. According to the Daily Wire, the Clintons have made more than $160 MILLION in speaking fees since Bill left the White House. That’s effectively bribery – as thanks for previous gifts and as thanks for things to come. Listen to Hillary’s absurd explanation of why she deserves $250,000 for a single speech to Goldman Sachs. Wake up America!

At the time of writing, 4 of her top 5 donors were Big Banks:

Corporation Total Individuals PACs
Citigroup Inc $824,402 $816,402 $8,000
Goldman Sachs $760,740 $750,740 $10,000
DLA Piper $700,530 $673,530 $27,000
JPMorgan Chase & Co $696,456 $693,456 $3,000
Morgan Stanley $636,564 $631,564 $5,000

28. Witches’ Covens

Former Clinton Larry Nichols has attested to how Hillary would use taxpayer Government money, when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, to fly out to California to attend a monthly witch’s coven in California. In and of itself, that is not necessarily bad, but given the elite obsession with Satanism and black magic, and the propensity of the elite to engage in dark rituals inside of secret societies like the Bohemian Club, this is another red flag if you’re wanting to elect Hillary.

Years ago David Icke pointed out that Hillary was higher up than Bill in the Illuminati hierarchy. If this is true, perhaps Hillary’s activities as a witch are related to this …

29. Zionist Stooge: Israel First

Like almost every US politician who aspires to become President, Hillary has gone on the record praising Israel’s virtues to the Heavens. Her main backer is arch-Zionist Haim Saban. You can read more about how she puts Israel first here.

30. Puppet: Taking Orders from the CFR

Hillary admitted on video that she takes orders from the Rockefeller CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), one of the key Round Table groups running the New World Order.

31. Cold-Heartedness: Laughing at How Gaddafi was Assassinated

Look at the way Hillary laughed in delight at how the US murdered Gaddafi, who had elevated Libya to the highest standard of living among all the African nations. This was an outright assassination and murder of a sovereign foreign leader, yet Hillary cackled “We came, we saw, he died”.

32. Warmongering: Workin’ Real Hard to Start a War with Iran

Look at Hillary cackling again at the thought of starting war with Iran.

33. Hillary Care

Bill put Hillary in charge of healthcare. Hillary admitted at the time, “I’m not an expert on healthcare.” She kept the Presidential Task Force on National Health Care Reform shrouded in secrecy. Hillary Care was rejected by many. It cost taxpayers $32 million. Hillary and others were ultimately fined $450,000, and the court costs to US taxpayers was $725,000.

34. Travel Gate

When Bill came to power in 1993, the Clintons fired the White House Travel Office, which had served 7 presidents. Their installed their wealthy Hollywood friends to take over the travel business worth $31 million annually. Hillary was at the center of 5 investigations (DOJ, FBI, GOA, Oversight Committee, Whitewater Independent Counsel) for these actions. She claimed the firings were due to employee misconduct, but the employees were cleared of all charges. The Clintons were forced to reinstate all of them.

35. Clinton Legal Defense Fund

The Clintons have been in so much legal trouble for their crimes over the years that they established a Clinton Legal Defense Fund. The point was that individuals or companies hoping to garner favor with the Clintons could help pay the Clinton’s endless legal bills.

36. IRS abuses

The Clintons used the IRS to harass enemies (just as Obama did later) including Republicans, the White House Travel Office, the NRA, Judicial Watch, the Heritage Foundation and other conservative organizations. A senior IRS official admitted that Clinton opponents were singled out for audits. Also audited were Bill Clinton’s female accusers (i.e. mostly rape victims) including Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and Elizabeth Ward Gracen.

Do not elect Hillary, unless you want more tyranny. Love those eyes! Medusa herself couldn’t do a better death stare …

37. Pardon Gate

Just before leaving office, Bill Clinton pardoned 450 people for crimes ranging from kidnapping to terrorism to cocaine smuggling. Several pardons personally benefited Hillary Clinton and were investigated for direct ties to her NY senate bid. One person on this list was Marc Rich, a billionaire fugitive. His ex-wife Denise Rich funneled millions into Clinton funds. Former President Carter called this list “shameless” and “disgraceful”.

Hillary was intimately with many of these presidential pardons. She met with “New Square Four”, a Jewish group who had defrauded the Government of millions, and got their votes in exchange for pardons. Two criminals (Carlos Vignali and Almon Braswell) paid Hillary’s brother Hugh Rodham high fees to obtain the pardons. She also met with FALN (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberation Nacional, or in English “Armed Forces of National Liberation”), a group that exploded bombs in NYC and Chicago. Hillary also cut a deal with them to get votes for pardons. Congress requested additional information on all this, but Bill claimed Executive Privilege, preventing anyone involved from testifying.

38. State-Reared Children: Hillary’s Book It Takes a Village

Did you know Hillary has called for the State to rear children? Hillary’s 1996 book, It Takes a Village generated poor sales, perhaps because it called for Government to replace parents in the raising of children. That’s not socialism, that’s communism, but regardless of the “ism” you use to describe it, it’s a leaf straight out of the eugenics book. Alders Huxley warned in Brave New World of the NWO plan to have State hatcheries where the Government strictly controlled reproduction. It can also be found in various key conspiracy documents.

39. Reporting Violation: 2000 Hillary New York Senate Election Campaign

This was the largest election fraud in US history. In July 2000, Hillary was recorded calling and thanking felon Peter Paul for organizing a gala event. She said it cost $500,000 instead of $1.5 million. Hillary was fined $50,000 for intentional under-reporting.

40. Broken Ethical Code: Hillary’s New York Senate Term

Hillary helped secure millions in federal assistance for a New York developer who donated $120,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary was investigated by the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, and was found to have broke the Senate Code of Conduct. What a surprise!

41. Fraud: 2008 Hillary Presidential Election Campaign

More fraud. Jeffrey Thompson and other fundraising “bundlers” for Hillary pled guilty to conspiracy and campaign fund law violations.

42. More Illegal Funding: Donor Victor Pinchuk

Victor Pinchuk, reportedly the 4th richest man in Ukraine, channeled money through the Clinton Foundation ($8.3 million) and in doing so violated US law by overriding sanctions on Iran. Hillary, head of the State Department at the time, the branch of the Government responsible for enforcing these sanctions, refused to charge Pinchuk, who coincidentally happened to promise the Clinton Foundation millions more.

43. Using Mind Controlled Sex Slaves? Cathy O’Brien, Rape Victim of Hillary

Cathy O’Brien, a former mind control victim who suffered horrific SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), was programmed her to become a sex slave. Her book Trance-Formation of America details what she underwent. She explicitly mentions being abused and repeatedly raped by many high-ranking politicians including George Bush Sr., Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

44. Serial Murder: The Clinton Body Count

The Clinton body count is a very long one, stretching back decades to their days in Arkansas. It is full of suicides, car accidents, plane crashes, explosions, people dying of gun shot wounds to the back of the head and people dying from falling out of high apartment buildings. Since the overwhelming majority were officially ruled as suicide, the Clintons enjoy plausible deniability, which the elite regularly use as a legal shield behind which to hide their horrendous crimes. Here is what Gary Aldrich, who worked in the White House as a FBI agent, had to say about it:

“My name would be mud, my FBI career would be over, and I might even be in danger, if the stories coming from Little Rock were true – about how so many enemies of the Clintons ended up having fatal accidents.”

Here is a partial list of those who knew or were close to the Clintons:

July 1978: Susan Coleman is shot in the back of the head after allegedly becoming pregnant to Bill Clinton. Verdict: “suicide”.

August 1991: Danny Cassolaro is found dead in bathtub after investigating corruption including the Clintons. Verdict: “suicide”.

July 1992: C. Victor Raiser II (and son Montgomery) die in a plane crash/explosion, and Herschel Friday dies in a separate plane crash/explosion, both deemed “accidents”.

September 1992: Paul Tulley dies to unknown causes.

December 1992: Paula Gober, speechwriter for Clinton, dies in a car accident.

December 1992: Jim Wilhite dies in a skiing accident.

January 1993: Ed Cauley, former Clinton Arkansa campaign manger, dies.

May 1993: John Wilson, former DC city councilman with inside knowledge of Whitewater, is found hanged in his room. Verdict: “suicide”.

July 1993: Paul Wilcher, an attorney, wrote a 105 page letter to then attorney general Janet Reno, describing knowledge of the Mena, Arkansas gun-running and drug-dealing activity. He is found dead in his apartment. The coroner did not rule on the cause of death.

July 1993: Vince Foster, who knows Rose Law Firm (Hillary’s old law firm) and the Clintons’ financial secrets very well, dies under highly mysterious circumstances. The day before, on 7/14/93, Bill fired FBI chief William Sessions out of the blue. Assistant Attorney General Webster Hubbell on July 20th, 1993, concludes: “Don’t believe a word you hear. It was not suicide. It couldn’t have been …”

July 1993: Jerry Parks, who collected a dossier of photos on Bill Clinton, as ordered by Vince Foster. Foster was ordering Parks to conduct surveillance on Bill, allegedly for Hillary, to see how vulnerable her husband would be if he ran for President. Foster gave files to Hillary. 2 days later Foster was dead. Later Parks is shot and the files are allegedly taken from his home.

August 1993: Jon Walker, a senior investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation, looking for source of a suspicious $50 million transfer related to $40 million embezzlement scheme involving Whitewater and the Clintons, falls to his death from a high apartment building. Verdict: “suicide”.

September 1993: Dr. Stanley Heard and Attorney Steve Dickson, family doctor for the Clintons, are killed in 2 plane crashes.

November 1993: Sexual harassment victim Kathleen Willey’s second husband, Edward E. Willey Jr., commits “suicide” on November 29, 1993, the day Kathleen claimed Clinton’s sexual misconduct against her took place.

March 1994: Dr. Donald Rogers, family dentist of the Clintons, is killed in plane crash, ruled an “accident”.

May 1994: Gandy Baugh, attorney, commits “suicide” by jumping out of an apartment building.

June 1994: Stanley Huggins, a partner in Memphis law firm investigating the Madison loan, is found dead of viral pneumonia.

July 1994: Calvin Walraven dies of a gun wound to head. Verdict: “suicide”.

October 1994: Florence Martin, who had the PIN to bank account of $1.46 million set up for Barry Seal, is found dead of gun shot wounds to the head.

April 1996: Department of Commerce worker Ron Brown dies in a plane crash, after voicing displeasure at Clinton’s White House perverting point of energy swaps. Nico Josic was the ground investigator and was shot to death. It was ruled a suicide before he could be questioned.

November 1996: Barbara Wise, worker at the Department of Commerce, is found dead.

July 1997: Mary Caitrin Mahoney, a former White House intern, is found shot at Starbucks. The store is not robbed.

March 1998: Johnny Franklin Lawhon, who found cashier’s check to Clinton in car worth $27,000, later died mysteriously.

Conclusion: Do Not Elect Hillary! Share the Truth Far and Wide

If you know anyone who is still considering voting to elect Hillary in 2016, please share this with them. The truth has to be told and known. If people know even a portion of this, they will not elect Hillary. This isn’t about Left or Right. This about tyranny and freedom, deception and truthhood, criminality and justice. The population in general has a very short-term memory; it’s time to remind people of the utter depravity and ruthless criminality of the Clintons so they do not get re-elected and the Clinton body count does not continue to rise in 2017 and beyond.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com (FaceBook here), writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.






























kathleen Stansfield February 4, 2016 - 1:15 pm

If all these staggering facts are true and can be proved, why is Hillary Clinton not locked up? I do not admire the woman or her husband.

Makia Freeman February 4, 2016 - 6:53 pm

That is the $64 million dollar question, isn’t it? The answer is, I would suggest, that she has friends in VERY high places – and an uncanny and incredible ability to escape prosecution and imprisonment even in the face of monstrous scandals. She is the Queen of Coverups.

Lance Elliott July 20, 2016 - 8:47 am

The huge problem is, even with proof, the risk of death silences more than the money does. Then there is the extortion of revealing intimate secrets (or even “setting up”) the proof holders. Genuine ugly evils.

oney April 24, 2016 - 3:35 pm

Money is always the answer.

frances osmon October 20, 2016 - 12:12 am


Beano McReano February 4, 2016 - 10:41 pm

LOOK CLOSELY. She has Hitler’s eyes. Put on a mustache color her hair black and you got HITLER!

Killary Clinton May 15, 2016 - 11:27 pm

Hillary is a disgrace she has blood on her hands! Benghazi she dropped the ball big time and our ambassador and brave Americans killed! She took money for bribes as Sec of State!

ten1963 May 25, 2016 - 5:55 pm

The real question, is why would the American people want this politician for our President? Why would they vote for her? Hillary is as corrupt as they come, but the American voters have just become bleating sheep, to be foolish enough to put her in power.

Janice Thoreson July 3, 2016 - 11:26 pm

Many referred to choosing Hillary Clinton as the lesser of two evils, what does that really mean?

David July 4, 2016 - 11:31 pm

I think she is a lying stinking bitch trying to be President.

Karen July 16, 2016 - 6:18 pm

I feel sorry for the USA if this is true, Hillary nor trump should be president. I’m glad I live in Canada. I Don’t trust lawyers, they all lyes

Rick July 27, 2016 - 2:11 am

you forgot Hillary’s direct involvement in the coup in Honduras and how she gloated over the removal of the duly elected president of that country.Now Honduras has the highest homicide rate in the world. Also the fact that the contra planes flying into Arkansas while Bill was governor were loaded with cocaine.

Hoyeru July 27, 2016 - 3:23 am

and where are your 44 reason to vote for El Trumpo?

Ikiduknot October 24, 2016 - 5:50 am

– Why elect Trump –

First, his resume. Of everyone running for president, Trump is the only one who has ever employed anyone. He is the only one who has any experience in international trade. He is the only one who understands the impact of our tax laws and government regulation on companies and jobs.

Trump has made a fortune turning around failed companies. He’s worked complicated deals all over the world, negotiating with governments, labor unions, and international financiers. These skills are not learned overnight and we don’t have time for another life-long politician and attorney to get up to speed.

Second is his character. He is tough as nails. His children are pretty awesome. You can tell a lot about somebody by their kids. He is brutally honest as opposed to being politically correct. His employees and his ex-employees have nothing but praise for him. Even his ex-wives have nothing bad to say about him. Check it out.

Third is his success. He has built hundreds of successful businesses. One of his companies declared bankruptcy (chapter 11 or reorganization) four separate times before ultimately saving the company. All creditors were paid and jobs were saved. Bottom line is he is just a very good businessman.

Fourth is that he is a great negotiator. In fact, he wrote the book on negotiation — The Art of the Deal, an international best-seller. If we are to save this country we need someone who can work with people of differing opinions. Congress is grid locked. We need to work new trade agreements with other nations. We need to renegotiate treaties.

Fifth, Trump is a nationalist and not a globalist. He believes that our country comes first. We need to enforce our borders and the rule of law. He believes it is not our job to defend the whole world. He believes that if we do help countries with their defense, we should be paid for it.

Sixth, he has great instincts. He predicted the rise of Osama bin Laden. He predicted a terror attack on a major US city. He opposed the war in Iraq although every other candidate but Bernie Sanders was in favor of the war. He opposed it because it would destabilize the middle east. He got out of the gaming industry before it crashed. Great instincts.

Seventh, he is a natural leader. Even those who don’t like him are following his lead. He has single-handedly set the agenda for this election cycle. He is respected internationally as well as in our nation. He oozes leadership. Unlike the clinton clans’ plans – The constitution will not be infringed upon with trump.

Eighth, he is a great communicator and persuader. He is a master at using the media to advance his narrative. He totally understands the media. He built the most successful reality show in the history of television. These are skills he will need if he is to turn this country around.

Ninth, I have studied him. I read his first book in 1987 and realized he was a brilliant businessman. I’ve watched hundreds of hours of speeches, media interviews, read thousands of articles about him, several of his books, and studied his successes and his failures. He is the real deal. I challenge anyone to study him and not support him.

Finally, I have to look at what motivates him. Most politicians are motivated by money and/or power. Trump already has both. He has a history of being a patriot, from his military high school, to now. He has a huge ego, like every other candidate running. The difference is he is honest about his.

I think he sees our nation at a critical place and he knows that he has the unique skill set to fix the problems. If he does, he will go down in history as being one of the greatest presidents ever.

If you understand him, you know that his legacy is important to him (his name on all his buildings and companies). I even believe he is funding his own campaign so he won’t owe favors or loyalties to special interests. When you evaluate his motivations you can’t help but admire him.

I remembered one more reason. Everyone is about to blow a gasket over him. The establishment republican party hates him and has actually been actively trying to take down their own front runner. The establishment democrat party hates him because they know he will crush Hillary in the election, and the establishment media hates him because he totally controls the news cycle and they cannot control him. Even the donor class hates him because he cannot be bought. If all these people who I cannot stand hate him, that only makes me love him more.

You know who loves him? The regular people in this country. The ones who work their asses off every day and haven’t had a pay raise in over a decade. The ones who pay the taxes and watch as their jobs get shipped overseas or across the border. The ones who see their property values going down because corrupt Big Banking blew up the housing market. The ones whose retirement is in jeopardy because social security has been raided and their 401Ks have been decimated by corrupt Wall Street.

So, again… these are my reasons. The upcoming election is the most important election in your lifetime. This is not an exaggeration. If you agree with me on any of these reasons, please get out and vote and together we can Make America Great Again !!

nexusxyz July 27, 2016 - 8:57 am

I’m surprised that there are 44.

Catherine Sinclair August 12, 2016 - 4:13 am

Trump on the mark rightso Americans with brains wake the hell up now.

liberty valance August 27, 2016 - 6:16 pm

There are thousands of reasons we do not want Hillary. But we only need one good reason: Hillary hates Black People. She is a racist extra ordinary -> for instance, she tells Security Guards to get the “fuck” away from me when in the white house. How can the United States Government want such a racist as the President. She has been recorded as shouting to security detail in the WH, ” don’t look am me you b&%$#4 or the like”. And on and on, especially when security tried to cut her off from getting to Blow Job Billy when he had women in the White House other than BH (that is bitch Hillary for non readers of the news).
The one reason only is “she will further the Black Americans into poverty, rob them of their vote, and persecute then through no-economical advantage.

Terry September 30, 2016 - 5:38 pm

She and her husband both are unfit for public service and both are a detriment to the U.S. Gov’t and the American People at large.
Bill Clinton is the Ole country boy who thinks he could fool everyone but he was caught and Hillary did not divorce him but attacks the women he has had affairs with. Pathetic and inferior.

Natalie Fetzer October 28, 2016 - 5:59 pm

If your a christian you can bet Hillary will take religious freedom away is that what you want in this country? A witch who dictates everything we do Certainly not me I’m voting for Trump and making America great again!!!

Ashton November 3, 2016 - 3:02 pm

Wheres all the stuff about the ppl shes murdered and the reporters and investigators surrounding here that just happen to be dropping dead like flies?

Terra Solasta January 14, 2018 - 5:03 am

Really good points made. The author knows their stuff.

aznative April 15, 2019 - 4:33 pm

There isn’t a democratic in this country qualified to hold public office of any kind. They aren’t even qualified to walk my dogs.

Trump is the greatest president in this nations history. He is fixing the mess from the last 30 years of presidencies.

This is why you vet before you regret!

aznative April 15, 2019 - 4:37 pm

It is time to abolish and ban the anti-American foreign democratic NWO terrorist party from ever holding office in this nation ever again. Our founding fathers gave we the people that authority. It is time. These people have not worked for this nation for many years. They are acting as agents of foreign powers. They broke their oaths a long time ago. It is time to shut it down, our founding fathers would have a long time ago. They have failed to protect our sovereignty and are guilty of crimes against humanity and American genocide.

Their oath was to our nation, not foreign nations and foreign invaders.

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