20 Key Questions Exposing the Trump Assassination Hoax – Video #120


The evidence in so far appears to show the attempted Trump assassination was a staged event. It’s a hoax. Take a close look and make up your own mind.




Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and The International Satanic Network Exposed, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.


Tempest July 19, 2024 - 3:23 pm

I did at first think Trump was in on it to the extent that a marksman was chosen to do the job in order to gain the sympathy vote. As the comedian Bill Maher said, when he saw what had happened he believed he was looking at the new president. But it would have probably been an unnecessarily risky strategy when they could use fake blood instead.

But something that keeps happening in these fake events is that the alleged victim and perpetrator manage to lose one or both of their shoes. It sounds bizarre but there is a long line of people this has happened to: the Brazilian guy shot dead by police during the London 7/7 train bombings, the alleged perpetrator of the Westminster attack 2017 whose shoes were put neatly by the stretcher he was lying on after being shot by police and including some of the alleged victims and even a mannequin used to portray a body under the wheel of a bus, alleged victims of the London Bridge attack 2017, alleged victims of the bombing of Manchester arena 2017. Three alleged attacks in 2017 which just so happened to be the three hundredth anniversary of the first Freemasonic lodge in London (1717), alleged murder of MP Jo Cox who managed to lose one of her shoes, some alleged victims of the second London Bridge attack in 2019, some of the alleged victims of the Christchurch mosque alleged shootings whose shoes were lying close to what were claimed to be their bodies but looked like crash test dummies and the fact that three different people were used to portray the shooter even though they had significant facial differences. And now there's Trump who can clearly be heard saying to the SS agents "wait, wait, wait let me get my shoes" before he's taken off the stage. How did his shoes happen to come off anyway? It's been claimed they came off when the agents piled on top of him to 'protect' him. If so why is there a photo which allegedly shows one of his shoes still on the stage after he's taken off it and why was he so concerned at getting his shoes back instead of getting to safety? And why was he telling people to "fight, fight, fight" while pumping his fist in the air seconds before being taken away?

I see the January 6th protesters are still in jail after following his instructions and being escorted into the building by police and officials. He could have used his legal team to defend them but chose not to. Three years for trespass?! It's very likely his co-campaign manager is an SS agent. Not much is known about her and she keeps a very low profile. Ron De Santis accused her of ruining his election chances and persuaded Trump to fire her but he took her on again for unexplained reasons. Unexplained to the public that is. But as for the shoes there is clearly some occult significance to all these people being without one or both of them and it usually involves shootings of one kind or another.

Makia Freeman July 22, 2024 - 8:06 pm

I had also noticed the shoes aspect. It's very conspicuous. Something is going on with that, although I don't yet know what.

Tempest July 23, 2024 - 12:38 pm

I'm convinced there's an occult meaning. I think there is even a difference between a person losing one of their shoes and losing both of them. What the meaning is though I don't know. But it's the same with numbers of dates and times. So many of these events occur on dates and times that correspond with the numbers 2, 10, 7, 7/7, 11, 20, 22 which happen at 2pm/involve 2 people on the 2nd/7th/11th month etc. And if we add up the biggest of them all – 9/11 – we get the number 20 and 2 ! There are so many instances of these same numbers cropping up on big staged events.

You mentioned in the video the power of the number 3. Three separate people were used to fake the Christchurch mosque shootings. Only one was the patsy though. Or at least it seems that way. It has to be asked why the New Zealand government tyrannically imposed a 10 year jail term on anyone caught watching the staged event online. 10 years for watching something the MSM had already shown in large part. Senior NZ detectives felt strongly enough that the wrong man was convicted that they commissioned a documentary which had to be made outside the country and made available all their evidence to the maker of the documentary.


Makia Freeman July 23, 2024 - 3:37 pm

Yes, we’ll wait to see what information comes forth on the shoes.

The numbers 13 and 33 are also highly significant for the Secret Societies. Let us remember the great work “King Kill 33” of James Downard on the JFK assassination:

Tempest July 24, 2024 - 3:47 am

Yes also 13 and 33 are very important.

As for the shoes this video shows one of the agents throwing one of the shoes off the stage while the other one is left on it. Why anyone would throw one of the shoes off the stage though is strange especially as though Trump repeatedly asks for his shows. But why is he so concerned about his shoes at that point after he’s narrowly missed being allegedly killed? Unless he understands the significance of shoes being on or off the feet? He appears to be walking down the stage steps without shoes. Is it a bad sign to be without shoes in his/their beliefs when those whose shoe/shoes came off their feet have ended up allegedly dead?


Here he mentions how tight his shoes were but still came off when the agents got him to the ground. But he was already down by his own free will when the shot was heard so this doesn’t make sense. In any case, they declared the shooter was “down” before they let him up so why couldn’t they have retrieved the shoe and let him put them both back on before being walked away? Were they under orders to take his shoes off without understanding why and were just simply following orders? Were other official people told to take off the shoes off the perpetrator and victims in other cases but without understanding why? If this is what happened in the Trump case then it suggests he was not fully in control of the fake attack but someone else was. Who could this be? Did there have to be some hint of humiliation involved for the ‘victim’ in order for the act to be ‘effective’, some sign of vulnerability or submission to a ‘higher’ rule? Being shot by police or an assailant or shielded by the bodies of agents does not blow or knock the shoes off a person’s feet.


Makia Freeman July 23, 2024 - 3:46 pm

Let’s also note the number 13 – this staged assassination attempt was done at 6:13pm on July 13th.

Sharine Borslien July 24, 2024 - 2:28 pm

13 is the black magicians' number referring to the Mastery of Time. They are trying to do a false reset of time in order to gain control over the Divine Creation. I learned this from Bob Schlenker at The Open Scroll. You can find him on Bitchute or on his website. I have been reading/watching his content for several months now and, despite the fact that I am not a biblical literalist, I feel that he has figured out a lot of the Freemason/Luciferian/Satanist stuff.

Tim Kennedy July 25, 2024 - 12:52 pm

"…Divine Creation…"?

Sorry, no…it's a counterfeit. It's an inverted internal projection that is the opposite of Reality, WartWorld doesn't really exist except within a deceived mind. Deceit is The Governing Principle.
The Truth sets us free.

Behold! The World! In all it's "Glory"!

It's not really there as seen from the Greater Undeceived part of The Infinite Creation-Consciousness, what's there is a tiny part that has fell into a Dream of Deceit, what's there is a dead spot, a numb spot that has broken communication with The Greater Whole and dreams a up a nightmare.

They con people into believing this world is something it is not, thereby imprisoning their consciousness/life and using them to sustain a "world" unworthy of The Son of GOD.

"My Kingdom is not of this world, I Am The Truth".

"Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, liars, hyoocites! You won't enter The Kingdom of Heaven(Reality) yourselves, and you prevent those that would from entering it too, by filling and subverting their minds with bullshit".

We cannot return to The Realm of Truth while clinging to any deceit. We cannot bring deceit with us, how can it be otherwise?

Suki49 July 24, 2024 - 9:31 pm

I beIieve that is discussed in this video.


Most peopIe have no idea (because they haven't researched the Q drops) that this is exactIy the pIan, to flip the cabaI's strategies and symboIogy back on them whiIe taking them out. It's aII there for those who have the discipline to read and think

Makia Freeman July 24, 2024 - 9:49 pm

‘Q-Anon’ Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As ‘Operation Trust’

Suki49 July 24, 2024 - 10:55 pm

Except the proofs keep coming. Everything that was put in there has been coming to fruition.
Besides, the DS didn't need Trump to come aIong and alert us about what they're doing, and teII peopIe about the "fake news." (As an activist I knew the 'news" was Iying for many years before, but most peopIe didn't, and you couIdn't teII them and make them beIieve it, either).
They had us right where they wanted us, with the vast majority fast asleep; easy pickings.

Tempest July 26, 2024 - 5:43 pm

OK I understand now you mean QAnon when you say Q drops. In my view QAnon is a deep state psyop designed to manage and control people's justified anger at how the system is purposefully working against them on so many levels. It's all about pacifying people and leading them to believe a 'savior'-like figure (Trump at the moment, but maybe later on someone else) is coming to save them from the power hungry deep state. Its message is basically that you don't need to take any action (you have no real power anyway so don't even bother) because a powerful person/group on the inside is coming to save everyone from the wicked deep state. So just relax and wait for it to happen and all will be well. In this way they neutralize and disperse people's anger and frustrations while maintaining the status quo which is essential to the power of the global controllers.

It is a nice but dangerous fantasy and the truth is that no one is coming riding to the rescue and people are own their own as they always are. Only when enough people become aware of how things really are and unite together will there be any real changes. But the changes will be brought about by people themselves and not by any politician or celebrity.

Suki49 July 24, 2024 - 10:55 pm

Except the proofs keep coming. Everything that was put in there has been coming to fruition.
Besides, the DS didn't need Trump to come aIong and alert us about what they're doing, and teII peopIe about the "fake news." (As an activist I knew the 'news" was Iying for many years before, but most peopIe didn't, and you couIdn't teII them and make them beIieve it, either).
They had us right where they wanted us, with the vast majority fast asleep; easy pickings.

tomonthebayagain July 25, 2024 - 9:29 pm

Oh my, you really have gone off the deep end, suki.

Tempest July 26, 2024 - 2:17 pm

I’m not sure what you mean by Q drops.

tomonthebayagain August 7, 2024 - 5:11 pm

Your level of gullibility is through the roof.

Tempest August 7, 2024 - 8:17 pm

You need to look up the meaning of gullibility. You’re not using the word correctly.

Sharine Borslien July 24, 2024 - 2:24 pm

Makia, I replied to Tempest about the shoes.

tomonthebayagain July 30, 2024 - 2:44 pm

What is wrong with you people? Do any of you have an IQ greater than what can be rolled on a pair of dice???????

Tempest August 7, 2024 - 12:04 pm

Do you actually have a point of any kind?

tomonthebayagain August 7, 2024 - 3:08 pm

The absolute batshit crazy on this site is off the charts.

Tempest August 7, 2024 - 4:45 pm

Then why are you even here?

tomonthebayagain August 7, 2024 - 5:09 pm

Because I felt like it.

Tempest August 7, 2024 - 8:18 pm

Then you’re a moron.

Sharine Borslien July 24, 2024 - 2:23 pm

The shoes have to do with the Freemason/Luciferian practice of removing one's shoes prior to entering the sacred temple. In other words, the stage had been consecrated as a Luciferian temple prior to the event, and Trump's shoes had to come off in order to fulfill the black magic contract.

He was saying "fight, fight, fight" and doing the fist-pump as a call to the demons. Audience members (and I refer here to those who were not paid crisis actors) who are caught up in the spellcasting would likely be possessed by these demons and then go out into the world to do their bidding, fomenting division, spreading lies, and attempting to hypnotize others into the spell. Trump is, after all, their Savior. Mentally giving away one's Rights and Sovereignty to another person is precisely what the black magicians want so that their agenda of deposing the Great Creator can move forward.

Tempest July 24, 2024 - 2:41 pm

I can go along with it being a Luciferian/masonic ritual of removing shoes before entering the temple but am a bit confused why Trump had his shoes on while being on stage if it was consecrated as a temple prior to him getting on to it. Surely having his shoes on would 'dirty' the sacred temple?

Do you know what it means when a person has one shoe off and another person has both shoes off or why Trump walked off the stage without his shoes? Usually those with only one or no shoes on means they have been killed. Allegedly.

Sharine Borslien July 25, 2024 - 1:52 pm

Maybe Trump himself was the actual temple, after the “shooting” occurred, thus he took his shoes off having been “consecrated” during the event.

I do not know what it means regarding one shoe or both shoes on or off, just that there is an actual Freemason/Luciferian ritual procedure.

Tempest July 26, 2024 - 2:21 pm

Yes it could very well be that Trump was the temple himself. He’s probably a Scottish rite Freemason himself.

Sharine Borslien July 24, 2024 - 2:10 pm

Great compilation, Makia. Here are a few of my observations/additions:

First, Mike Huggins of the Substack "Vaccine Reaper Report" has written an article in which he shows that there are at least two different sets of "official" footage of the alleged shooting. This indicates that not only was the event staged, it was also rehearsed, and thus there are a lot of paid crisis actors getting their mortgages and other debts paid off. I'm sure we will see some of them in future disaster footage, as we have in the past.

Second, I looked up "crook" on Etymonline, and this is what is says for the noun:

c. 1200, "hook-shaped instrument or weapon; tool or utensil consisting of or having as an essential component a hook or curved piece of metal," from Old Norse krokr "hook, corner," cognate with Old High German kracho "hooked tool,"

Crooks is a tool, likely "bent" from MK-ULTRA programming.

Third, I noticed that in the Blackrock ad you showed, during the final footage of Crooks, the boy sitting next to him is wearing a black-and-white t-shirt with 66 on it.

Tempest August 7, 2024 - 12:54 pm

I see one of the 'preferred' dates was used in the alleged killing of three young children in England last week which includes two of the favorite numbers: 29th – 2+9=11 1+1=2. And as if by sheer coincidence another favorite number, 7, has appeared in that the inquest into the event opened today, August 7.

Strangely for a genuine event no comment from the parents or their representatives has been made, no comments from their school, school friends or neighbors in the form of condolences for what happened, nothing is known about the parents, no funerals have taken place yet and it is unknown whether the children were declared dead at the scene or in a hospital, and if the latter, the name of the hospital they were taken to. The alleged survivors were taken to a children's hospital which was found guilty of illegally removing and retaining children's organs from the early 80s to the mid 90s.

As for the situation about the shoes, it was a dance party and at least one of the alleged murder victims was wearing ballet pumps so it seems likely the others were too. So not exactly shoes.

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